200+ (Week 42) Getting Fit For Fall!



  • scarletjg
    scarletjg Posts: 29 Member
    I need to find a group to talk with and it seems like you're all in the same boat as me. Of course, I may be on the far end of this particular boat! I'm 272.7 lbs right now, just 7.3 lbs from the HEAVIEST I have ever been in my life. I need support to keep me checking in with my food and exercise. I want to just stick with eating heathy for an entire year and feel as though I can accomplish what I set my mind to.

    Will you guys be my friends? haha :)
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Welcome scarlet!!! We enjoy getting to know new faces. Feel free to ask questions, post sucesses, and challenges. Feel free to friend any of us for extra support.

    Great job on your run Kristina. Glad you enjoyed your mom.

    Kendal - the dog park sounds fun.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Morning ladies! Today started out with workers ringing my doorbell at 7:30 am to fix the heater. (Our landlord said someone would come by to fix it 2 MONTHS ago - I have no idea why it had to happen at the butt-crack of dawn today) I got the crock pot going with Chicken Tortilla Soup for dinner tonight after we get back from the gym. Now I am putting together a plan for strength training at the gym.

    Scarlet: Hi there! We'll be your friends. This is a great group. Jump on in & start posting.

    Kristina: It sounds like you had a great weekend with your mom. Good job on the run!

    Victoria: You and your 8 miles are an inspiration!

    Have a great day all!
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Morning everyone...I'm a little sleepy eyed this morning...I didn't hear my husband leave or anything else for that matter and I slept in until 7:30...not good for a Monday morning! We have tons of things to take care of this week, it's the last full week off before school starts next Thursday.
    Weigh in for me was the same...214..****sigh****, but on the encouraging note, I lost an inch off my hips, 1/2" off my tummy and 3/4" on the chest...so I am getting smaller...I started month 2 yesterday of insanity, they are longer and Shaun T, lets just say...kicks your *kitten* BIGTIME, if I can keep up with this all month...there is no way I couldn't get the scale to move.

    Welcome scarlet....great plan to start with your eating...You can do this...YOU can do anything you set your mind too...just one day at a time!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    I better get chores done and that insanity out of the way..I'll also be walking a few miles with the football Mom's this evening...
    Amy...your soup sounds wonderful....sometime when you have time, would love it if you could share the recipe...the crock pot really saves me during the school year.

    Kristina...sounds liek a wonderful time with your Mom, I'm so jealous!

    Hello to everyone....have a great week!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I had japanese after my big day at the park with Lexi so I was up 1.5 pound yesterday. I forgot to weigh myself this morning. Its not a big deal though since most people say I shouldn't weigh myself everyday.

    I finally heard from the "bad boy" this weekend and hadn't heard from him in like, 2 weeks (and it had been a week and a half prior to that that I heard from him). We were chatting online and he was like "brb" and never came back. I was cleaning and was periodically checking the computer but he hadn't returned 45 minutes later and I needed to go to another room so I signed off. He's got a lot of drama going on...like, court appointed paternity test. :huh: Yeah I'm not really digging that so much and considering how I haven't heard from him in so long, I think I'm just going to let this slide into the "friend zone" and keep it there.

    And right now the "good guy" is at my house waiting for me to get home from work. :bigsmile: :devil: He finally got a couple days off from work and was able to come over last night. He'll stay through tomorrow morning. Lexi loves to play with him but hates sleeping in her crate lol She has gotten pretty spoiled in that aspect. He's getting to catch up on sleep and some paperwork for work....and he also has some shows recorded on my dvr to catch up on so I'm sure he'll be fine all day.

    anyways, thats about it for now :smile:
  • mish3131
    mish3131 Posts: 276 Member
    Sorry everyone. I forgot to post my weigh in on Saturday. I got busy it just didn't occur to me I had not done it.

    6 Week Challenge

    SW: 237.8
    CW: 195.0
    WL: 1lb
    TWL: 43lbs

  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Good Morning girls! Not a bad Monday and this will be a fast week I am sure. I'm only working half a day tomorrow as my husbands photographer friend has offered to take Gracie's picture free of charge if she can use some of the images for promotional materials. Thursday the Scandinavian Fest is going and all us girls and the owner of the place goes for the latter half of the day to eat meat pies and drink wine. Then Friday we are closed and going trout/stealhead fishing as a company for the day.
    So, two high calorie days in a row...but it should be fun.

    I got on mapmyrun.com this morning and figured out that the walk/run I'm doing tonight, with a pretty steep hill climb is 2.6 miles round trip, so that should be a d@mn good work out for me. Probably take me around 45-50 minutes or so. I'm excited to do it.

    I will try to get back on here later in the day and respond to everyone. From the quick skim I did, sounds like everyone had a pretty good weekend!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Debra: I LOVE my crockpot! I don't have a lot of recipes for it cuz I never used to use it but I am starting to collect more now that my son has sports & stuff. Here's my Chicken Tortilla Soup recipe we had tonight.

    1 pound chicken
    1 (15 ounce) can whole peeled tomatoes, mashed
    1 (10 ounce) can enchilada sauce
    1 medium onion, chopped
    1 (4 ounce) can chopped green chile peppers
    2 cloves garlic, minced
    2 cups water
    1 (14.5 ounce) can chicken broth (I use reduced sodium)
    1 teaspoon cumin
    1/2 teaspoon chili powder (use more if you like more heat - my family's kinda wussy)
    1/4 teaspoon salt (this could probably be left out entirely if'n you're watching the sodium intake)
    1/4 teaspoon black pepper
    1 bay leaf
    1 (10 ounce) package frozen corn
    1 tablespoon chopped cilantro
    7 corn tortillas
    splash of lime juice

    Put everything except the cilantro, corn tortillas and lime juice into the crock pot & let it go (6 to 8 hours on low or 3 to 4 hours on high). I use frozen chicken in this and just take it out before serving and shred it with forks and put it back in. I add the chopped cilantro, torn up corn tortillas and lime juice right before serving. I have sprayed the tortillas with PAM and baked them for about 7 minutes and used them like chips on top of the soup but my family likes it better just in the soup (and it doesn't involve the oven that way). Garnish soup with some light sour cream and a bit of cheese and you're good to go. Depending on how big your servings are, you should get 8 -10 servings out of this recipe.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Hey ladies!

    Just a quick check in. My day has gone okay. I was planning on maybe hitting the gym up after work, but I'm exhausted. Like, my body feels a bit rundown- maybe from my long run yesterday? Plus, I'm not caught up on my sleep. Plan for this evening is to do some hand weights while catching up on some tv. Will also go to bed early tonight, as I've got a morning 4-miler tomorrow.

    Eating's been okay today. Work was painful. 4 hour team building training- trust falls and all. UGH. Plus, I was exhausted, so was definitely crankypants. Then the second half of my day was spent doing online learning modules for my annual anniversary at work. Jealous, eh? On the bright side, it's employee recognition week at the VA, so I might actually stop in some days. Today was ice cream social, and they had skinny cows, which was a happy medium for me. Splurge, but not going all out.

    Hope everyone's having a good day!
  • HeaterM
    HeaterM Posts: 275
    HELLO LADIES!!! Long time to see! I'm extremely happy that you guys still have the group going and are doin pretty damn good if I do say so myself! I have been lazy all summer, no excuses there and I've gained about 25lbs. I can go a two pounds like over night it's weird. This morning I weighed in at 253 but the other day I was 255 and the time before that 252 it just jumps around there. I'm workin on gettin a job and I think if I do that I can get a YMCA membership agian and try to work out since I just got a car today and everything. But... I'm here and hopefully back for good especially since i tend to get to the pc more! Love ya guys!!! Best of luck <3
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Good morning super pals - my life is running so short on time, I feel that I'm not keeping up with my groups. Hopefully this fall, things will slow down and I'll have more time to comment. Managed to squeak in my 2 mile run at 13 min pace but the girls were sore from pre-TOM and not sure how I'll do on Thurs. I may need a 3rd bra...

    It's nice to hear from you heather!!! Feel free to pop in anytime and join us. We aren't going anywhere except to thin down!!! Have a great Tues...
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Heater- nice of you to check in! We've missed you around here. You're always welcome back! Check in whenever you can! As for your weight, mine will jump around a couple of pounds day by day as well. The important part is the general downtrend in the long run. Hop back on that wagon and we're here for you to get you through the journey!

    Hope everyone is having a good Tuesday. It feels like a Monday to me since I wasn't in the clinic yesterday like I normally am. Let's hope I can stay a bit more awake today versus yesterday, when I struggled through the entire day. I did do some hand weights for my arms/upper body while watching some TV. Was going to do some ab work, but didn't. Again, was feeling really fatigued. I went to bed at a decent time, and was as awake as well, I can imagine I could be at 5:20 this morning. Got up and ran my 4 miles at a 12:18 pace. I actually felt like I was running faster than that. Partially because I was running to music the whole time instead of my normal podcasts or audiobooks and felt like my pace was faster and that I didn't slow down as much in some portions. But when I got home, I was still in that same 49-50 minute window. *sigh* I can't complain much about the time, but it was a bit frustrating as I thought I was going faster. Happy again about being done with exercise for the day.

    Work shouldn't be too bad today (*knocks on wood*). I was down to 182 again this morning, which is great (pre TOM weight), but this evening is pub trivia, which I haven't been to in a while, which should be fun, but caloric and salty. Will need to keep the rest of my eating under control today, so the damage isn't too bad. Tomorrow is a long work day with my group, so I'll need to decide how I'm going to get my cardio in. I might be going to a potluck at lunch, so that would knock out a potential lunch outing to the gym. I really should get up early again and do it before work, but I just don't know if I'll be able to drag my tush out and do it. We'll see.

    Was feeling pretty fat this past week thanks to TOM among other things, so today is the first day in a bit where I'm feeling a bit better. I'm wearing a shirt I haven't been able to wear since I bought it a few years ago and it was always tight and clingy on me. I hadn't attempted to put it on for a few months. Slipped it on this morning and it's totally wearable! Just took me almost 50 pounds to get there. haha.

    Good luck everyone!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Welcome back Heather!

    I ate HORRIBLE yesterday. Had probably 600-700 cals in chocolate/candy alone. Plus we had Chinese buffet for dinner. I didn't get any *ahem* formal exercise and today I'm up to 220.6. :embarassed: :frown: I've already had some M&Ms this morning. Thankfully it was just a little fun size pack and less than 100 cals but I'm making myself log it all. I haven't been logging much the past week so I'm cracking the whip on myself and making it right. I think I'm subconsciously sabatoging myself to get stuck between 215-220 and I really don't want that. I want to lose 50lbs in a year and that means I need to be 210 by October 1st (roughly....technically I think I started Sept 25th but that was an odd date). I really will have to be on my best behavior to lose 10 pounds in 2 months.

    At least tonight is zumba night :smile:
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Amy, thanks so much for taking the time to post that recipe...it looks delish, I will be trying it for sure!! I do my corn tortillas like that too, all the time.

    Insainty cardio condtioning done...very tough workout...glad I'm done and tomorrow is a recovery day.....

    I have to run...hope everyone is doing well!!

    Hugs...SUPER HERO POWER HUGS, that is!!!!
  • mish3131
    mish3131 Posts: 276 Member
    A bit on the serious side:

    So, I have been on an emotional roller coaster. Earlier this year I started with you gals and then disappeared. When I joined a few weeks before had a MC. Since then everything has been a struggle. Every month since I get terribly emotional a week before TOM arrives. This is the week for me this month (boo). Every month TOM shows I feel horrible. We have been TTCing since Feb and nothing.

    I am now getting worried. When I got preggers with my son it took 9 months, but when I got pregnant the second time it only took 2 months. I was always considered high risk and even more now that I have had a MC. With that being said I called my doc yesterday and the nurse called me back. She said she will discuss everything with him. She calls me back today and tells me doc wants to check my hormone levels my next cycle. He wants to make sure I am ovulating. I think I am, because when I should be I get back pain from hell then it goes away and then returns when TOM arrives.

    Ok, I am done now. Thank you for listening/reading.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Deb- I tell you, your insanity workouts are burning a crapton of calories!! Sounds like it's a good thing that tomorrow is a recovery day.

    Well, the work day is sort of coming to a close. It hasn't been too shabby. Some clients that are a bit of a pain, but that's no surprise and to be expected. Had a salad for lunch today and tried to stay away/minimize the more caloric toppings, so I think I should only be over a by a 100 or so calories this evening after pub trivia. I'm fully aware that the scale won't like me in the morning because of the calories, salt, and the fact that I'm not eating until 8pm. Oh well!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    I went to the COOLEST pool today! Gabriel wanted me to work with him on his swimming before actual in the water practice starts so I found our nearest German pool. It was freaking cool! It had water slides, a whirl pool, a huge wave pool, 2 outdoor pools, a lap pool, a sauna, and a fitness center. We had a blast. EXCEPT for the fact that I discovered both my kid and his grandmother waaaay overstated his swimming abilities. He can barely swim a couple of strokes before he spazzes out and thinks he's drowning. This is sooo not ok for competitive swimming. So now I am trying to figure out how to un-register him from the swim team (and, more importantly, get my $400 back). I KNEW I should take him swimming & see how well he did before I registered him for this team but we were in the middle of moving and I didn't have time. And DH's mom (who got him lessons in the first place) said he was swimming really well. I guess I need to reassess what "really well" is. Geez.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I just got to work and have no time. I WILL reply tonight to everyone..sounds like some interesting stuff going on.

    My eating has been good AND I did my 2.6 walk last. There is a 500 ft gradual incline on the hill and let me tell you, holy *kitten* pushing a 35 lbs kid in the stroller up that thing..WOW. I didn't wear my HRM and only logged 250 cals or so, but it took us 58 minutes and I am sure I burned more than that. The point is that I did it right?

    Okay...be back later alligators!
  • HeaterM
    HeaterM Posts: 275
    so far today i'm donig pretty good! I'm excited to get back on track!! Good luck everyone I hope you have a great day!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Oh ladies (*sung to Beastie Boys tune*)!!! I actually ate pretty well today. As I was driving around for work, I thought of time management techniques - I made the decision to stop logging cal until I gain and sustain a weight loss for 2 weeks in a row. This will allow me more time to spend on groups. At this point in my journey, I feel peer supper is more important and that I have a good handle on calorie allowance after 11 months of this. I packed my lunch for tomorrow - so I can check in to my groups in the am.

    My brother turns 40 this weekend - he doesn't want a formal party but is staying at our house for the weekend. Can you say BEER and junk food. At least I have a 8 mile run Sat and 4 mile walk Sun. Mom has reminded me that we have an 8 mile walk over the Mackinaw Bridge on Labor Day and that I need to get her in shape for it. Eeeekkk Labor Day is 4 weeks away.

    Oh well, life goes on.

    Amy - I can't wait to try your recipe... YUMMY!!!

    Kendal - I need some of your non official exercise (*wink*). 19 years of marriage puts a dent in it.
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