scarletjg Member


  • Thank you! That was practically driving me nuts!
  • I've always been told that each inch was an additional 7 lbs. So if my friend is 5'5 at 160 lbs and I'm 5'11 at 202 lbs we're roughly equal.
  • You're 180 lbs in this second picture? I'm 5'11 too and I looked good at 180 lbs but not that good! haha
  • What does NSV mean? I see it everywhere on here and I don't know what it means.
    in NSV Comment by scarletjg February 2011
  • The first 10 are supposed to be the easiest, the last 10 are the hardest. :( I'm just wondering... how tall are you and how much do you currently weigh. Are you eating too little? Even if you are, at 60 minutes of cardio per day you really should be losing weight. Your body should kick into gear for at least the first few…
  • Hey bride! My wedding is the same month, same year and I have a lot of losing to do before then. I've been putting it off for a while now, saying I'll get on it soon but soon came today. I just finished putting up pictures of wedding gowns I love around the house for inspiration. I have no idea what my fiance will think of…
  • Ok, first I'll tell you that dropping weight that quickly isn't good for you, but then I'll ask why you need to do this. Are you into wrestling or boxing and need to get into a different weight category? Regardless of your answer there is a program that will get you to lose that much that quickly and its healthy. If you…
  • You look great! I'd be proud too!!!
  • Welcome Lucy! We'll all be here for you as much as you need us!
  • Don't worry!!! Zumba is an amazingly fun class and if you're feeling self conscious just go to the back and watch everyone have more fun exercising than you've ever seen before!
    in Zumba ? Comment by scarletjg August 2010
  • Well, I'm going for the whole shebang... 38 lbs by Christmas. That's 2 lbs per week. I'll aim high and work hard, then be happy with whatever I accomplish.
  • I need to find a group to talk with and it seems like you're all in the same boat as me. Of course, I may be on the far end of this particular boat! I'm 272.7 lbs right now, just 7.3 lbs from the HEAVIEST I have ever been in my life. I need support to keep me checking in with my food and exercise. I want to just stick with…
  • Holy crap lady... you're smoking hot now!!! It may have been an off day for you in the first pic, I don't know, but you look like a wall flower there and now you look vibrant and young! Way to go! You are seriously a huge inspiration for me right now. I'm 272.7 lbs right now and I can't even think of being as far in this…
  • I don't know where to post but I just want a place to talk about the fact that I'm incredibly late for my period but tested negative today. (5 days late) I can't tell anyone I know other than my partner and best friend and I feel like I'm bursting to talk about the possibilities! I'm not ready to be pregnant because I'm in…
  • the fat loss for idiots program. It's amazing what you can do in 11 days. I've done it before and its all healthy food.
  • I'm in for monday too! I can't wait to see how many of us make it through to next weekend having done it every single day!!!
  • I don't know your family or the history you have with them. I just know that if I had lost 60 lbs my entire family would be so proud of me and would want to see the results of all my hard work so they could praise me. I love seeing pics of family and friends who have done what you've done. Still, I don't know you're…
  • Where exactly are you going to find those last 20 lbs?!? You look amazing right now and I find you such an inspiration. Thanks for posting those pics.
  • Ohhh a fellow bride to be! Good, maybe we can work on this together. My wedding is August 2011 and I want to lose 100 lbs by then! Maybe we can do special challenged once a week or something until our weddings roll around. Have you found your dress yet? I'm not even looking until Christmas because I don't want to have to…
  • Holy crap what a response! haha I love this site for responses, they come so fast and they're all wonderful! With so many it would take me days to add you all as friends, so if you could just add me I'll approve them and we'll do this together. Thanks so much for such overwhelming support.
  • I've reset my goals to what was suggested and was happy to be able to eat more protein for supper. I eat good carbs but I just found that I needed a bit more protein. I'll see how this works out for me. I'm still geting the same amount of calories so either way I should lose around 2 lbs a week.
  • It kills me and I can never seem to get past the first section but... sure, I'll join ya!!! haha August 1st?