

  • these all sound yummy!!! and glad to hear there are various ways to mix it up!
  • i have been tryingto drop wight since jan and have lost nothing :( so be glad with what you are losing and keep motivated by what you have lost so far .
  • light string cheese, chobani greek yogurt, veggies: becareful not to go crazy and buy too many or they will go bad!!! i love buying avacodos when they are cheap and just eating them as a snack! Lean meat Turkey not the deli meat kind! read the label it is full of processed junk Oatmeal bananas apples all natural peanut…
  • i have found that when i plan ahead i am more likely to eat the meals i made and stick to not buying junk food! i am proud that i have not purchsed any food when i am at work. only what i bring!
  • this last episode was amazing!!!!!!!!! the farm is not what it use to be! and what the heck why is shane still alive ugh i dislike him!!! rick should have left him at the police station to get eaten!
  • it is my birthday month so i vow to not drink too much and stay under my calories every day!!!! and if that means i need to work out at 10 at night i shall! lol
  • sw 152 cw148 gw 120 ahhh i want to shed this weight!! let's do it
  • hello!!! i am recently married, 25 years old, living in mammoth lakes CA and transitioning jobs! I am on a 1290 cal a day limit and need motivation to work out! sw 150 cw148 gw 120
  • i never realized how many calories i was over eating until i started logging them in! i have my mfp set at 1290 because i changed my wight loss a week from 2 pounds to 1 pound because i was not seeing any results. Breakfast: i love greek yogurt and turkey bacon for the morning along with egg whites mixed with veggies. Then…
  • hello! I am 4'11 and 150lbs. ahhh i was 140 and gained 10 pounds after one year of marriage!! Ahh and I know people say it is love weight but no one loves the extra 10 pounds! i want to get down to 120 but am having a difficult time staying motivated because it does take longer to drop weight when you are shorter!!! our…
  • I am a fan of all beers and wine. Logging the cals for one night of partying for my husbands birthday almost killed me! i had had over 1000 cals in drinks alone! I am the kind of drinker that drinks with the intent to get a buzz but limiting myself to just one beer because of the calories doesnt seem worth the trouble. So…
  • thank you for doing this!! CW: 149 GW:120 hopefully it happens!!!!!!!! add me if you want to help each other keep motivated!
  • i have been eating healthier for a month and at first dropped 3 pounds but now i am at the end of the month and those pounds are back! i am not motivated to keep going!!!!!! grrrrrrrrrrrr i want to drop 10 pounds and just move on to dropping more but not dropping anything at all is frustrating!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • try an all natural fruit smoothie! it is sweet but i add greek yogurt or soy milk and blueberries and bananas and ice and blend! not too many calories but a nice sugar lift me up!
  • ahh i work with kids too and ritz crackers and cheese can not be around me!!!!!!!! and the apple juice! ahhh it is so tough not to just take a little piece. Oh or the chicken nuggets and tator tots!!!!! I hate snacking because i hate to log on to MFP and search for .5 of a serving or .2 of a cup.
  • im in! add me and let's do this!!
  • i am 4'11 and i have ballooned up to 147 pounds :( i am hoping to get down to 130 and then hopefully 120. i want to be healty and not look like a little chubby kid but a hot pocket size wife lol
  • i am 4'11 and weight 145lbs. i am a small frame and need to be between95-120 pounds. I remember being 130 in high school and feeling fit and healthy so i dont know what my ultimate goal weight is. i just know i want to be 130 again and see what my body looks like this time around!
  • weight loss is tough and what i have learned is that the truth hurts and gaining weight hurts even more! Let's all learn from each other and know we are all here with questions and answers :) i am on 1200 calories a day and i have learned to eat lots of little meals through out the day. i understand that to burn off the…
  • thanks a lot for the information and i started drinking my shake after work outs and i use it as my treat because i do like the taste of the protein shake i am taking! and yep i read the ingredients and tons of protein and low sugar so i will stick with it until i finish the package and maybe i will try the why protein!!…
  • started the 30 day shred yesterday and i am super sore lol oh man! but i have been trying to stay under 1200 calories! and have been doing well except for 2 days but i am eager to see a change in my body!
  • what do you think about egg white protein shakes? i just purchased this huge bag of Jay Robb egg white protein and i started using it for breakfast along with fruit and maybe yogurt depending on the day! what do you think??? i also think i will start using it after my hard workouts and not take it in the morning. i like…
  • this sounds sooo good right now
  • I try to take classes at the gym like zumba and kettle bell classes. I feel like it pushes me to burn more calories.
  • hi i am 4'11 and so glad i found a group that can relate! i want to drop 20lbs. i am over weight for my size but i like to look curvey but after getting married i became a blob and not a curve lol. glad i found this group!
  • i am at 1200 calories but am not sure if i should up my calories. i am 4'11 and 145lbs and want to get down to 120 or less since my Dr. said for my height i should be around 109lbs. I hope sticking to the calories and some exercise will help. I am just worried my body will go into starvation mode and i won't drop any…