zumbagada Member


  • If you have access to hot water at work, I like to have a cup of chai tea with a little bit of half &half and a packet of truvia. If I don't positively need chocolate, that usually does the trick.
  • Bump. I must make this soon.
  • I'm currently in the 180s, but I started this time around 220. I mostly just do Zumba and the elliptical. Zumba is addictive, plus you end up with folks who expect to see you there, so it makes you somewhat accountable. Just remember that you can't outtrain a bad diet.
  • I don't know anything about Hot Hula, but I can tell you I sweat way more in strength training class than in a Zumba class, but my bodybugg says I burn about three times as much in a Zumba class than in a strength class. My bodybugg says I burn more walking than MFP does, but way less at a bunch of other exercises like…
  • Be SUPER careful! and ask you doctor. I have a friend who has been working out for years who tore her ACL and several other tendons doing crossfit this summer, and she's been mostly out of commission in terms of exercise for the last four months. It's really not a beginners' exercise at all. And listen to all the calorie…
  • You can definitely lose weight doing cardio. Although strength training is in very important, and it can increase your metabolism, cardio actually usually burns way more calories than strength training. The only thing I would suggest is that to the extent that you could switch up the cardio you are doing, that could help…
  • Don't worry about getting all your calories back. But you can add some extra healthy calorie dense foods like some almonds or walnuts, some guacamole, or a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
  • This!!! I once went to a doctor for an MRI after rolling a car off a cliff, and severely smashing the nerves in my right hip, and losing the ability to walk properly for three months. And the worthless POS had the nerve to not even look at my chart and tell me that my hip hurt because I was overweight, and maybe I should…
  • I did a cleanse a while back using Thorne Research shakes, and decided to stick to doing a shake for breakfast. I looked into shakeology at one point because a friend had given me a packet and I thought it was pretty decent, and figured it must be cheaper than the medical grade shakes I was drinking. Of course I was…
  • If your back size is a 36 or bigger, I highly recommend you check out Lane Bryant/ Cacique. I've finally shrunk out of Lane Bryant's clothing, but I will be buying their bras until my band size drops below 36. They're sort of spectacular and reasonably priced, especially if you go during their semi-annual sale when it's…
  • It is better to eat non-organic fruits and vegetables than not have them at all. If you are looking to do some but not all organic, you're probably best off focusing on meat and dairy (because of the hormones) and trying to buy fruits and veggies that don't absorb a huge amount of pesticides. Check out the EWG's list of…
  • Protein shakes made with unsweetened almond milk and some low glyceimic fruit (and some spinach if you're being really good). I make a shake the night before and put it in the fridge. Stir up in the morning and then I drink it in the car on the way to work.
  • Ok. This is the first challenge I'm doing. CW: 193 Goal for the challenge: 175. UGW: 145-150 I'm pretty good about cardio. My goal is to make sure to get in some strength training, by doing body shaping class once a week and kickbox intervals 1-2 times a week.
  • If you have a sensitivity to dairy, take it out for two weeks and see if you feel better. You don't have to be full-on lactose intolerant to have a sensitivity. But if you don't have a sensitivity to it, I don't see a good reason to eliminate the best source of calcium and vitamin D, and pure yummyness.
  • For normal bras - Lane Bryant's Cacique line - but forewarning their smallest back size is 36. For sports bras - Moving Comfort - Fiona
  • Based on your ticker, that 4 pounds is almost 20% of what you are aiming to lose. Sometimes you just need to admit that what you are doing is just acting like a normal healthy person, not dieting. If it takes a longer time than you'd like, it takes a longer time. I'm a few years younger than you with about 3x as much to…
  • It really depends on what works for you. I weigh every day (studies show that most people who have lost over 100 lbs and keep it off more than two years weigh every day). But I only record my weight on Monday mornings. I know full well that there will be fluctuations, and it may be entirely possible that my record date is…
  • I've never done one of these before. CW: 199.8 4/1 GW: 191 Let's see what happens.
  • Many reputable doctors require you to lose 10% of your body weight on your own before they will even do the surgery so that you understand what it's like to eat a healthy amount of food. If you are able to take off 10% of your body weight by diet and some exercise, I would wager that if you are actually debating the…
  • It really depends on your feet and the way you run. Some shoes are better if you overpronate, others if you underprontate, others if you have a neutral gait. If you have a running store close to you, I would go there and have them test you. They should be able to look at your feet and your gait, and give you a few good…
  • I think a lot of it comes down to whether you are hungry or not. If you've worked out and built up a lot of extra calories, and are hungry, you should eat healthy food until you are no longer hungry. Don't be trying to eat a bunch of junk to make sure you meet your calorie target. If you've worked out, and are not at all…
  • How do you change your macros? For some reason, MFP has set me up with more than 3x as many carbs as proteins, and that sounds way too carb heavy for me. How do you figure out what a good macro ratio is?