

  • Just like you I started off with grit and determination, then I got complacent, thought I could get away without logging everything I ate, and before long all the hard work I had put in disappeared .........loads of weight back on......but for the first time ever I have got back on track before I was heavier than when I…
  • Amazon has a cool zombie wish list, it has loads of fitness stuff, I am practicing with the base ball bat, and running in a gas mask, whilst carrying my torch, duck tape, axe, and cross bow in my backpack! This is serious stuff we should all be prepared.........
  • Me too, until I fell in love with jillian michaels DVDs! All my clothes were the old boring fat ones no chance of getting into the slimmer ones (stuffed at the back of the wardrobe). Then I did the 30 day shred and people noticed a shape difference, a few more pounds are coming off but the real high is my top belly has all…
  • I haven't lost as much as you, but on tues and weds I was zonked all day, just wanted to flop out, as I have been exercising quite a lot I did just that. Today the energy came back, and I'm on the road again, maybe you just need to rest for a bit. Rest is just as important as exercise just not all day every day or we would…
  • When you work as a gardener and spend all day mulching, come home do jillians killer buns and thighs and say hey the shoes are on let's go for a run, run for 35 mins go bright red and still feel great............ I may regret it in the morning but hey what don't kill you makes you stronger and that's where I'm going,…
  • Daft as it sounds.........picture yourself as you want to be and walk towards her...........I do this every time I have a week moment and it seems to keep me going......as the person I want to be is me smiling, happy, healthy, fit, wearing clothes that look good, and not stuffing her face with Chinese food like a…
  • I too was wanting to kill my scales as every Monday they would tell me just what a twit I had been over the weekend... But I had a brainwave., stop jumping on them on a Monday , jumped on today and yeah another 2lb gone, I know every one tells you that you have to eat or drink at least 3500 cals to gain a pound but on a…
  • Not sure about the gluten free thing, but if you have a microwave handy loads of healthy food in the pre cooked isle these days, or you could just take in a portion of last nights dinner from home. This is what I am doing for my OH and the pounds are just dropping off him as all temptation is left at home........and of…
  • I am slathering on bio oil at the mo, for dry patches and to help with the turkey neck thing I have going on. . I also realised that I was getting yuk skin after using my really expensive hair conditioner so I have stopped using it and things have got better.. Hope you get it sorted soon
  • I think of my best ever photo and know I am going to be that shape again.......I also chant my goal weight when workouts get tough.....seems to be working"
  • Being able to ski, and to be able to get up without help when I fall over."..........belly gets in the way at mo and ski trousers just look silly...........
  • Lol, I didn't know I knew that many swear words intil I started shredding.....................
  • Have had a few days off, but that was when I was either running,well plodding or doing a local fitness walk, which is a bit like an army hike with the odd strength exercise thrown in. It is def the 30 ds that has made the difference so keep at it, as for it getting easier, well without that belly hitting me is the face I…
  • I am halfway through the 30 day shred and I run, so I thought why not do a little more, started the fat burn met boost DVD and collapsed in a heap after 30 mins calling jillian all the names uned the sun...... I guess the idea is to just keep going a bit more each time but it made me feel crap for a while, now I am going…
  • Me too.... I only have to say the word trainers and bright red......and I currently run 10k in about an hour......but even in the cold weather bright red cheeks. I generally don't feel the cold and work out side all year round as a gardener but as soon as I boost the heart rate off I go again bright red cheeks
  • I am half way through and it seems to be getting harder.........well done.....you have inspired me to push on .........
  • Feet and neck, then came the arms and a bit of tummy, feel like a butterfly emerging from a fat cocoon.........
  • I used to have the hormone rollacoaster...... Dr said evening primrose oil, you will know within a week if it helps........you know what it's brill no more munching on crap,no more knife throwing, weeping cos the dog looked cute, in fact I feel almost sane most of the time........it worked for me maybe it will for you…
  • Me too....those zips just don't do up....have a pair with killer heels in the cupboard just waiting for an outing........
  • Totally Love it ! My instructor is a normal shape with a wicked sense of humour.........she keeps us all going even through the painful squats at Zumba toning....I have also got the DVDs and the ps3 game but it is much better in a group......I am also shredding and the results of the two are starting to show, old skinny…
  • The Dr telling me my cholesterol was high and giving me the healthy eating plan..........although I was eating healthily I was eating for a small village in Sussex, I was just kidding myself that I was still fit but being told you have until April to try and sort out your cholesterol level by yourself or it will be pills…
  • Thanks, I will stop beating myself up....and enjoy the thought that once in a while I can have a great steak as long as I am logging its true weight, off to do level 2 of the shred, wish me luck"..........
  • Zumba and Zumba toning, it really helps to have a fun instructor, one who laughs and motivates with a little bit of tough love. Smiling though the pain is a big bonus as to keep going back for more has to be fun not a chore........
  • I have just started it too, and I went for 10 mins jumping jacks and 10 mins sit ups to log my cals used, but I do feel that the cals used bit of mfp can be a little on the upside.....here's hoping we both shrink as 30 day shred is so simple but so hard:blushing: good luck...
  • Having just been told by kids not to do the Zumba DVD anymore as I am horrid afterwards, I have just drank 3 glasses whilst reading this and feel much better already......
  • Every day, unless I have eaten my exercise cals as they take awhile to get used up, this morning a disaster, so went for a run, a walk and did the zumber DVD, may all better in the morning :smile: