Anyone have Mirena?

I'm curious has anyone been able to lose weight or have trouble losing weight while having a mirena IUD?


  • beth230blue
    beth230blue Posts: 45 Member
    lost 26 lbs.....been at it since January....20 more to go.
  • Dianielle
    Dianielle Posts: 50
    I gained alot of weight when I had Mirena, but I know the body acts differnent with everyone!!!
  • maxybaby8
    maxybaby8 Posts: 17
    only lost 13lbs since feb which is not a lot but have not put any on
  • cjdcmom
    cjdcmom Posts: 28
    only lost 13lbs since feb which is not a lot but have not put any on

    Were you losing weight before the Mirena?
  • gofaulk28
    gofaulk28 Posts: 21 Member
    I have had the Mirena for 4 years (love it!) It has not had any effect on my weight loss, and I did not gain any weight from it.
  • I have it ad don't honestly think it has made any difference to my weight.:smile: Do have other horrid symptoms but mostly good.
  • when i got mine it made me extremely hungry all the time, I gained 50 lbs in a little over a year...ive lost 15 lbs in i think 2 weeks. but i tried dieting about 6 months after i got on it and the harder i tried to more i gained...good luck!
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    I had it before getting pregnant last year. I lost 50 lbs while I had it in.
  • shaydon80
    shaydon80 Posts: 138 Member
    I wasn't trying to lose weight when I had it but I gained A LOT in those 3 years.
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    I'm planning on switching to the Mirena specifically because my weight loss has been non existant on another form of contraception (Depo). My Doctor thinks the mirena is such a low dose that I might finally start losing after switching.
  • AllDayMzAmberJ
    AllDayMzAmberJ Posts: 46 Member
    I've had it since about Jan/Feb and I haven't had any issues. At first, I thought it was my Mirena that stalled my weight loss, but I realized now that it was just me being stalled in my routine (and I wasn't getting much sleep having a new baby around). Now that I am eating better (Weigh my food now), sleeping more, and took up running, the weight seems to be falling off now
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I started having issues with weight the month after I got mine and it's only gotten worse. It's my only complaint about it, but I seriously cannot lose weight now, no matter what I do.

    The website says this is a side effect in fewer than 5% of Mirena users, but it is a side effect of it.
  • lilsaph
    lilsaph Posts: 63 Member
    I'm curious has anyone been able to lose weight or have trouble losing weight while having a mirena IUD?

    I've actually found it easier to lose weight since having mine - but I was previoulsy on the POP (mini) pill and from topics on here it seems that lots of others found it harder to lose weight when on the pill also (though I'm sure it's not the same for everyone) I put on weight when taking the pill for sure and found it much harder to 'shift'!!
  • Mira710
    Mira710 Posts: 194 Member
    I gained weight after going on Mirena, but it was because I ate poorly and didn't exercise. I'm still on it and have had no trouble losing 27 pounds!
  • mommyred35
    mommyred35 Posts: 275 Member
    I as afraid to get it and got pregnant again (4 yo, 20 months, 3 months). I'm done now. Good luck with that
  • morgansmom02
    morgansmom02 Posts: 1,131 Member
    Yep. I have it, but no problem losing weight. I have had it for almost 5 years though. Time to get it replaced at my next appointment.
  • chocolateandpb
    chocolateandpb Posts: 438 Member
    I had it put in about a year and a half ago and I gained weight immediately - like 8 pounds - I couldn't even button the pants I had worn into my appointment to have it placed, and I went from having a totally flat tummy to looking like I was 5 months pregnant.

    I had so many horrendous side effects and was so sick on it (vomiting, fever, huge painful ovarian cysts) that I begged my doctor to remove it. She tried to tell me I was crazy and that all my symptoms were in my head, but I was so disturbed by having this foreign thing in my body I refused to let her talk me out of removing it. I felt better immediately and have not had any cysts since, and I lost the weight I gained and my tummy went back to being flat.
  • josavage
    josavage Posts: 472 Member
    I'm on my second one and it hasn't effected my weight at all. Since 2010 I'm down over 25 pounds.
  • ginnyntonic
    ginnyntonic Posts: 28 Member
    I have had mind for five years and didn't see any difference in my weight because of it. I was able to lose a lot of weight right after I got it and although I have gained some of it back I am sure it was because of laziness on my part. But I've never been especially sensitive to hormonal birth control other than the depo shot. I love my Mirena actually, I'm always recommending it to my friends :-)
  • poodlelaise
    poodlelaise Posts: 149 Member
    I have it. I gained weight in the months after getting it, but I really can't blame it on Mirena, since I was eating way too much and not exercising. Since joining MFP I have been losing at just about exactly the rate I had planned.
  • NelehY
    NelehY Posts: 52 Member
    On my fourth one (over 17 years) - gained a bit of weight at first but no significant difference since.

    Have been losing at a rate that I would expect now - so no issues here.
  • arvanhorn
    arvanhorn Posts: 7 Member
    I lost 40 pounds while on Mirena.
  • karmy09
    karmy09 Posts: 1 Member
    After 5 years I realized Mirena wasn't for me! I constantly tried to lose weight but only 3-5lbs would go. After getting it removed and replacing it with Paragard IUD (does not contain any hormones)...I was able to lose 25-30 lbs with changing my diet and exercising.
  • pixelberry
    pixelberry Posts: 167 Member
    I had it for a year, it made weight loss harder for me, started getting serious back pain & developed a cyst because of it.
  • _Tara_R
    _Tara_R Posts: 688 Member
    I've had mine for a year now. I love it!! It never caused any issues with my weight.
  • allison0820
    allison0820 Posts: 323 Member
    I've had mine for almost 5 years (am about to get a new one next month, sorry TMI)... but I am not sure if I gained alot with it or if I gained alot for another reason.. but in the past 2 years I have lost 41lbs with it still in place.. so IDK... I just know it's soooo much more convienient than any other form of BC... :)
  • spartangirl79
    spartangirl79 Posts: 277 Member
    Do your homework before you get Mirena. It is NOT for everyone. I trusted what my doctor said, and Mirena pretty much ruined my life for 5+ years. It is NOT "localized hormones" -- no such thing. After I got the Mirena I was diagnosed as bipolar (didn't respond to medications, and surprise, now that it's out, I no longer feel "bipolar". I gained almost 45lbs in 3 months after getting it in, could NOT lose it, my hormones went out of whack and are still not normal, I had brain fog and couldn't remember words, NO sex drive, became estrogen dominant, no energy, lost my job because I overslept so often and was so unmotivated/depressed, the list goes on and on. I had recurring ovarian cysts that had to be surgically removed. It was terrible. It might work well for some women, and that's great. It did not work for me. It took me way too long to connect all my symptoms to the Mirena, but once I started reading other women's experiences online, it finally clicked.

    Just editing to note that during this time, I was leading a fitness boot camp program every day, working as a personal trainer, lifting and following a clean eating diet, etc. (I only say this because I noticed others were saying "yeah I gained but it was my own fault" etc. My body fat never budged below 33% despite HARD CORE lifting, interval training, running and following the diet we gave our boot campers to the letter -- had to set an example) My campers melted away around me and I stayed fat. The Mirena was horrible for me.

    Now that the Mirena is out I did lose 10lbs right off the bat, and it has been a year and I am starting to feel normal again. My moods improved within the first few months. Still don't have the energy level I'd like but it's better than it was before. I'm still fighting to lose the weight, and I totally regret getting the damn thing. I still have pain from where one of the cysts I had ruptured and scarred my ovary.

    Not worth it. I'm back on Lo Loestrin FE (after a year without any BC) and the only reason I'm on it is to control endometriosis. I'd rather suffer with the endo than get a Mirena ever again.
  • cnewlin86
    cnewlin86 Posts: 87
    I have had the mirena for 3 1/2 years and i have gained 48lbs. I can't blame it all on the mirena. I haven't ate the healthiest nor have I exercised like I should. When I have put my mind to exercising and eating right I have lost 20lbs. However, I never struggled with weight until I had my son and got the mirena. I always ate what I wanted to without worrying but now I can't do that. So my body changed after childbirth. I'm sure the mirena has contirbuted some but it hasn't been the entire blame for my weight gain. If I can't lose all my weight by working out and eating right, than I might have a different opinion but for right now I have to take quite a bit of my weight blame and put it on myself.
  • Mischelina
    Mischelina Posts: 29 Member
    have lost 32 lbs while on Mirena, with and without exercise. No periods and none of the mood swings that I had when I was on the pill. no problems here.
  • bhajrizi11
    bhajrizi11 Posts: 101
    I had mine about 4 years. Cant really say if it made me gain. After having my daughter I gained about 15 but I know it was because of all the JUNK i was eating. I've lost a little over 30 since I started MFP around January. So I cant really blame the Mirena, just bad habits and the weights dropping now that I'm finally doing something about it

    It shouldnt effect weight loss, at least not for me