I need motivation!!!

I joined the gym like 2 weeks ago and found this sight. I am 100 pounds heavier than I should be. I struggle with eating the most. I eat crap to put it simply. My husband is skinny and wants all the "bad" food so I go along with it. I try and diet and do well during the week but come the weekend it goes out the window.

Anyway, I'm going to succed this time! I just need the motivation to eat healthy on the weekends.:bigsmile:


  • tobafa
    tobafa Posts: 344 Member
    You nailed it when you called it "crap." Skinny people aren't always healthy people either. I use the Food Diary here to keep me in check and balance what I consume. It's not a bad idea to have a cheat meal once a week at first, then after you reach a desired goal, have a cheat day once a week. It gives you something to look forward to and you don't blow your progress over a weekend and be starting at square one every Monday. Find your fight. Find what inspires and motivates you to turn away your desires for "crap." Speak frankly to your husband and tell him you need his support too and remind him that skinny does not automatically = healthy. He needs to eat right too.
  • cristileigh
    cristileigh Posts: 158 Member
    I joined a health club about two weeks ago myself. I am terrified of group classes but I am going to try out a Zumba class tonight. I am not a shy person but I don't like people watching me do anything physical because I am so un coordinated and non athletic. I hope the Zumba class helps me and I don't walk out because I can't keep up with the skinny girls HAHAHA
  • kao1114
    kao1114 Posts: 51
    Absolutely - skinny does not mean healthy! This is not just a way to lose weight but a way to improve your health; maybe your husband would be willing to join in on a couple of healthier meals on the weekends? Not just to support you but also to improve his own health. You work too hard for 5 whole days to allow it all to get blown outta the water. You are stronger than that! :) Best of luck to you!
  • dezwark
    dezwark Posts: 144 Member
    u can do it... feel free do add me if you like :)
  • TiffanyDawn79
    TiffanyDawn79 Posts: 201 Member
    Good for you for making that first big step! I have big problems on the weekends too. I now let myself have ONE meal of whatever I like. Not an entire day, or weekend. Self control is not easy but log your calories before you eat and it may just make you change your mind. Best of luck to you on reaching your goals!
  • mrssmith636
    mrssmith636 Posts: 80 Member
    It's not easy but we are all in this together. My husband isn't skinny but he still loves his "crap" food. Once you get into the routine of logging, you will be surprised on how easy it becomes. There are times when I just want to quit and eat whatever I want but I tell myself how much work that I have put into losing my weight. I would hate to have to start over.
  • Talieowl
    Talieowl Posts: 46 Member
    Try asking your partner to use myfitnesspal for one week to log his own food. Then review it with him and show him how his eating sabotages your own efforts to get healthy. Then ask him if he wants you to be more fit and healthy and he can commit to helping you by changing his own eating habits and exercising with you (if you want that) and gently supporting you (which means no harping or name calling or poking the fat bits).

    As for your own motivation, why do you want to lose? Write it down, read it every day.
  • mvaughnrn
    mvaughnrn Posts: 19 Member
    You are off to a good start! This site is wonderful and so are the people here! Logging gets easier the more you do it and helps you reflect on your choices. I still don't always eat great, but try to be better about portion control. It's also helpful to me to start with small goals so I don't feel so overwhelmed. Feel free to add me! Good luck on your journey!! :)