Why do women wear makeup?



  • mixedfeelings
    mixedfeelings Posts: 904 Member
    aahhh, I'm going to take part but with old photos as I hate my weight gain and refuse to take photos of my face.





    I don't really bother with make-up for work but I do enjoy wearing make-up.
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    I don't get hit on either way, but here ya go:

    Before makeup:

    After makeup:

    I wear makeup because I feel more comfortable and confident in it, although most days it's just some mascara.

    I still call bull**** on the not getting hit on thing.
    It's true!
  • dlyeates
    dlyeates Posts: 875 Member
    I wear minimal make up.....a little blush and some neutral eye shadow with eye liner. Most people really don't notice it because it's so little.

    But the days I don't wear makeup (weekends and non-work days) a LOT of people ask me if I slept well or am I more tired than normal. My chiropractor was very concerned about my sleep one day and my dad also commented on my sleep and I realized that those days were no makeup days. I just look exhausted without a little something.

    I haven't done "full" makeup in a while. I'm just too tired!!! (for real)!!
  • lumina0o0
    lumina0o0 Posts: 498 Member
    I wear make-up when I'm going out somewhere to look more put together.
    no make up:
    make up:
  • Prek2005
    Prek2005 Posts: 58
    I don't wear make-up often, but when I do apply make-up it is to enhance my beauty.
  • rebeccap13
    rebeccap13 Posts: 754 Member
    I don't wear anything more than mascara and a little cover up and that's a rare occasion. I think I look silly with anything more than that on. My last boyfriend preferred when I didn't wear make up.

    Also used to dye my hair. Realized I was covering up not only my mostly dishwater blondish brown hair but also some awesome natural highlight so I stopped doing that too. It's pretty nice not to have another thing to worry about before work in the morning or going out on the weekends.
  • GalaxyDuck
    GalaxyDuck Posts: 406 Member
    I'm 19 years old and have never touched any type of make-up in my life. I don't see the point in making yourself look a certain way when everyone knows you don't naturally look like that. I think you look stunning in the first picture, and fake in the second.

    Talk about an unpopular opinion.

    I share the unpopular opinion! The "look" I like on women who do wear make up tends to be minimal with neutral colors.
  • kaylammurphy
    I wear a lot of different styles and levels of makeup (just see my pic!) BUT I don't do it for girls or guys. I do it for me. I love playing with colors and techniques and shading. It's like I can become an entirely different person, on the outside, anyway, with makeup. Plus, depending on what my makeup is, I can access different elements of my personality. :D
  • KharismaticKayteh
    KharismaticKayteh Posts: 322 Member
    I actually had such a conversation with my boyfriend yesterday. Actually, a bit of an argument, hahaha. Well, the way the discussion went was that he was complaining I didn't tell him I needed to go somewhere soon enough for him to get dressed up decently to go (by "somewhere", I mean Walmart). When I told him he looked fine and he didn't need to worry about, he said something about, "Now you know how I feel about your makeup -- you don't have to wear it to impress me." I told him, "I don't wear makeup to impress you, I wear makeup to express how I want to look."

    Ultimately, yes, eyeliner makes my eyes look bigger and it shrinks my somewhat larger nose in comparison. Yes, it does make me look like I've had more sleep than I have. No, I do not look healthy without makeup, and when even my guy friends who insist women don't need makeup see me, they comment that I look ill, tired, or "like ****" (which is the one I got yesterday)... (he's a good friend, he wasn't saying I was ugly, but that I just looked messed up). Hehehe, I remember I once only wore foundation and concealer, nothing more, and my boyfriend told me how beautiful I looked without any makeup. I told him, "I am wearing more makeup right now than I ever have in my life."

    Anyway, though, it's different for each girl. I wear makeup to look my best for me, not for others.
  • ShmoozyQ
    ShmoozyQ Posts: 390 Member
    A lot of guys like the natural look. A lot of guys don't realize the natural look still includes a *little bit* of make-up for most women, ha.
  • Virginia90
    Virginia90 Posts: 317 Member
    Hmm...The last time I wore makeup was my wedding (almost 4 years ago), and it wasn't very much. I just never could be bothered with it much. I've been thinking about buying makeup, but honestly I think I'd forget to put it on. Lol
  • gatorgirlyyy
    No Makeup = No “Attention”


    Makeup= “Attention”


    I suppose I don't have natural beauty. :(

    Wow! You don't look like the same person!!!

    Yeah... I also lost 40 pounds in between those pictures too.
  • gatorgirlyyy
    No Makeup = No “Attention”


    Makeup= “Attention”


    I suppose I don't have natural beauty. :(

    I think you look beautiful in both...and I'm just saying....I love how you wear your make-up....BUT you look good without it as well

    Thank you. I really appreciate it. :)
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    I still get hit on and I don't wear a lot of make-up. I do up my eyes with a bit of color and mascara and that is it.

    I don't wear cover up, and I don't wear bronzer or blush. I never wear lipstick.
  • AmberJslimsAWAY
    AmberJslimsAWAY Posts: 2,468 Member
    A lot of guys like the natural look. A lot of guys don't realize the natural look still includes a *little bit* of make-up for most women, ha.

    lol EXACTLY!!!
  • Wickedmeowmer
    I dont have pictures, but I wear tinted moisturizer, light eye liner, mascara and bronzer *almost* everyday, definitely to work and when it comes up most people say ' you wear make-up?' - part of me is proud for my naturally made up look and the other part is like 'WTF?!?!" haha.

    Whenever I get really super made up I feel like a drag queen ;)
  • barongaston
    barongaston Posts: 109
    Maybe I am in the minority but I think you look better without. I would actually MUCH rather buy a drink for and often do double take girls without makeup.

    In the end its what ever makes you happy but thats my thought
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    I also kinda realized that I have "work makeup" and "outside of work" makeup. I don't realize that I do it, but I think I wear more makeup to work than outside of work. I went to an event this past weekend where I had my hair down but not styled (although sometimes I wear it to work that way), shorts, and a tank top on, and my "weekend" makeup. I went up to my company's booth at this event (it was a beer festival) and shouted out to a guy I work with to get me some beer. He didn't even recognize me at first, and I see him every day!

    Yesterday he told me that he barely recognized me and said that I looked sooooo much younger in my non-work clothes. So I guess the outfit had something to do with it too, but hey, I'll take it! Perhaps I should wear less makeup all the time, I'm down with looking 21 again!
  • snowhunny
    I don't wear makeup at all. With the exception of maybe twice a year for a special occasion like a wedding or something.
    I get a generous amount of attention without makeup every day. I do make sure my hair is good before I go out, that's what gives me confidence.

    So my answer is more "Why don't I wear makeup" :

    When I wear it, of course get attention, but not the kind of attention I like or appreciate. I find that when I wear makeup, it's the *kitten* and creeps that I get attention from, and I'm perfectly fine without that :bigsmile:
    I also find that I'm treated poorly sometimes when I wear makeup. I have what I would call "B^tchy features" lol. When I don't wear makeup it's not as noticeable and my features look softer, but when I do, my features are enhanced and I feel like I look like a total B^tch (not sure how to explain it exactly, my friends agree I look more unaproachable all made up)

    So I'm happier and have a better time without it!:drinker:
  • mousepaws22
    mousepaws22 Posts: 380 Member
    I hardly ever wear make up- I look crap without it but I don't really think it makes too much difference to be honest. Me and my sister were talking about this the other week- I said you can't polish a turd and she said yes but you can mask the smell!

    I don't really wear it either becasue I'd rather have an extra 10 minutes in bed and I have really greasy skin so make up doesn't last long and I don't want to clog my skin up with anything either.