Exercising while aunt Flo is in town.

Good idea, or not?

I do, but I kind of tone it down. Well ... sometimes ... only if it starts to hurt. xD I NEVER let the fatigue get in my way, if I do, then I never get any exercise done, and then I end up gaining all of my last week's weight back.

I know everyone says "check with your doc..." and all that jazz, but should we really? Or should we just rely on our own instincts and stop when we know something's wrong instead of wasting a week?


  • tn2010
    tn2010 Posts: 228 Member
    I continue with my everyday routine. I did take a day off this last time around to wallow in my pain...I figure if it hurts too much to want to eat I can probably take a day off :ohwell:
  • antiadipose
    antiadipose Posts: 447
    being active actually helps me feel better! helps my cramps and gives me energy. and i feel like it makes aunt flow leave sooner?!

    BUT my problem is actually getting the motivation to go to the gym during those days.. but if i get myself to the gym, i never regret it!
  • xxgoriexx
    xxgoriexx Posts: 39
    being active actually helps me feel better! helps my cramps and gives me energy. and i feel like it makes aunt flow leave sooner?!

    BUT my problem is actually getting the motivation to go to the gym during those days.. but if i get myself to the gym, i never regret it!

    I used to not be able to get up before I started taking the pill, but afterwards and my cramps were basically knocked all the way out of the picture (they used to be so bad, and my flow so heavy, I used to have to go to the ER sometimes because of pain and blood loss, and I'd faint a lot, *sighs*), so when my gym teacher told me that running would make me feel better, I'd always want to tear her head off. >> Because whenever I DID take her advice and run, I'd end up barfing or passing out. ><

    And I have a lot of lack of motivation too. @_@ I'm just ... so tired! But I work out at home most of the time, Fit Tv and OD are my saviors. @_@
  • antiadipose
    antiadipose Posts: 447
    i know EXACTLY what u meeean! ive gone to the ER too ... twice!

    but one time, i bought these pads that came with a tip on each pad wrapper LOL and one tip said that being active during TOM, helps with cramps!!!

    make sure ur getting ur calories in! and ur iron! & eat citrus fruit/juice while taking in iron (its helps absorbing iron) and this should all help with the fainting/passing out and blood loss.

    good luck!
  • laurenpence
    laurenpence Posts: 147
    I think working out while my TOM is here helps me beat the fatigue. I still work out just as hard as I normally do. There is no reason to not work out in my opinion but I am sure other people TOM's are different but I am just one of those people that doesn't like to miss out on a day at the gym.
  • moosenbratsmommy
    i have an iud so i just spot- but before that working out helped it so i didnt cramp much and it lasted 3 days instead 5-7.