

  • Haha, I seriously doubt it. :P
  • I wouldn't ask her to loose weight, maybe ask her if she'll join you at the gym // for some work outs? Asking her to loose weight for your wedding, while you want it to be perfect, would probably REALLY hurt her feelings, and ruin parts of your wedding in the end.
  • My english teacher used to make us do this activity every day ... we had small journals, and for 10 minutes at the beginning of every class we would just write down whatever came to mind, no matter what it was - I ended up drawing most of the time ... @_@ I miss that teacher ... he was really cool, and I got to talk to him…
  • Nautical.
  • A lesson I didn't even have to learn from my husband's brother (this is just common sense, haha): He was in Pakistan (Marines), and I guess he really just couldn't take the pressure, so he basically told his CO that he'd like to kill her. >> Yeah ... didn't go over so well.
  • My ex had a cat who LOVED running between my legs while I was working out in the living room. I had to start shutting her in a different room, and he hated it because she was sooooo unhappy and would howl and bat at the door the whole time, haha. I didn't care ... I just didn't want to kick the poor thing, but she was…
  • Popcorn and sugar free pudding cups. >>
  • If I lay on the floor, my bully walks on top of me, sits down on me, or starts eating my hair. xD
  • I wish I could take Peach on long walks, and when it's real cool out I can take her on ~longer~ walks than usual, but even then I can't take her too far. Bullies just aren't active pups. xD She'll play for FOREVER when we're inside, but once we're out in the elements, she overheats real fast. @ tn2010: She'll do that to me…
  • I used to not be able to get up before I started taking the pill, but afterwards and my cramps were basically knocked all the way out of the picture (they used to be so bad, and my flow so heavy, I used to have to go to the ER sometimes because of pain and blood loss, and I'd faint a lot, *sighs*), so when my gym teacher…
  • That's what I was thinking. :] And thank you. :]
  • I hear so many different things from different people // trainers, sites, and tv shows, it's so confusing! It makes me think that there really isn't a "right" way. When I was in high school (only about 6 years ago) they always had us run or jog first, then do strength.
  • Well, just between the goals I've set, I'm supposed to be loosing 1lb per week, which is alright. My PERSONAL goal, without the site's help, is 2-3lbs a week. Depending on your current weight, you could loose 5-10lbs a week. Heavier people tend to loose more weight a week, depending on their efforts.
  • NEVER skip breakfast. If there's nothing healthy for you to eat, just eat smaller portions.
  • I don't think you are! But does it matter? You work out a lot, right? Your body needs more fuel than the rest of ours do. xD
  • 1) New shoes (which you already mentioned). 2) Gels! They really help tone the impact down.
  • As long as you're consuming a healthy amount of calories, you're fine. Going a bit under or over isn't a problem, and since you're still loosing, it sounds like you're doing alright. :] It just sounds to me like you're doing something right! And there's no point in eating more if you're full. <3
  • In order to loose weight, you need to burn more calories than you eat in a day, and this is a LOT easier to do when you 1200 a day (which IS a healthy number) and up to about between 1500-1800. Eating over 2000 a day is going to make it harder to lose weight, and will make it more likely that you'll either end up with more…
  • It's hard to get started on things like that. xD Good luck, though. I heard it's a good program. :]
  • I've never really tracked my calorie intake before, and once I started doing it, I realized that I usually fall short ... sometimes REALLY short of 1200. I'm simply just not a hungry person. D:
  • Welcome to the club. xD Welcome to the site, too. :]
    in HELLO Comment by xxgoriexx July 2010
  • It's a beautiful day today.