How do you motivate?!?!

So, I'm sure there have been many forums on this subject and I just haven't read them all, but I want to know how y'all (yes, I am from the South. Holla!) self motivate on the days when you REALLY don't want to work out. I've been lazy the past couple of weeks and getting back into the routine has royally sucked. Last night I popped in my Zumba dvd, but really wasn't feeling it. I stopped to consider my other options (other dvd's, running outside, etc) and just didn't want to do any of them. I ended up doing some toning exercises that were low impact (still had me out of breath and sweating) so I was happy about that, but I really needed a good @$$ kicking workout and just couldn't summon the willpower/ self discipline/ motivation.
HELP! :embarassed:


  • Tubby2Toned
    Tubby2Toned Posts: 130 Member
    I have a picture hanging on my bathroom mirror of the body I want to get to. I have to see it every day.
    I have the same (or similar) pictures on my computer that I can pull up, and also as my other profile pictures here.

    I check in with those pictures A LOT, and just tell myself that I will get there, but it will take doing that work out I don't feel like doing right now.

    I also have realized that I NEVER feel bad for going ahead and doing that workout. I ALWAYS feel better afterwards.

    Try the picture thing if you want. Pick a realistic "after" pic of a celebrity or whoever, and look at it every time your motivation drops. It works for me!
  • juliemaplehurst
    I think of my best ever photo and know I am going to be that shape again.......I also chant my goal weight when workouts get tough.....seems to be working"
  • CristiLynnB
    Thanks so much, y'all! Pictures are a great idea. I'll just have to find one of a celebrity because my goal weight is lower than I have ever been even in high school and college.

    I have found that when I look in the mirror, I used to sigh and say "Maybe one day I'll be skinny", and now I've made myself start saying "One day I WILL be skinny, I just have to stick to it and do what has to be done! The harder I work, the sooner that day will come."
    That seems to help too.