Should I run a full 3 miles before my 5K?

I will be running my first 5K on Sunday. I'm excited and nervous. I plan on taking Saturday off from all work outs. My question is should I run a full 3 miles tomorrow or should I cut it back? I've never been a runner so I'm not sure what to do. Any help would be awesome. Thanks!


  • Beebee78
    Beebee78 Posts: 703
    Do you normally train every other day with a run like this? If you do and wouldn't feel worn out or over stretched afterwards then I can't see it hurting xxx
  • gingajoy
    I'd personally keep it light tomorrow. Maybe run 1.5 to 2 miles? But it depends if you've run 3 miles comfortably before (I had only got up to 2.5 at my first 3miles/5k. Adrenalin easily got me through).

    I'm sure there's not a clear answer on this one, but if 3 miles feels a real challenge maybe save that challenge for Sunday:-). Enjoy and good luck!!!!
  • jhorenc
    jhorenc Posts: 16 Member
    I don't see any harm in running a full 3 miles, I actually entered a 5k race with only 2 months to train for, I ran 3 miles the day before my race and I was able to keep my pace @ 10min avg per mile the whole marathon ---and at that time I wasn't into running...good luck to you!
  • Suedre
    Suedre Posts: 435 Member
    The first time I successfully and easily ran three miles I was really well rested. I would lay low today and tomorrow ( maybe a 20 minute run today and none tomorrow) and go for it on Sunday. Just being there you will get at least .5 miles for free because of all the excitement. Good luck, can't wait to hear how it went!
  • brittanydaniel79
    I have no idea--and sorry I'm of no help on this one. But congrats on entering the race though! I think you'll do may even surprise yourself at how well you do. Good luck!