ccano Member


  • I wish someone could just give me a list of things TO eat, lol. Thanks so much for the advice!!
  • I have lost 17 lbs, down to 128. I am 5'8", so my BMI is at 19.5. I'm just confused why my lower tummy area is being so stubborn. Do I really need to lose more weight? I just seem to have that bump. It's not huge or anything, it's just...there...and it's driving me nuts. What do I need to do to flatten it? Urgh!
  • I LOVE Carrie, and IMO the biggest talent to come from Idol. She is so deserving of having won the show, not to mention all of her accomplishments since then! I saw her in concert last year. She's amazing!
  • Born in California, raised in North Carolina. Military brat and now wife.
  • In 10 years, I hope my husband and I are living comfortably with our successful photography career. I hope by then we will have traveled to lots of neat places, but I will be 32 so I hope I at least have a toddler running around. Oh, and I want to be the HOT MOM/WIFE for my hubby so I'm going to be maintaining this healthy…
  • Don't let your husband bring home that kind of stuff anymore. And if he does, make him eat it. I can foresee this type of problem with my husband when he gets home from Iraq. He doesn't really understand why I have to diet the way I do, because he can eat anything and still be tiny. But he's just going to have to get used…
  • Ok, so didn't take me long to reach my goal weight. I'm actually under it now. And today I tried on a pair of shorts I've been holding onto for about 3 years. They FINALLY fit again, albeit they are a little snug. Still, I can put them on, zip them up, and button them. WOW. I'm excited!!!! Now it's time for the…
  • I think it's nice though when people have enough tact to put some thought into what they're wearing to a wedding. I know it's not a huge deal, but it's nice that some people think this way.
  • I think the fact that it's a mid-afternoon wedding makes the skirt even more appropriate.
  • I figure Adam appeals to the same crowd that is fanatical over that Twilight movie. Never really been my thing. I like country music and the bluesy/folksy artists like John Mayer and Jason Mraz, and I like to throw in some pop/hip hop. Which is probably why I like the contestants that I do - Chris, Matt, Lil Rounds! :)…
  • Yeah, that is completely appropriate! And I think that whole "black at a wedding" faux pas is a little outdated. My bridesmaids will be wearing black. :) In fact, our colors are black and white with touches of red.
  • See, I was kinda on the fence about Adam Lambert. But he's really starting to come off as arrogant when he performs and when he's being interviewed. I don't like that. He's forgetting he's just a contestant on the show, he hasn't won and he certainly hasn't sold millions of records yet. Danny seemed nervous this week for…
  • Did you see the photos of Megan before she became a blonde? Oh my gosh, she was an absolutely GORGEOUS brunette. She should've kept the natural hair and become a model.
  • You're probably talking about Chris. Matt was the last contestant on piano. Chris sang "To Make You Feel My Love" and he was sitting on a stool. He is a cutie and I loved his rendition of that song. He showed amazing control of his voice. And I could totally tell he was singing it from his heart (he's a newlywed). He's…
  • I didn't know it was St Patrick's Day until this afternoon. I don't ever really celebrate this holiday. But my husband is gone, so I don't celebrate much of anything. I'm pathetic. lol
  • Megan. She is incredibly awkward. Beautiful, but awkward. I give her props because she had the flu, but I still don't really care for her.
  • You're right. But they did have disorders back then. They just didn't know that's what they were. And in extreme cases they would lock them up in asylums and pretend those "crazies" didn't exist. Sorry, psych major here. :laugh: But no, I get the point of your thread. Thanks for posting it.
  • Ok, I'm lovin' Chris and Matt. I think the criticism of Lil Rounds was a LITTLE (ha, I'm clever) too harsh. Alexis and Megan were forgettable. Anoop did SO MUCH better. Adam Lambert...I didn't mind him until tonight, not because I'm some snot who thinks he should have left the arrangement of a Johnny Cash song as is...but…
  • Thanks guys. Maybe it's not bronchitis then. The worst of it only lasted 2-3 days and I'm getting better everyday. I'm not 100% better yet...but close. And yeah it went from nearly 80 degrees last weekend to 40 degrees within a few days.
  • Cracked me up!! Thanks for posting, haha.
  • I'm so frustrated. My little sister brought home what I can only guess is bronchitis. She and my mom have been sick for awhile. I finally caught the bug last Monday night when I started very light coughing. Tuesday morning I woke up and it was on. Fever, headache, achey body, a little bit of nasal congestion but not too…
  • August! End of August...the 20th. :) I see you're in NC as well! I'm over here on the coast though. Trying to break into the wedding photography business here. I would love to photograph a wedding in the mountains though. How gorgeous would that be.
  • Whoo! 86! :) Can you believe 23 is approaching? Kinda weird...haha.
  • I agree with you. I am young (22) and married and fully admit I have a lot to learn. I'll probably still have a lot to learn when I'm 50. :) But my husband and I take marriage very seriously. It's kind of funny because we never had to have an at-length discussion about our values regarding marriage. Whenever it was brought…
  • I suppose it's okay though. The glory is in the gold band he wears in front of them every single day. :) My civilian boss told me at one point that work romances never last. At some point after we got engaged my hubby came home and told me that my former boss congratulated him on our engagement. Mhm. haha I realize I might…
  • lol! Yeah, it is drama-filled, for sure. It sucks because I've been waiting for the day he gets promoted. Because when he does, he can choose the two people who get to pin the new rank on his uniform in the promotion ceremony. I have been patiently waiting for the day I can stand in front of our naysayers and pin that bad…
  • My husband's family has some problems with money. His mom and older sister strongly encouraged him and his brother to join the military. I know my husband felt like he had to go so that he'd lift a little bit of that financial burden off of his parents' shoulders. The same goes for his brother, who joined the Navy. (It…
  • I know you said you couldn't give me advice, but your second paragraph is a huge help. What you wrote sounds very similar to what my husband says. This deployment thing is proving to be quite an experience. A life-changing one. A relationship-changing one. I know it's still so early on in the deployment, but I can sense…
  • Thank you for everything you said. I think I'll be trying my best to keep my little vents off this forum. I'm usually fine within 24 hours and feeling kinda like a tard for writing anything here. :laugh: Your Christmas present story is so funny! On our first Christmas, my husband and I had only been dating for two months.…
  • No, I don't think it's harsh. If she was married to the guy, then I could see talking it over and "working through it." Why waste the time and energy when she still has the very easy option to leave? Things like this have the markings of a long-term, ongoing problem. He's not just going to stop. And the fact that he's…
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