Jillian MIchael's Ripped in 30


Anyone else doing this or starting soon?

I just started on Monday, and am now on day 3 of week 1. Wow! I LOVE it. Totally kicks my butt!!!

Just wanted to see if anyone else wanted to join me in this adventure!


  • crissa413
    crissa413 Posts: 67
    I have it and have been doing it off and on for the past couple of weeks - alternating it with running. I love it too!! Jillian knows how to kick your butt and you'll definitely see results! I've done 30 day shred before and loved it too. I want to go through the full 30 days, but can't seem to make myself...would love to join you and we can support each other!!
  • hungrymarathongirl
    hungrymarathongirl Posts: 444 Member
    I am doing my 2nd round of Ripped in 30. Week 1 is a breeze compared to the other weeks. But you definitely get a kick butt workout.
  • aanddplusoanda
    aanddplusoanda Posts: 189 Member
    I have 6 days left of 30 day shred and I'm looking for another one to do after this...I'm really thinking about getting this one. :)
  • Nadyasmom
    Nadyasmom Posts: 281
    I am doing my 2nd round of Ripped in 30. Week 1 is a breeze compared to the other weeks. But you definitely get a kick butt workout.

    Oh don't tell me that!!! What size weights are you using??
  • JellyPrz619
    JellyPrz619 Posts: 172
    hi everyone !! I did half of the 30 day shred... i kinda got bored? unmotivated? bleh .. anyway my daughter ended up breaking the DVD sooo i went out and bought ripped in 30.. day one was today... and i dont feel sore... it wasnt too hard... i think bcuz i was doing the shred... BUT I DO LOVE IT!! i need buddys to do it along with me!! i dont want to quit this DVD!! !
  • Azzrielish
    Azzrielish Posts: 44 Member
    I just bought Ripped in 30 and started it last night. I've been doing the 30 Day Shred on and off for months so I found level 1 pretty easy (but I liked it) so i jumped in to level 2 straight after and it kicked my *kitten*!

    I like Jillian Michaels 3-2-1 method and I loved 30 Day Shred so I like Ripped in 30. Some similar moves - which is good for someone like me as I am uncoordinated and it takes me ages to work out some of the moves (I'm totally struggling with pendulum lunges with serving biceps!).

    I think both JM DVDs are good for those of us who are not hard core exercise junkies but want to burn some calories and work some muscles. If you get bored easily these DVDs might not be for you - but if you are like me and want a quick daily workout that is pretty easy to learn then this DVD is for you. I combine it with a 30-45 minute walk/jog every day and the results are great.
  • Nadyasmom
    Nadyasmom Posts: 281
    Yesterday ended up being my rest day unfortunately, which means that I have to workout on Sunday to make up for it. The day just totally escaped me between meetings, kids, and the beautiful sunshine. :)

    But I'm about to do it now for today. Just a few more days of week 1!!! I love that each level is just one week--makes me feel like I've accomplished something in a short amount of time. ;)
  • JellyPrz619
    JellyPrz619 Posts: 172
    is anyone else extremely bored with week 1?? :S

    i tried week2 workout the other day and its alot betteR!! i think i'm guna start week 2 today instead of waiting out week1
  • ksmittens
    ksmittens Posts: 65
    Howdy Everyone!

    I just started R30 yesterday and I must say I am please so far! I have done the 30DS before but never made it to level 3. This DVD seems to motivate me more and the variety helps as well. I am on Day 2 Week 1 and am looking foward to sticking to this the whole way through. I am glad I found this board and look foward to the motivation!