HELLO ALL! 19yr old mom of 2

Hey Guys,
I had My second son 5 months ago. The first son i gained 72 lbs with, thankfully i lost 62 of those lbs well the second kid i gained 58 lbs, so i was back at my first pregnancy weight. Anyways, Im having quite a time trying to loose all this weight ( so far ive lost 38 lbs) Im 5'4 170 lbs!! I would Love to be 145 again, and im sure my husband would like that too! the thing is i dont have time to Diet, excersise. Im a stay at home mom during the day and a college student at night. So anyone Have tips??


  • kk_stephens
    kk_stephens Posts: 129 Member
    Its not about diet -- its about lifestyle change. You seem to have been doing great so far. Try little tings like a walk with the kids.....pull ups on the monkey bars at the play ground, push ups on the steps.

    Trust me I know how hard it is. I am a full time mom, work full time, and am a full time student.

    Best wishes -- hopefully these small suggestions can help. You could also look at some DVDs like Jillian Michaels Shred -- 20 minute workouts
  • sevenwolves
    Get the app for your phone the people who run this site provide. Stay within limits and watch what you eat. I am a busy waitress and barely have time for anything.. I'm always really tired etc b/c I work so much. But this app made me very aware of what I was doing to myself and the awareness makes it sooo much easier. It's all about counting calories and that takes no time at all.

    Good luck.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,022 Member
    put on music and dance with your son, or go for a walk, go to the park and walk around the playground while he plays there, push him in the swing, swing yourself, maybe you could do an exercise video (alot of times the kids will try to do it with you), maybe you could go to a pool, walking around in the water is good exercise.. Hopefully this will help you some
  • lizmumma98
    lizmumma98 Posts: 19 Member
    Welcome aboard!!!!! I know you have a full load raising your little ones, but you can do it!!! I am also a Stay-At-Home-Mom, and the only way I can be able to workout is to get up at 6am and do it! I like to do the Leslie Samsone Videos, she is really good and is such an encourager!!!! I am going to start doing the c25k in a couple of weeks. Right now I am house/dogsitting for my parents, so my 3 kids and I are up at there house. But when we are at home, I get up and go walking around our block right after my husband gets home from his workout (that is 6am). This gives me time to myself and makes me feel refreshed to start the day. It is all about discipline (which I have lacked for so many years), but I HAD to change my mindset and get up early. This morning I got up before 6am to get me started. I did the workout from a tv program because I didn't bring any videos.

    YOU CAN DO IT!! Again, welcome aboard!!!
  • pchristie
    pchristie Posts: 38
    I can relate to your issue. I had my first son when I was 19. I'm 41 now and have 5 beautiful children. I gained 60 pounds with my first pregnancy, but at 19, your lucky because your metabolism hasn't yet slowed down due to age. I was able to lose the weight fairly quickly by making low fat choices and doing Jane Fonda workout while my son was in his swing or napping. He actually liked watching me jump around.:happy: You have to make it a priority - just like brushing your teeth. You have to do it every day. Would your husband watch the children for you so you can work out?

    Another thing I did when i put on a lot of weight with my fourth child is I bought a second hand jogger stoller for cheap money, and I began running with the kids. They enjoyed coming with me. I walked first, and then, when I felt ready, I began running. It worked really well.

    You need to make the decision that working out and eating healthy is something you are going to do and then do it. This site is a great support. You can do it!!:happy:
  • babybliss211
    Thanks Guys! Oh and i also Have, umm, a bumpy tummy. Im going to guess its Cellulite? How can i possibly get rid of that??
  • pchristie
    pchristie Posts: 38
    I have a "bumpy" tummy too. I ordered and am doing hip hop abs. It's a really good workout for your abs and it's fun to do, although I play my own music while doing it because I don't really like the music on the dvd. Because my stomach is my main problem, I gravitate toward workouts that focus on abs. Pilates is good too, but it's too boring for me. I need a little more action in my dvds - I have a short attention span :happy:

    Another workout that is good for abs is Turbo Jam. It's kind of old, so they may have come out with a new one. It's Charlene something. It's from beachbody. Insanity is a great workout, but it's hard for beginners. That's from beach body too. If you do an ab workout every day, you should see results in a couple of weeks - maybe even sooner because of your young age.

    If you have cable, there is a workout channel with free workouts. I'm not sure where you live, but I have it in Maine. I think it's called fit tv or something like that.