castaliavt Member


  • Bring a water bottle with you. I had to take almost constant sips of water afterwards. I have no idea why, but if I wasn't sipping water, my throat hurt ten times worse and felt like it was swelling up. I ate a lot of cream of wheat during the first week. It was smooth and filled me up enough and was nice and warm going…
  • Honestly, the only thing that works if my sugar cravings start to get strong is to cut out all added sugars. It sucks, but after a few days, you won't crave sweets anymore. I still eat fruit, but no added sugar. I did this for a month and then added a little sugar back in here and there. If I start getting all day sugar…
  • awesome! I'm on day 4 of 30 DS, so your pics are well timed and very motivating!!
  • We've got: lettuce, swiss chard, peas, beans, basil, broccoli, cauliflower, cocktail and cherry tomatoes, zucchini so far. I have everything but the beans and zucchini planted - hope to get those in today. I help my FIL garden too - he's got winter squash, onions, garlic, blueberries, raspberries, corn and I'm sure I'm…
  • I'm 5'3" and my goal is 130. I'll see how I feel when I get there. I may be happier at 135 or 125.
  • Anything in particular you're looking to try? Or that you like to eat? My husband and I made the switch to mostly organic (dirty dozen, meat, eggs, dairy) about 10 years ago. If you're looking to switch to organic foods, you can just get the same stuff you've always gotten but in organic versions. Newmans even makes…
    in Organic Comment by castaliavt May 2012
  • This is hard because most of the fruits/veggies we buy are seasonal. So my winter/spring foods are a fair bit different from summer and fall. but here's what I've been eating a lot of recently - in no particular order. 1 - broccoli 2 - cauliflower 3 - greek yogurt 4 - eggs 5- dark chocolate 6 - cottage cheese 7 - oranges 8…
  • My two go to tofu uses: use it in place of ground turkey/beef. I put a little olive oil to coat the bottom of my skillet and then use the potato masher on the tofu to crumble it up small like ground turkey. Italian seasonings, red pepper flakes and a little fennel seed make it taste like sausage and is a great addition to…
    in Tofu! Comment by castaliavt April 2012
  • Here's what I bought today: tomatoes red grapes bell peppers cauliflower broccoli bananas cilantro limes red onion lettuce organic chicken breast organic ground turkey extra firm tofu bag of black beans bag of pinto beans frozen strawberries frozen mangos large container of plain greek yogurt whole wheat tortillas larabars…
  • Healthy choice makes some that seem to be a bit lower in sodium and use "real" ingredients - I can't remember what line they are, but they're under the Healthy Choice brand. I like Amy's burritos in a pinch too. They're basically a whole wheat tortilla, beans, veggies and cheese. Less than 300 and more filling than the…
  • I just use a regular $20 blender. Oster. If I ever have a lot of extra money burning a hole in my pocket, I'll buy a vitamix. Those can blend anything! But my Oster does a great job for smoothies and I can even make almond milk with it.
  • Think about it this way - you've averaged 3.4 lbs a week. When you lose a lot one week, your body needs some time to adjust and you can level out for a time before losing more. I lost 1.5 a couple of weeks ago and then nothing for the past 2. i peeked this morning and I'm down .5, but my official weigh in day is Thursday,…
  • It doesn't work for everyone even WHEN they're accurately logging everything. I log every single bite I eat and use a food scale.
  • It doesn't work for me. I will gain weight if I eat over 1600 calories regularly. I can maintain between 1400-1600 and I'll lose if I'm under 1400. So I try to keep under 1400 and work out. Before I started trying to lose weight, I just logged my food for a couple of weeks, eating what I normally ate. I was between…
  • I use the recipe calculator a lot. Don't bother making it public, that way you won't have to deal with writing out instructions or anything. You can input whatever you want for serving sizes. I probably am up to about 25 recipes now! Then when you log your food, just click on your recipe tab and you can add it to your…
  • I drink a ton of water, so I don't bother. I did at first, but it was just one more thing to log and I was never under 9 glasses. I love water. :-)
  • I gained 30 pounds on depo and it totally messed with my hormones. It was not due to over eating. I was on weight watchers and counting points like crazy and working out 6 days a week.
  • Just sent you a friend request. I know it goes against what 90% of people on here say, but I can't lose weight if I eat more than 1500 calories no matter how much I exercise. More than 1700 or so and I will slowly gain weight. I think everyone's bodies are different and for me, I needed to really play around with my…
  • I agree with that. Double yolks are usually smaller, so there won't be too many extra calories. I wouldn't worry about it.
  • I think you are eating too many empty calories - coco pops don't really have anything nutritionally going for them. Maybe switch those for an egg and some fruit or some oatmeal with some chopped walnuts or something. You also might be light on protein. Try to have some with each meal and make sure you're getting all your…
  • I'm 5'3" and when I was 125-130, I was in a size 0 or 2.
  • If you guys are living and paying bills together, come up with a food budget first and then figure out meals around it. We budget and I meal plan, but we're not eating the same thing every night (or every week). One thing that helped me was to write down on notecards, or wherever really, all the dinners you like. See how…
  • I stopped tracking sugar after I went over every day because of plain greek yogurt and fruit. They're both healthy and I don't have high blood sugar, so I stopped tracking sugar.
  • Keep an eye out on your local craigslist. We got a nice norditrack autostrider for $90 last fall. Works great and cost a fraction of a new elliptical.
  • I try to write everything down before I eat it. Helps me to think before I eat.
  • Maybe try to increase your calories by 10% every couple of weeks. If you normally have 1 cup of pasta, have 1 1/4 cups. Or top a taco with a few slices of avocado in addition to what you normally have. Every couple of weeks, add in another 10% until you start gaining slowly. Good luck!
  • I got mine yesterday and really like it so far. I'm realizing that even thought I work out and thought I was pretty active, that I can definitely use a little work in that area. I like the sleep tracking function too.