ginnyntonic Member


  • Yeah I can relate to the rediscovering life after divorce part. Friend request sent!
  • Yeah I've been doing a fast day two or three days a week for the last three or four weeks and I have been honestly surprised how much easier it has gotten. I almost feel a little freaked out by it. I woke up this morning (after a fast day) and wasn't even hungry for breakfast. I kind of felt like, is this how people can…
  • No time to start like the present. It is a big goal but if you stay consistent and keep up with logging, eating well, and exercising you will make a lot of progress. Maybe not as much as you want, maybe more than you planned, but it will absolutely be better than if you had never started. Good luck and you can do it!
  • I have my Fitbit and MFP synced and I have at times thought that it was over estimating calories burned. I do have my activity setting set to sedentary so I thought that might influence it. I'd be curious if it would give me the same calorie bump if I had set my activity to lightly active. I don't usually eat back all of…
  • You got me! Ok I will fess up, I've been slacking. Going for a run tonight though I promise!
  • I am doing more LCHF than Paleo right now since I am eating dairy but I have been counting calories and have been losing at a reasonable rate. I have lost 16 pounds since the beginning of the year. I do find that if I eat as many nuts as I want it slows weight loss down for me. Ditto with alcohol. I recently added…
  • Yeah I was reading about that. Maybe I should switch to tequila instead of bourbon when I want a drink out?
  • That sounds a lot like the Joel Fuhrman Eat To Live philosophy. Also check out The Engine 2 Diet by Rib Esselstyn.
  • three mile hike at a park near by and a legs work out on Fitstar.
  • Hi everyone. Can't afford a gym membership and anyway I hate driving somewhere to workout so I am looking for ways to get fit at home, especially with adding strength training. I've been looking for apps to help out with giving me some programs and so far have really enjoyed the book Body by You and the app by that same…
  • You can get a box of 12 Quest bars from Amazon. They are about $25 and ship free if you have prime membership. They are great for when I am traveling and don't want to eat expensive airport fast food.
  • I've been wondering the same thing.
  • I have had mine since Christmas and I love it. I'd love some more friends if you want to add me as well. //
  • That is awesome! Hope to be able to say the same thing in about 75 more days :-)
  • I was wondering the same thing actually. For my kids we have a tradition of Nov 1st is Candy for Dinner Day where my kids can eat as much as the want that night but then everything disappears after that. I figure one night of excess is recoverable and the excitement of one night without limits makes up for the fact that…
  • I am not funny enough to make up reply but this did remind of a youtube video I saw recently, "**** Paleo People Say" Made me laugh.
  • I have been listening to the audio book and it is pretty good. He puts together a lot of studies that look at all the different ways high carb foods can hurt your brain and high fat foods can help. In particular I didn't realize how dangerous statins could be and I am really convinced by some of the connections he drew…
  • I know right?!?! Four or five years ago when I was dieting and using tons of cardio to lose weight I went to bed hungry all the time and was so short with my kids. Now I am enjoying my food, feeling full, my mood is amazing, and I am still losing weight. I tried a "bullet proof" coffee the other day with a tbs of butter…
  • Farmer's markets are my first choice. I've been able to negotiate lower prices from the farmer if I am buying more. I don't know if there is a Costco near you but it might be worth looking into a membership. They have organic ground beef at a couple dollars a pound less than the grocery store. Of course both of those…
  • I have a pair that I bought after getting all excited reading Born to Run but I can't say that I think they are really worth the money. You can probably get a very similar effect just by wearing a pair of converse or another athletic shoe with a thin sole.
  • I am new to primal eating and just joined the group today as well. Been doing it a few weeks but I love it! I made the switch two weeks ago and so far I am steadily losing weight, never hungry, and and my skin is clearing up. Anyone here is welcome to add me as well.
  • I feel your pain, in fact I was just about tempted to post something very similar. I lost about 40 pounds five years ago and after going through a divorce this past year I now find myself having gained back 30 of it. And this past (admittedly very fun) weekend I find that I have a gained back four of the six I've lost…
  • I have had mind for five years and didn't see any difference in my weight because of it. I was able to lose a lot of weight right after I got it and although I have gained some of it back I am sure it was because of laziness on my part. But I've never been especially sensitive to hormonal birth control other than the depo…