ehhh month now of NO weight loss

I hate the plateaus that our bodies do, and I dont even think I am really at a plateau. I have been changing my calories and exercise programs constantly in the hope I would find my groove, but nothing yet. I have lost 17 pounds since Feb 1 but nothing the last several weeks.

I workout 4-5 times a week, do 30ds everyday (just starting this), eat 2000 calories a day(went up from 1600 to see if that helps) and try to eat mostly fruits and veggies, lower on the carbs.

I know weight loss is not a true science, its just eat less, move more, and work your body. I just want the weight to come off so bad. I think I am going to start moving a lot more throughout the day and workout harder to push my body. I would love suggestions though on things that worked for you or if you are going through this same thing. I am hoping the challenge I put together for next month will help as well (April Challenge) of 40 hours of working out. Would love new friends and any suggestions!


  • castaliavt
    castaliavt Posts: 84 Member
    Just sent you a friend request.

    I know it goes against what 90% of people on here say, but I can't lose weight if I eat more than 1500 calories no matter how much I exercise. More than 1700 or so and I will slowly gain weight. I think everyone's bodies are different and for me, I needed to really play around with my calorie intake to see what works for me. After I had my son, I spent the next 3 1/2 years losing and gaining the same 5lbs by eating 1500-1800 calories a day. Oh and when I was on the pill, weight stuck on me like glue!
  • norzip
    norzip Posts: 173 Member
    I have been the same way. It gets very frustrating. But I am on level two of 30DS and i can finally see the inches going but my weight is still not changing. I am just going to ignor the scaled for a while too. I can't keep looking at it or I will give up all this hard work I am doing. Hide the scale!!! We can weight in May 1st after our 40 hours of exercise and see what happens. We can do this it will all work in the end somehow!!! :wink:
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Have you been tracking your progress in other ways? Measurements, photos, how clothes fit?
  • lae1227
    lae1227 Posts: 30
    Just curious if you've taken your measurements. Just because you're not losing on the scale doesn't mean your body isn't getting smaller!!
  • sooznd
    sooznd Posts: 5
    I'm having to do LC because my body just won't handle carbs. More than 35 a day and I gain! Even so, I keep moving back and forth over the same weight within a pound up and down over a two week period this time. That broke through after a month of 5 lbs heavier than this. My measurements have continued downward slowly and steadily, but I really want the pounds to go away!

    My exercise goal for now is 30 min/day for 5 days a week. That's an improvement from my former style of maybe once a week.
  • sooznd
    sooznd Posts: 5
    I just went to look at my reports showing inches, and that was encouraging, especially looking at the 30 day report.
  • rebeccap13
    rebeccap13 Posts: 754 Member
    You might be seeing a loss in inches as others mentioned. In the past month I have lost only a couple lbs but I dropped a jeans size. Also, if you're not already, I highly recommend using a food scale to measure everything you eat. And I also recommend getting a heart rate monitor to use during cardio exercises to determine your cals burned. People often underestimate how many cals they are eating and also overestimate how many cals they are burning.
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    I am not a heavy exerciser like you and have really tweaked my diet. I eat my recommended calories and my exercise calories. For the most part I eat mainly whole foods and only small amounts of animal products. Still slip up now and then, but when I switched to this style of eating I had 10 pounds to lose. The first 7 of those came right off! So IMO some diet recommendations that you might consider are to cut way back on your sodium. Your diet the day before had over 3200 mg. That is more than double the current recommended limit of 1500 per day. Your packaged cheeses, dips, and bread products may not be doing you any good there. Plus they have "other" ingredients or chemicals. Go heavily on veggies, and I mean heavy! 2+ cups of them at every meal. Check out my food diaries if you want to see what I mean. I make a morning chocolate smoothie that even has 6 oz of greens in it Best of luck to you!
  • Jamie65toloose
    Jamie65toloose Posts: 164 Member
    Thanks everyone. I have taken some photos and I do measurements once a month. Last month though I only lost 1 inch. I think I will take a month off from the scale, eat mostly veggies and fruits, and exercise like crazy. Its just a game to see what works best. When I went vegan, I lost 50 pounds in 9 months and never really struggled with it. I did fish like once or twice a week so maybe I ened to lean off the cheese and do more veggies. Thanks for all the advice, friend requests, and responses.
  • 70davis
    70davis Posts: 348 Member