jhorenc Member


  • ^^^ totally agree! planning your meals and snacks does help...I notice if I don't plan my meals ahead of time I go and buy foods that aren't always the best choices...also keep the non-healthy foods/snack out of sight, if you see it near you or it's easy access you are more likely to eat it. out of sight out of mind =)
  • Amazing! WTG!!
  • I looooove Nip/Tuck, it's addicting and honestly the only time I really looked forward to watching tv never missed an episode! I was sad when they decided to end it =(
  • yes, cardio, weightlifting and strength training & plyometric training does the trick! I like to break down my workouts where I do cardio 5x a week, weightlifts 3x a week and I've seen results with my cross-training schedule (but every persons body is different) i have the same problem with my mid-section my stomach is…
  • It's best to weigh in first thing in the morning upon waking up :)
  • Way to Go! I did the same thing where I posted a before and after pic of myself side by side and you really do see the difference just by staring at the picture I guess if we constantly look at ourselves in the mirror we don't really take much notice unless we weigh ourselves on the scale or just by how our clothes fit...…
  • Good job! And pictures don't lie =)
  • Yes download the free app once u get an iPhone, I'm practically glued to mine and it's perfect for on the go and dining out you can easily input your foods on your diary
  • I drink 5oz organic or fat-free milk mixed with my protein shake for breakfast and dinner it's help me with my weight loss (but I used the protein shake as a meal replacement)
  • oooh, I might have to try this out for I am a NOODLE lover! anything noodle dish i'll eat and if it's good for you then even better =)
  • I don't see any harm in running a full 3 miles, I actually entered a 5k race with only 2 months to train for, I ran 3 miles the day before my race and I was able to keep my pace @ 10min avg per mile the whole marathon ---and at that time I wasn't into running...good luck to you!
  • I like to weigh myself once a week usually on a Friday ( just to see how well you did throughout the week) and it's best to weigh yourself first thing in the morning :)
  • instead of a brownie, why not have a Protein Shake in chocolate flavor, BSN Lean Dessert in chocolate pudding = best tasting protein shake ever. to me it satisfies my craving for somethng sweet :smile:
  • instead of a brownie, why not have a Protein Shake in chocolate flavor, BSN Lean Dessert in chocolate pudding = best tasting protein shake ever. to me it satisfies my craving for somethng sweet :smile:
  • my arms, or when my collarbones start to really show and waistline though I wish my mid section would forever remain FLAT!
  • I'm currently reading "the ABs Diet for Women" it's gotten a lot of great reviews and has helped me through my diet and exercise plan =)