

  • Missed the last 2 days of level 2. Boo. Just got so extremely busy, but I'll find time tonight!!
  • Riding the same wave over here--same numbers even! Grrr. Wish I had an answer, but hoping to learn for myself as well.
  • This sounds great! I'm definitely in! I need a challenge group again! Starting Weight: 128 Goal Weight (April 1st): 123
  • I'm about to start week 2 of ripped in 30 tonight! Love this dvd. :)
  • Me me me!!! :)
  • Name: Nadyasmom (Brenda) Goal Weight on Oct 31st: 128 10/01: 133 10/03: 132 (hey, nice start!) 10/10: 132 10/17: 10/24: 10/31:
  • Name: Nadyasmom (Brenda) Goal Weight on Oct 31st: 128 10/01: 133 10/03: 132 (hey, nice start!) 10/10: 10/17: 10/24: 10/31:
  • Hi! I used to be a part of the "Lose 5+lbs in X month" groups a while back and then was gone from the site for a while. I'm back and eager to start up again--I need the support for sure. My motivation is out the window! goes: Name: Nadyasmom (Brenda) Goal Weight on Oct 31st: 128 10/01: 133 10/03: 10/10: 10/17:…
  • Hey Ladies, I'm feeling so tired today, but I got in my workout anyways. Go me. ;) My kids have both been super cranky today--not what I want to deal with at all. Now I'm headed off to a 2 hour meeting with them in tow. Should be interesting. At least I can say that i got the workout done, even though I'm sure the rest of…
  • Starting Weight: 136 6/6: 136 6/13: 135 6/20: 135 Ugh....It's my fault. I've just been so totally unmotivated and havent' been keeping up with anything. It's a new week and a fresh start.
  • Starting Weight: 136 6/6: 136 6/13: 135 6/20: 135 Ugh....It's my fault. I've just been so totally unmotivated and havent' been keeping up with anything. It's a new week and a fresh start.
  • Hey, I also have 2 little babes, so fitting in workout can be a huge challenge. However, if you go to, they have a ton of shorter cardio workouts that are free. :)
  • SW: 136 CW: 135 Down a lb. Hard to get excited about it when I'm still on the high side of my 5 lb "shimmy" number. (I've juggled with the same 5 lbs since October).
  • Name/ real name: Nadyasmom Goal weight on June 30: 130 06/01: 136 06/06: 135 06/13: 06/20: 06/27: 06/30:
  • I know the feeling. When my routine gets off, that's when I fail. It's so frustrating. I'm trying to maintain my routine, or at least my habits throughout this month to see if that really makes a difference. I've been up and down the same 5 lbs for 7 months straight! And I know that weekends are generally to blame for…
  • Feeling very unmotivated today. Just tired from 2 weeks of bad sleep with my kids. Ugh. Must. Do. It.
  • Name/ real name: Nadyasmom Goal weight on June 30: 130 06/01: 136 06/06: 06/13: 06/20: 06/27: 06/30: My goals--to finally once and for all break this awful plateau that I've been stuck at for 7 months. I just go up/down about 5 pounds all the time and can never seem to get out of it. Grrrr....
  • I used to do 30 day Shred but never finished it. (oops). I'm currently on week 3 of ripped in 30 and LOVING it. However, I do feel that I need more than just 30 minutes in the day. The issue is FINDING more than 30 minutes to do something. ;)
  • Thanks so much for letting me squeak my way in at the last minute! I'm excited to do this with all of you lovely mamas!!!
  • Hi! Can I join too? I have a 2 1/2 year old and a 17 month old (14 1/2 months apart!). So I'm busy, busy, busy, plus I work--semi home, semi out. I'm currently doing Jillian Michael's ripped in 30. I'm good about getting the exercise in, but my eating habits are not so great. You all know how it is with kiddos--squeezing…
  • How's everyone doing today??
  • Yesterday ended up being my rest day unfortunately, which means that I have to workout on Sunday to make up for it. The day just totally escaped me between meetings, kids, and the beautiful sunshine. :) But I'm about to do it now for today. Just a few more days of week 1!!! I love that each level is just one week--makes me…
  • Awesome chart! Thank you for all of your hard work!!! I did great with my workout today--NOT great with the eating. Grrr...I just can't seem to get my mouth under control. Seriously, trying to lose weight under constant stress is just so HARD!!! Grrr...
  • Oh don't tell me that!!! What size weights are you using??
  • Name/ real name: Nadyasmom (Brenda) Goal weight on May 31st: 130 05/01: 135 05/09: 134 05/16: 137 05/23: 05/31: Wow. Up 3 pounds. Yuck. But I know that it's mainly water weight, PMS, and I simply ate too much on the weekend--but no where near the amount of calories it takes to make up even one pound, let alone 3. This…
  • Oh my goodness--I just did level 2 of the Shred it with Weights kettlebells workout from jillian michaels. Wow. Crazy. Love it. :) I'm actually waiting for my copy of the Ripped in 30 video to come any day now. I really love her short workouts, and while I truly love the kettlebells one, it's hard to stay consistent with…
  • It really does work! As silly as it sounds, but for whatever reason, it just makes it easier.
  • My challenge goals: water--okay, got it. I've been doing great the last few days. For whatever reason, I drink more if I have a straw. So I bought the starbucks frappuccino cup and I REALLY drink! Don't know why. ;) Fitness--well, seeing as I haven't worked out in the past 2 weeks, my goal is to simply workout again each…
  • Name/ real name: Nadyasmom (Brenda) Goal weight on May 31st: 130 05/01: 135 05/09: 134 05/16: 05/23: 05/31: Well, seeing that I didn't exercise all week, I'm pretty happy with that. Frustrated a bit though as I saw 133 on the scale yesterday, and somehow I'm back up to 134 today?? I'm been really good about getting my…