mvaughnrn Member


  • I agree Gina, I had to read that 3 times!! you don't look anywhere near 50!! My motivation is my kids! It's hard to find the energy to keep up with them some days!! I'm lucky that they want me to be healthy too, so I have my own built in cheering squad!! I also want to teach them to be healthy now instead of them having to…
  • Hi everyone! I'm Melissa and I reside on the outskirts of Memphis, TN! I am a RN and work weekend nights, so I can be home during the week with my 3 girls (4 when my step-daughter is here!) We are hoping to take the girls on a cruise either late this summer or during their fall break! It would be so nice to just be…
  • Hi! I am currently in week 2 of Insanity! I need all the help and encouragement I can get!! Shaun T kicks my butt daily and I love it!! Would love to have friends that are going through it too!! I log daily!
  • Hi! I'm 5'3'' I currently weigh 207. My first goal is to get below 183 (my pre baby weight with my first child, who is almost 13!) and my long term is to end up around 130-140. Feel free to add me, I am always looking for new friends!!
  • Awesome job!! You look beautiful!!
  • Feel free to add me! I am the mother of 4 girls. I too was on a great track before I got pregnant with my last one. That was 2.5 years ago and I'm still struggling, but getting there! I am getting back into running and hoping to do my first 5k in October! I also like to talk about nutrition and what not, my husband just…
  • You are off to a good start! This site is wonderful and so are the people here! Logging gets easier the more you do it and helps you reflect on your choices. I still don't always eat great, but try to be better about portion control. It's also helpful to me to start with small goals so I don't feel so overwhelmed. Feel…
  • Thanks everyone! So much great advice! A lot of it I knew, just needed to be reminded. I am going to try a couple of different things this week and see what works for me!! Of course I know I only have so much control with small kids!! I Hope everyone has a great weekend!
  • Sounds intriguing, I will Google!! Thanks!
  • If only..... ;)
  • Great advice, and I used to have tea at night before bed. Luckily I have a huge selection of herbal teas! So tonight I will try that along with getting some reading in!!
  • The majority of my workouts are ones I can stream on Netflix! I love it. Most of the ones I use have already been listed. There is a Candlelight Yoga that is relaxing and refreshing. I used it a lot after my back surgery last year, when I was just getting back into exercising. I did the Crunch Boot-camp yesterday and it is…
  • Name mvaughnrn, Melissa Current weight: 197.4 Goal weight: 135 Average water intake per day: 6-9 glasses Average workout time per day: 30-60 (in bits and pieces!) Biggest weight insecurity: Back fat Inspiration: I want to feel better overall, I want to teach my kids healthy habits and around for them for a long time!
  • Sounds yummy! Thanks for sharing, I will be trying these soon!!
  • I have been on here for awhile and the motivation from others is great! I still have bad days and days where I forget to log my food. Just take it one day at a time. And take and extra moment to think about your decisions! it gets easier! :)
  • MFP is wonderful! I have been using it for about 1month and love it. I fell of my fitness wagon this week, but have dusted myself off and getting back on! Lots of great motivator's on here!! Feel free to add me!