My poor puppy, haha.

xxgoriexx Posts: 39
edited September 21 in Chit-Chat
I have an english bulldog - f, 5 mo, Peach. <3

She's a doll, and I usually try to wait until she's napping to work out, but it hardly works out that way. Poor thing just sits there and watches me like "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?? PLAY WITH ME." I feel bad, but I have to get it done, you know? Most of the time I work out with Fit Tv, so there are commercial breaks, so I get on the floor and pet her and mess with her a bit, but outside of that, for about 2 hours a day, she looks sooo sad sitting there watching me. xD And since I can't include her in my workouts (for those of you who know bullies, you'll understand), I've just had to get over it.

Chit-chat, chit-chat ... anyone else have pets who watch you like you're nuts? Haha.


  • Punktorian
    Punktorian Posts: 224 Member
    I have a 1yr old yellow lab who will just stand there with his head tilted to the side staring at me for awhile. Then he lays down in the middle of my already small area to work out and rolls around with his toys.
  • tn2010
    tn2010 Posts: 228 Member
    I do the 30-Day Shred and my 60 lb. Chocolate Lab licks my face every time I get down on the floor for the ab exercises :happy:
  • kk_stephens
    kk_stephens Posts: 129 Member
    All my pets think I am nuts (3 dogs and 2 cats) but I think they are nuts.

    We actually (hubby and I) almost exhausted our three dogs by taking them on a long long walk. They sure enjoyed it though and so did we.

  • xxgoriexx
    xxgoriexx Posts: 39
    All my pets think I am nuts (3 dogs and 2 cats) but I think they are nuts.

    We actually (hubby and I) almost exhausted our three dogs by taking them on a long long walk. They sure enjoyed it though and so did we.


    I wish I could take Peach on long walks, and when it's real cool out I can take her on ~longer~ walks than usual, but even then I can't take her too far. Bullies just aren't active pups. xD She'll play for FOREVER when we're inside, but once we're out in the elements, she overheats real fast.

    @ tn2010: She'll do that to me too, but she also likes to run in front, behind, and between my legs. D: So sometimes I have to crate her, which makes me feel awful. xD I'm just glad she's over her whining stage.
  • Lauralovesmfp
    Lauralovesmfp Posts: 270 Member
    I have two pugs and when both were wee ones I'd put them in a cat kennel right on the coffee table so they could see me but not get stepped on. Now Lilly who is 4 just lays on the chair or the back of the couch and watches me but Bella, 8 months wants to play at times and will eat my hair if I am doing floor exercises and lick me all over :) sometimes she'll get her bone out and chew right on my mat. If I am doing leg exercises on the floor I hold her bone for her and then we switch sides lol.

    I am in the same boat with the weather as they overheat quickly. I always walk on a trail called hidden lakes where there is water along it most of the way.
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    I had a part husky, part german shepard, part something else, but essentially she was a ball of energy. If she saw the leash, she would go insane. The only way I could tire her out was to take her on a 20 minute bike ride. If I laid down on the floor, she had to lay next to me.
  • xxgoriexx
    xxgoriexx Posts: 39
    I had a part husky, part german shepard, part something else, but essentially she was a ball of energy. If she saw the leash, she would go insane. The only way I could tire her out was to take her on a 20 minute bike ride. If I laid down on the floor, she had to lay next to me.

    If I lay on the floor, my bully walks on top of me, sits down on me, or starts eating my hair. xD
  • Nina74
    Nina74 Posts: 470 Member
    I have a 5 yr old Japanese chin, who is 10 lbs, but THINKS she is the size of a bull mastiff! She is very independent, will play with her toys by herself, is FULL of energy and generally is a love bug. I feel bad going to the gym after work, so on the weekends I try to do stuff outside. She loves to walk on the beach and chase seagulls, which is just a block from my house.

    This past Sunday I decided to go some place new- this salt marsh/reservation area not too far away. It was very hot (over 90) and Chins have the flat faces, making overly hot days bad for them. Generally she is not bothered AT ALL and she can walk for MILES. (She eats as much as my brother's 100 pound dog, but doesn't gain an ounce because she is always on the go).

    On Sunday, after approx 2 miles of running around and chasing everything from leaves to bugs, I *knew* she was tired because she was following behind me and lagging. I ended up carrying her 10 pound self the last 1/2 mile to the car! Now I know why I was so tired when I was 10+ pounds heavier! Her pics are on my profile pictures.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Bodi lays his head on the side of the treadmill and watches me run the whole hour. if I work out on the floor he insists on sitting right in the middle and licking what ever part of me he can. I have to shut the door.
  • Rynatat
    Rynatat Posts: 807 Member
    We have 4 cats & 1 dog. I work out in the AM before work & my 1 cat, Skunk Harley Softail (he's the one on the far left of my avatar) knows the time I wake up to work-out, and he's waiting for me. He races me upstairs to our "game" room where I've got my weights, DVD's & TV and is a bit of a "core" builder. Especially when I'm doing something like Tai Chi or balancing, he has a habit of grabbing my ankle or arm to "pet" himself. Several times I've been on the floor doing abs & he's got on my stomach as my extra 15lb resistance, jumped onto my shoulder and then laid across my upper back when I've leaned over for stretches or different weight-training positions... And I can't get mad at him cuz it's really cute & funny and in his own way he's helping me out. I look forward to waking up at 0400 (yes I know, ridiculous!) since I know he's waiting on me: it's also his time alone with me since the other 3 cats don't really care about that AM before the sun has risen thing (like what cat does :tongue: ). On my off days, he sleeps right outside our door and even if my fiance gets up before me, he will stay there until I'm up and out (can't have them sleep with us due to allergies).
    He's fascinated by the instructor on my Tai Chi video, Tai Chi does mimic animals, so maybe they're really on to something there :happy: Although he gets very upset when I tell him "I have to go get ready for work now" since he knows his play time with me is over until I get home sometime around 1800 :ohwell:
    So there is mine (or at least one of them!).
  • xxgoriexx
    xxgoriexx Posts: 39
    We have 4 cats & 1 dog.

    My ex had a cat who LOVED running between my legs while I was working out in the living room. I had to start shutting her in a different room, and he hated it because she was sooooo unhappy and would howl and bat at the door the whole time, haha. I didn't care ... I just didn't want to kick the poor thing, but she was asking for it!
  • Rynatat
    Rynatat Posts: 807 Member
    Skunk Harley Softail has got under, between, around my legs, tripped me up & got kicked (not really kicked, just shocked that my leg was in the same path he was walking). I am proud to say he can no longer trip me up since, thanx to him, I've improved my balance :laugh: but every now and again he mis-judges my leg moves and winds up with a foot pushing him over: good thing we both have good reflexes & I can stop before I kick and he can get out of the way of the kick:tongue:
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