lizmumma98 Member


  • Don't get discouraged! I am so proud that you have lost OVER 120 pounds! That is a HUGE accomplishment!!!!
  • Thanks for your inspiration! I am too 5'4" and 41 (restarted MFP at 208). I just started up after getting off the program after losing 13lbs then gaining the weight plus 2 pounds. I really needed to see your pics. Again, THANKS FOR POSTING!
  • Thanks everyone for the inspirations.
  • I love the fact that you are praising your wife for her support and success! So proud that a couple is in it together and supporting each other! I, too, have a great husband who supports my efforts and doing the MFP along with me! Thank you for being one of the awesome husbands out there!
  • You look GREAT!!! What an inspiration! Keep up the awesome work!
  • Starting weight: 195.4 (Wednesday Feb 1) Week 1- 194.8 lbs (Wednesday Feb 8) lost 0.6...kept with the program, not dissapointed, it's a loss! Week 2- 195.4 lbs (Wednesday Feb 15) gained 0.6...perplexed, but not giving up! Week 3- xxx lbs (Wednesday Feb 22) Week 4- xxx lbs (Wednesday Feb 29) Total Lost: xx lbs (Thursday…
  • Starting weight: 195.4 (Wednesday Feb 1) Week 1- 194.8 lbs (Wednesday Feb 8) lost 0.6...kept with the program, not dissapointed, it's a loss! Week 2- xxx lbs (Wednesday Feb 15) Week 3- xxx lbs (Wednesday Feb 22) Week 4- xxx lbs (Wednesday Feb 29) Total Lost: xx lbs (Thursday March 1)
  • edmumma/Elizabeth Starting weight: 195.4 (Wednesday Feb 1) Week 1- xxx lbs (Wednesday Feb 8) Week 2- xxx lbs (Wednesday Feb 15) Week 3- xxx lbs (Wednesday Feb 22) Week 4- xxx lbs (Wednesday Feb 29) Total Lost: xx lbs (Thursday March 1)
  • I am still trying to find a good bra as well. I did buy the Enell, but sent it back today. My chest did not BOUNCE but they MOVED SIDE TO SIDE BIGGGGG time when I tried it on and did a 6 step jog infront of the mirror. It was REAL bad for me. It may work GREAT for other people, just not me. I am still trying to find one…
  • I love tilapia! It is a very mild fish (I can't handle "fishy" fish -lol) If you like seafood I think you would enjoy it!
  • Thank you so much for doing g this! This is my first time joining a group. As of 1/24/12 I am 197.6
  • Here is a link to the website about the name. It IS very popular in the US, but it didn't even make it to the top 10 outside of the US. This link will also tell you the meaning and origin. It is very beautiful!!!!
  • Wow! add another 50 pounds to that! Wow, the calories I could count ( IF I was counting them). Thanks for doing that research! Everyone is so helpful! Thanks for ALL your help, AND encouragement!!!
  • Thank you both for your input!!! Totally makes sense! I guess I was just hoping to use those calories for the fried mushrooms I ate earlier (which are a special treat, not something I eat all the time). As far as the HRM, I have no clue on how to start looking for one. Could you recommend one please. I am totally…
  • Awesome encouragement this morning, Ed! You reminded me that God is cheering us on also in this journey too!!!! Thanks for the encouragement and the reminder!
  • Congrats to you!!!!!! I am glad that I measured also! I know this may sound funny to some, but, I lost 1 inch off my neck!!! I was estatic when my husband told me (I have also lost 2.5 inches around my stomach - baby steps). How awesome of your husband to keep that secret from you until he felt it would really benifit you…
  • Congrats to you!!!!!! I am glad that I measured also! I know this may sound funny to some, but, I lost 1 inch off my neck!!! I was estatic when my husband told me (I have also lost 2.5 inches around my stomach - baby steps). How awesome of your husband to keep that secret from you until he felt it would really benifit you…
  • Welcome aboard!!!!! I know you have a full load raising your little ones, but you can do it!!! I am also a Stay-At-Home-Mom, and the only way I can be able to workout is to get up at 6am and do it! I like to do the Leslie Samsone Videos, she is really good and is such an encourager!!!! I am going to start doing the c25k in…