I NEED EVERYONES OPINION;: Ok 2moro I'm going grocery shopping, n its my first time since I started this weight loss journey. I need ideas on what to buy. Im switching from vitamin d milk to.. ?? And so on, what snacks that are healthy. So MFP's What should I have in my kitchen? Everyones opinion is greatly appreciated!! Anything n everything you can think of. Please I need good advice!


  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Skim mild, light cheese sticks, all natural turkey. whole wheat light bread or english muffins. Peanut butter, yogurt, fruit, veggies.
    Almonds, granola bars.
  • reedkaus
    reedkaus Posts: 250 Member
    fruit, vegetables, skim milk, sandwich thins, lean meat, 0% fat greek yogurt, OATMEAL, brown rice

    that's my basic grocery list. looks small but there's a lot you can do with it
  • s1lence
    s1lence Posts: 493
    Healthy snack that would be good; dried cranberries, raisins, apples, bananas (really good after hard workouts but high in calories). I went from 2 percent milk to 1 percent milk and I like it. Get some vitamins (just to make sure you keep up on everything your body needs that you may miss in your diet (hopefully won't be much)). Figure out if you like water, if not try something that will help you drink it more often, like lemon juice or crystal lite. Hope you get more people to comment and good luck! Oh and don't deprive yourself of everything that you use to eat or you might end up binging when you get it again.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    2% milk, a little bit of fat is good for you. Lots of veggies, fresh or frozen. Greek yogurt, I prefer Chobani. Sandwich or bagel thins. Boneless chicken breast. Eggs.
  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
    Fresh fruits & veggies
    Greek Yogurt
    Chicken Breasts, Fish, Lean ground turkey/beef
    Whole Wheat Bread/Sandwich Thins
  • shaelataylor
    shaelataylor Posts: 224 Member
    i drink skim milk, but i know a lot of others went with soy milk or almond milk. i use granola bars, string cheese, and popcorn that i pop myself as most of my snacks. i have some of the lean cuisine meals that i use for lunch a lot. i also snack on carrots. im not a big fruit person, but you could definitely have that too. :) i also have some of the snack pack pudding cups for when i get a sweet craving. also for things like taco meat, i use 95% lean ground beef to make it better. im not the perfect example of good foods by any means, but this stuff has worked for me so far.
  • girlwapp
    girlwapp Posts: 136 Member
    oatmeal, spinach/dark lettuces (put 'em in smoothies!), a reusable water bottle, unsalted pretzel sticks (if you can find them), whole wheat pasta (if you aren't getting rid of pasta in general...)

    nuts in general (unsalted, without sweeteners).
  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    Fresh veggies too often go bad before I can use them, so I always have LOTS of frozen veggies in the freezer (NO sauce, just plain ol' frozen broccoli, corn, cauliflower....etc), whole grains (I always have aunt millie's light whole grain bread---35 cals a slice, and oatmeal), for snacks I have laughing cow cheese and apples, natural pb, nuts. I personally drink 1/2% milk, hubby hates skim and there isn't a lot of difference in calories in all honesty. ALSO, I have found that Special K's 100 calorie fruit crisps are an amazing substitute for cookie cravings. You can go a lot of directions. The best advice, I guess is to read the labels, focus on whole grains and natural foods as much as you can. :)
  • princeza9
    princeza9 Posts: 337 Member
    I stock up with- Almond milk, yogurt, plenty of fruit, spinach, cucumbers, fresh/frozen veggies, salad greens, salsa, low fat cheese, flat bread, apple sauce, Nutella, almond butter (I just don't like PB), tea, Zone bars and flour (I use whole wheat, brown rice or oat). I also use chicken (boneless/skinless) or the Morningstar Farms line of meatless stuff- meatballs, burgers, etc.
  • modernmom70
    modernmom70 Posts: 373 Member
    egg whites
    sprouted grain bread
    Lots of leafy greens
    Lots of other veggies to eat raw
    Plain 0% Greek Yogurt
    Frozen wild blueberries
    Chicken Breast
    Canned Tuna
    Canned Salmon
    Fresh Seafood such as wild sockeye, halibut, sole etc...make sure not farm raised.
    Natural Peanut Butter
    If you eat rice and pasta whole grain/brown only
    Balsamic Dressing
    Light Feta Cheese
    Ground Turkey Breast
    Olive Oil
    Real Butter
  • chelsearae85
    Go to a farmers market and stock up on fruits and veggies first, make a fruit salad and cut up veggies with low fat dip for snacks. I try to fill up the house with that stuff so when I go to the store I have to keep in mind I have no room for the crap I used to buy I have to limit my shopping to just our planned meals.
  • lewandt
    lewandt Posts: 566
    cottage cheese, quinoa, chocolate milk (after workouts), oatmeal, fresh fruits & veggies
  • rookmb
    rookmb Posts: 84
    All the suggestions here are fantastic. One good rule of thumb when in the grocery store is to not travel down the aisles. Stay in the parameter of the store. The only things I go down the aislie for are canned tuna; diced tomatoes and canned beans (I used a lot of dried beans). My daily diet consists of fresh fruit, veges (fresh or frozen), skim milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, chicken or fish, eggs, beans and oatmeal.

    I stay away from all processed foods, so when I want something crunchy, I make a batch of spicy roasted chick peas. They're great!!!
  • shanalivee
    light string cheese,
    chobani greek yogurt,
    veggies: becareful not to go crazy and buy too many or they will go bad!!!
    i love buying avacodos when they are cheap and just eating them as a snack!
    Lean meat
    Turkey not the deli meat kind! read the label it is full of processed junk
    all natural peanut butter!
    veggies you can steam!
    baby carrots
    egg whites!
    bell peppers
  • kimw91
    kimw91 Posts: 355 Member
    Skim milk
    Fruit (banana, apple, berries)
    Plain oats and muesli
    Reduced fat cheese
    Some chicken/turkey and (white) fish (such as tilapia) in the freezer
    Veggies (I always have lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber, bell pepper, some canned veg like corn, peas and beans and then whatever I'm planning on eating, usually broccoli, courgette, carrots, mushrooms)
    Canned chopped tomatoes
    Herbs for seasoning
    Canned tuna
    Healthy (so not sugar-loaded, preferably natural) muesli/nut bars
    Some dry roasted nuts to sprinkle on yoghurt or as a snack
    Whole-wheat wraps
    Brown rice
    Whole-wheat pasta
    Natural sweetener
    and I usually have some sugar-free jam as well. Then there'll be all the fresh stuff you'll need for your meals.
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    Whole grain pasta and bread. Oatmeal is a must, the real stuff, not instant. Canned tomatoes, black beans, white beans, heck any kind of beans, chickpeas, peanut butter, spinach, onion, tomato, bell peppers, mushrooms, carrot, potato, eggs!!!, cheese, milk. Apple, pineapple, orange, grapefruit, kiwi, berries (they are super good for you) Green tea, mint tea, coffee. Chicken, beef, fish, shrimp. Frozen veg. Spices instead of sauces for flavor. Real food, most of the diet stuff is low calorie but lacking in nutritional value. I do get 2% milk and 0% greek yogurt, other than that i get regular fat foods. Granola bars and cereals that have good amounts of protein and fiber. This is what i usually get, i'm sure i forgot some stuff.
  • Soozie1978
    Soozie1978 Posts: 138 Member
    Great suggestions here already. I recommend you stay away from soy milk, soy protein, any thing with soy, sorbitol, lecithin since you are hypothyroid. It can inhiibit your thyroid function. I even go for the Tom's or Arm'nHammer (some types) toothpastes so I don't get soy absorbed sublingually brushing my teeth. The recommendation to stay on the perimiter is a good one. I usually start in the produce and buy salad makings and the veggies I like. No point buying things you won't eat. Sweet potatoes if you like them. Fruits - I like berries and melons as they are lower in sugars, and avocados for the healthy fats and other nutrients. Fish, especially tuna, salmon, and halibut (omega 3's), turkey, chicken, and other lean meats. Many have said Oatmeal. If you do that, take the time to cook the whole oatmeal, not the instant. You lose the nutritional value and the fiber. I'm gluten free, so I don't do the whole wheat, but I use corn tortillas for wraps, mini pizzas, etc. I also get baked tostadas and baked corn chips for those times you really need a crunchy snack. I like unsweetened almond milk for a milk substitute. The flavor's good. The Chocolate almond milk is very rich and a nice treat when you really need it.

    Something others may not like seeing here but works for me: I keep a sweet treat that is only 95 calories on hand, put away out of sight. If I'm really having cravings and I make it through the day with 100 calories left over, I reward myself with one large chocolate covered caramel. Takes care of the cravings and is the carrot at the end of the stick to help me get through the day.

    Get something that you can keep in your purse, car, or desk for the times you really need a snack. I keep nuts or granola bars. After you find some you like, check warehouse stores for bulk packages so you have them on hand. High protein snacks and meals keep me from feeling as hungry between meals.

    Don't change everything at once or it will be harder to stick with it! Hope you come home with a bunch of yummy stuff!
  • chelsearae85
    Something others may not like seeing here but works for me: I keep a sweet treat that is only 95 calories on hand, put away out of sight. If I'm really having cravings and I make it through the day with 100 calories left over, I reward myself with one large chocolate covered caramel. Takes care of the cravings and is the carrot at the end of the stick to help me get through the day.

    Get something that you can keep in your purse, car, or desk for the times you really need a snack. I keep nuts or granola bars. After you find some you like, check warehouse stores for bulk packages so you have them on hand. High protein snacks and meals keep me from feeling as hungry between meals.
    I agree with having a "prize" type snack in the house to keep you from going and doing things that will make you feel bad. ie skinny cow ice cream(not a big box) to keep you from going to DQ
  • shaelataylor
    shaelataylor Posts: 224 Member
    Something others may not like seeing here but works for me: I keep a sweet treat that is only 95 calories on hand, put away out of sight. If I'm really having cravings and I make it through the day with 100 calories left over, I reward myself with one large chocolate covered caramel. Takes care of the cravings and is the carrot at the end of the stick to help me get through the day.

    Get something that you can keep in your purse, car, or desk for the times you really need a snack. I keep nuts or granola bars. After you find some you like, check warehouse stores for bulk packages so you have them on hand. High protein snacks and meals keep me from feeling as hungry between meals.
    I agree with having a "prize" type snack in the house to keep you from going and doing things that will make you feel bad. ie skinny cow ice cream(not a big box) to keep you from going to DQ

    i have a stash of girl scout cookies and eat just one. it will soon be replaced with a stash of the small individually wrapped reese's cups. im glad im not the only one who does this! haha but i agree with them always being away out of sight so that i dont snack on them randomly, just when im having a bad sweet craving. :)
  • TanyaCurtis
    TanyaCurtis Posts: 630
    Rice cakes (Instead of bread) or sprouted breads (Costco)
    Brown rice
    Frozen vegetables (stir fry, others..)
    Vegetables for salads (lettuce, spinach, cucumber, cauliflower, broccoli, carrots..)
    Almond butter ( instead of peanut butter, I prefer it)
    Whole wheat tortilla wraps
    Whole wheat pita's
    Original pasta sauce
    Roasted red peppers and Parmesan dressing (The best salad dressing in the world!!!!)
    Roasted garlic & peppers one step seasoning, club house (The best seasoning for salads or absolutely anything!!!!)

    Any fruits and veggies! And I love eating my rice cakes with almond butter, honey and some banana slices on it sprinkled with cinnamon! Mmmmm ;)