Hard time eating all 1200 calories daily



  • lizzys
    lizzys Posts: 841 Member
    120 is my goal
    1400-1600 to maintain
  • xxgoriexx
    xxgoriexx Posts: 39
    You guys eating 1200 calories a day??? WHY???
    That is more than liklely HURTING you more than it is helping you. What is your BMI? Mine is 1345 and I have read from TO many sources that you need to AT LEAST eat your BMI back!

    I dont know if its just me but I eat AT LEAST 1600 calories a day sometimes 1800 and this is if I dont work out.....I eat anywhere from 2100 to 2300 calories on the days I work out......

    Its not junk either is all lean meats, veggies, protein shakes etc....

    I would really research and look into eating more than 1200 calories a day...I did because I was doing that when I first joined MFP and I wasnt losing ANYTHING untill I bumped up to 1600/1800 a day.

    Maybe its my job. I walk 5-7 miles per day at work. 5 days a week. Then I come home and work out. I workout 5 days a week and do anywhere from a 400-600 calorie burn per workout.

    I have lost 77 pounds since joining MFP and I have lost a total of 97 pounds since October 09. So obviously what im doing is working for me LOL

    I would REALLY looking into eating more than 1200 calories a day...you guys are scaring me with that LOL


    In order to loose weight, you need to burn more calories than you eat in a day, and this is a LOT easier to do when you 1200 a day (which IS a healthy number) and up to about between 1500-1800. Eating over 2000 a day is going to make it harder to lose weight, and will make it more likely that you'll either end up with more calories in than out, or you'll break even, which isn't ideal when trying to loose weight.

    p.s. anything below 1000 is the "starvation" point. 1200 is the normal recommendation for women, as most people in general just don't work out - it's the way to maintain.
  • Michellerw1
    Michellerw1 Posts: 367
    It is hard for me to see people saying they have a hard time eating 1200 cals even without exercise. I struggle with to stay within 1400 when I am not earning calories for exercising! I think at first people do need time to adjust to drastic changes and to reacclimate their bodies. You do have to preplan for the day.

    I also think, and this is JUST my opinion, that a large number of people are not being 100% honest to themselves about what they are eating. Not tracking every single bite or estimating or just going by what foods they find in the database that are close to what they are eating. I used to do that, and eventually (when I stopped losing for a long time haha) came around and I think most people eventually get there.
  • joteacher
    joteacher Posts: 2
    I have been doing this for about 3 weeks and have lost about 5 pounds. I am still drinking my beer (not about to give that up!), eating Mexican food, pasta, etc. I just make sure to log every meal as soon as possible, so I can see where I stand. If I have 600 calories going into dinner, I eat something higher in calories. It's that simple. If I can't get to the computer, I found that keeping a notebook and writing down everything still makes me responsible for my choices. I won't stress myself out about going over or under by a few. I know that for me, slow and steady progress and life choices, will be more beneficial than fitting into my swimsuit now.
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    You guys eating 1200 calories a day??? WHY???
    That is more than liklely HURTING you more than it is helping you. What is your BMI? Mine is 1345 and I have read from TO many sources that you need to AT LEAST eat your BMI back!

    I dont know if its just me but I eat AT LEAST 1600 calories a day sometimes 1800 and this is if I dont work out.....I eat anywhere from 2100 to 2300 calories on the days I work out......

    Its not junk either is all lean meats, veggies, protein shakes etc....

    I would really research and look into eating more than 1200 calories a day...I did because I was doing that when I first joined MFP and I wasnt losing ANYTHING untill I bumped up to 1600/1800 a day.

    Maybe its my job. I walk 5-7 miles per day at work. 5 days a week. Then I come home and work out. I workout 5 days a week and do anywhere from a 400-600 calorie burn per workout.

    I have lost 77 pounds since joining MFP and I have lost a total of 97 pounds since October 09. So obviously what im doing is working for me LOL

    I would REALLY looking into eating more than 1200 calories a day...you guys are scaring me with that LOL


    Whoa, this is the second post in a week that I have seen asking if 1200 calories are too little! No, 1200 calories is NOT too little, 1200 calories enables people like me and thousands of others to lose their excess weight, which for most of them AND me resulted from being greedy and stuffing our gobs with grub!

    My BMR is 1400 calories per day, that is 9800 calories per week, I need to be in a deficit of 3500 calories to lose just 1lb. Me upping my calories to 1600 per day (11200 per week) will ensure I stick weight on.

    There is absolutely nothing wrong with eating 1200 calories per day and it was me eating more than this in the past that damn well got me here in the first place.

    I do not believe in eating more to lose weight, it didn't work for me before because if it had, I would not be in this situation.

    BTW I don't eat my exercise calories either, everybody is different :)
  • SimonLondon
    SimonLondon Posts: 350
    I've never been a big eater either.

    Back then I would have the same size meal as I do now but back then it was 1,500+ calorie junk food meal compared to the average 300 calorie meal I have now. Exact same size, just a whole lot healthier.

    The only other difference is I used to then snack on a whole packet of biscuits or cakes each day but now it's an apple or some other healthy alternative.

    I've been in maintenance for 8 weeks and I haven't lost or gained more than half a pound in that time even though I also struggle to eat 1,200. I give myself one treat day a week to help boost my calorie intake and so far that has worked very well.

    So yeah, I can fully understand people who struggle. When you start eating really healthy 1,200 calories can seem like a mountain some days (Especially after a huge salad!)