diet & nutrition books??

Has anyone looked into or read any of the books about fat burning foods in the right mixes. I know I have heard of The Diet Solution and The Fat-Burning Furnace. Anyone using any of these methods with success? Anyone care to share their tips? Etc...


  • jhorenc
    jhorenc Posts: 16 Member
    I'm currently reading "the ABs Diet for Women" it's gotten a lot of great reviews and has helped me through my diet and exercise plan =)
  • jameskirkbride
    I have read a few of these kind of things like the ABs Diet & GI Diet, I think all of these 'methods' have one fundemental flaw! that is they are kind of temporary! you will loose weight short term, but there is very little chance of sticking to it strictly for any serious term ... & as we know once you stop with these things, Back to square one!

    in my experiance DIETS never work!! by going 'on a diet' from day 1 you are saying it is a temporary measure. you have to accept whatever you do, has to be a permenant lifestyle change ... so make it easy and don't put too many restrictions in the way. Just be aware of what you eat & be a bit more sensible with the way you fuel your body!

    Hope this helps?