

  • I love walking with Leslie. I have about 6 of her DVDs now and I rotate through them depending on my mood. They're great! There's a Leslie group on here as well, I don't know if you've seen it but it's here: Happy walking! :)
  • Starting at 251 lbs. I feel like I've been in the 250s forever, I can't wait to break through and see some lower numbers!!
  • I'm 5'5" and started off around 290lbs with size 22 pants and just on the tight side of 2X tops. (I was buying the odd 3X top here and there, but I was totally in denial.) I'm around 250lbs now and am a size 18-ish in pants, depending on the brand. And I bought some 1X tops (and a jacket!!) just this weekend. My pant size…
  • So, my last "official" weigh in on the site was back at the end of November. And then I really fell off the wagon in December with all the Christmas parties and what have you. When I stepped back on the scale at the beginning of January, I was up nearly 6 pounds. I finally got my act together this past week and a half and…
  • Okay, I'm coming back after a fall slump. I need to get back into regularly exercising, so I'm going to start by committing to walking on the weekends first and then adding in weekday walks as that becomes routine. January Goal: 25 miles Current Total: 18 miles Remaining: 7 miles I've been doing the 3 Mega Miles…
  • Did some outdoor miles today. It's beautiful outside. Miles So Far: 12 September Goal: 25 Miles Remaining: 13
  • So after being wiped out all week from work and then just being plain lazy yesterday, I challenged myself to complete the 5 Mile Fat Burning Walk. And guess what? I DID IT! I've never done a 5 miler before. Phew! Miles So Far: 10 September Goal: 25 Miles Remaining: 15
  • Woo-hoo. I might have to up my goal at this rate... but let's not jinx it yet! Miles So Far: 5 September Goal: 25 Miles Remaining: 20
  • I'm in again! I didn't quite make my goal last month, but I'm starting this month off right! Miles So Far: 2 September Goal: 25 Miles Remaining: 23
  • 3 more miles today. Wow. Feeling good! Miles So Far: 17 August Goal: 25 Miles Remaining: 8
  • Just got my new (well, new to me!) Leslie DVD in the mail the other day. So I gave it a shot and did 3 miles off the 5 Mile Fat Burning Walk! Wow, that "boosted walking" sure gets me huffing and puffing! Miles So Far: 14 August Goal: 25 Miles Remaining: 11
  • Phew. Challenged myself to 3 miles with the Ultimate 5 Day Walk Plan today. I usually only do 2 miles... but actually 3 wasn't as hard as I was anticipating. Go me! :smile: Miles So Far: 11 August Goal: 25 Miles Remaining: 14
  • Thanks for the welcome princessf1 and texasgardnr! I just finished 2 miles tonight from the Ultimate 5 Day Walk Plan. Phew, I don't know if I've ever gone that hard before. Feels good! Miles So Far: 8 August Goal: 25 Miles Remaining: 17
  • Hey everyone! I'm brand new to this group... I was excited when I found it! I really enjoy Leslie and her DVDs. So, I went on vacation at the beginning of August and sort of completely fell off the exercise train. Oops! But I'm back now and ready to kick my own butt! Here we go! Miles So Far: 6 August Goal: 25 Miles…
  • There's the awesome locally owned/operated ice cream shop in town. Like Dairy Queen but better! And they've been open for the season since March--and I've only been once! This is kind of a huge deal considering I used to be able to talk myself into going like, nearly once a week last summer. Woo-hoo, willpower!
  • My parents came over for dinner tonight and while it was cooking I put out some snacks. And instead of chowing down on chips (which is pretty normal), I had fresh fruit instead! Mmm, strawberries and cherries.
  • I didn't feel like working out today, but then I read every post on this board and was super motivated to do an evening work out! So I did! And guess what? It's the work out routine that usually kicks my butt. And I'm sweating, sure, but no where near as badly as I was last time I did it (on Sunday)! Woo-hoo! Thanks for…