Typical day - my meals- help!

This is a typical day of eating for me, can you advise what you think of it?

Morning - co co pops
Lunch - chicken salad with 1 wrap - I fill the wrap with salad
Snacks - freddo choc or muller light yoghurt or low fac crisp - I only allow my self 1 of them
Tea - rice,chicken and veg
Drinks - water and every other day a diet coke ( Pepsi Max)

I would like to know what other peoples opions are so I can see where and if I am goig wroung. I genrally stay within my 1200 calories and if I dont its earnt back by exercise.


  • HMD7703
    HMD7703 Posts: 761 Member
    Sounds like you are not eating enough. Well, enough of the good stuff.

    Maybe change the morning routine from cereal to something healthy.
    Breakfast - Oats, protein shake etc
    Mid morning snack - fresh veg
    Lunch - healthy protein, veg, grain
    Snack - yogurt, grains etc
    Dinner - lean protein, whole grain snack, veg etc
  • castaliavt
    castaliavt Posts: 84 Member
    I think you are eating too many empty calories - coco pops don't really have anything nutritionally going for them. Maybe switch those for an egg and some fruit or some oatmeal with some chopped walnuts or something.

    You also might be light on protein. Try to have some with each meal and make sure you're getting all your fruits and veggies in.

    Instead of a light yogurt, try a plain greek yogurt with berries. It'll fill you up more and greek yogurt has lots of protein.

    hope that helps!
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I think you are eating too many empty calories - coco pops don't really have anything nutritionally going for them. Maybe switch those for an egg and some fruit or some oatmeal with some chopped walnuts or something.

    You also might be light on protein. Try to have some with each meal and make sure you're getting all your fruits and veggies in.

    Instead of a light yogurt, try a plain greek yogurt with berries. It'll fill you up more and greek yogurt has lots of protein.

    hope that helps!

    I agree with all of this. Breakfast looks especially bad. That is a bowl full of sugar and zero nutrition, except for maybe the vitamins it is likely fortified with. I like a combo of protein and carbs in the morning to keep me full. Good breakfast ideas to keep you full:

    Oatmeal with any add-ins you like (fruit, nuts, peanut butter, pumpkin puree, for sweetness a little maple syrup is awesome)

    Whole grain toast with nut butter

    Eggs and whole grain toast

    Omelet loaded with vegetables of your choice and little cheese, or skip the cheese and scramble veg into your egg

    Whole wheat wrap with egg and salsa and a little cheese