200+ (Week 42) Getting Fit For Fall!

Well, another week is coming to a close and it's time for our group to check in and so we can see how everyone did for the first week of our newest 6-week challenge.

I know this week has been a mixed bag for me. I hope everyone is doing well. Looking forward to reading your posts! :heart:


  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Hey Super Pals - good morning!!! Mr Scale and I have a date today -eeeeeeekkkkkkkk!!! Not sure if I'll officially record it. It's been almost 2 weeks since I've dated him. Having kids in the house made it hard. At least I recorded food but was 900 cal over even after the 7 mile run. Bad beer, bad beer. But good evening. Bad BFF for leaving Klondike bars in freezer - bad choice to eat it and it wasn't very good (facepalm). Today not only am I going to record food but I'm sticking to my cal goal!!!

    Welcome back Kim. We all have our ups and downs - that's just life. My goal is to have the good days out number the bad. Feeling healthier is truly what it's about. Weight loss is a bonus.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Morning ladies.

    Weighing in today at 183.4 (+1.4 from last week). This is not something that surprises me. I was up 4 at the beginning of the week, mostly due to TOM issues, which are peetering off, but the weight usually takes a week to fall off, plus I went out for both lunch AND dinner yesterday. Not horrible food, but still more sodium and calories than I'll normally eat. It was a good week in that I had a really good exercise week, so I'm trying not to get too down about the weight. I'm hoping the hard work will show in a big number next week.

    This weekend will be hard, as mom is in town, so there will be a lot of eating out, and will have to work hard next week to compensate for the extra calories, but should be a great time!

    Good luck everyone!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    It is a great morning!!! Mr. Scale and I are on again. I actually maintained and was 182.75 this morning... I really expected a gain since my eating has not been good the last few weeks. I love having a standing date for exercise - otherwise I would have kept my tush in bed. 65 min bike ride - check - exercise done for the day. The time really flies by. It felt wonderful since it was only 50 outside!!! I live for the cool weather. I say that as I'm wrapped in a blanket typing. Maybe I'll grab a book and go in the hot tub for 20 min. I work 11 to 8 today...

    Kristina - enjoy your visit with your mom... That weight will come off soon

    Kendal and Lacey - I really like the Bitten from the Women of the Other World series by Kelly Armstrong. I've only read 2 in the series.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I maintained this week. 218.6. If you guys saw how much food I ate yesterday, you'd be ashamed of me. I ate and ate and ate. I'm glad I didn't have that much food in the house. I was actually 218.2 yesterday morning but oh well. It is what it is.

    No plans for the weekend and the bff might be going out of town till Monday/Tuesday. I just don't know what I'm going to do. :ohwell: I have to work through lunch today so I can leave early and go to my eye dr appt.
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Morning everyone...I'll be weighin in Sunday...just wanted to pop in and cheer everyone on today!!!, looks like maintaining and keeping things real....love it!
    It's been a recovery week for me with insanity....goodness I needed it, the worouts have still been a challenge, but not...leave your *kitten* laying on the floor...kinda workouts:laugh: :laugh: , I've had the grandkids this week and yesterday I worked out in the afternoon and they both worked out with me....to frickin cute, I tell ya...at first they just watched me....then little by little, they'd jump in and by the end they were running circles around me and all thru the house...screaming and yelling and acting all sorts of crazy...:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: , then we were in the pool most of the afternoon, all week really, it's been so hot here. We made 2 loaves of chocolate zuchinni bread,( which disappeared quick...hope it wasn't me:wink: )... my oldest grandson(3 1/2 years) helped with the whole thing and he's so adorable...when we were finished he gave me a big hug and said..."I'm really proud of you GG".....if you could just bottle that up and save it for a rainy day...and I just now realized...I never took a photo all week....man, what was I thinking???

    I need to get busy....Lacey, I did good with logging calories all week....but yesterday, not so good...back at it today...TOM came today so hopefully SUnday's weigh in will be a good one, I'll be measuring again, so hopefully something will work out for me.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Glad its Friday. I am back to the cranky tom bs and it is irritating me. I'm up a lbs, not surprising but what can you do? I have only ran/walk twice this week and haven't done anything else, but it is a (re)start so I will take what I can get. Next weeks schedule shouldn't be so hectic.

    Deb - I had a hard time with my eating yesterday and Wednesday but tried to log most of it. I am back to doing it today and will try super hard to keep it up through the weekend, which has always been my hardest times to log. Good job on keeping up with yours!!

    Gotta get back to it..
  • jadegem_2002
    jadegem_2002 Posts: 101 Member
    Okay ladies, I'm having a serious issue and i have told anyone bc i feel like **** for doing it. I binge eat but not all the tie but when i do i make my self vomit and i know it's bad. i havent done it in two days but it's making me feel sick. i feel like it's easy to lose control and i dont want it to get out of hand. I hate being over weight and i keep telling myself that this will help but i know that in the long run it will cause more damage then do good. I'm lost. bc i wanna eat alot and when i do i feel guilty and bring my food back up or just wont eat or only eat a little bit through out the day or eat one big meal and thats it. like yesterday i had a steak and that was it and some lemonade and i didnt eat anything else really. plz help
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Hi ladies. TGIF! We went on an adventure in the Black Forest today. We hiked to the top of Germany's tallest waterfall and took our puppy along for the adventure. It was soooo fun! It was such a hike! We also bought a couple of cuckoo clocks and wandered around the cutest little village. Soooo much fun. If I had any idea how to post pics here, I would.

    I was up & out this morning & forgot to weigh in, but I'll check the scale tomorrow & see what we see. I'm thinking it's gonna be a no loss since last week was a big drop & this week has been sort of stagnant. I'm not gonna get bummed or anything because I hiked to the TOP of a waterfall today and had a blast doing it. Not only that BUT the pics DH took of me along the way were not horrible and did not get immediately deleted (as they normally do). Yay!!

    Jadegem: I don't know how much help I can be but I thought I'd try. I don't think you can make up for bingeing by making yourself throw up or by not eating very much. I think that just makes things worse for you. I would recommend that you follow the calorie recommendations that MFP sets out for you and try to make sure you eat before you get super-starving (I think that would be best done by eating several meals & snacks a day). I know that eating a lot of sugar or carbs will trigger ravenous hunger for me so I make sure that I eat protein & fat along with carbs (generally, I just add a piece of string cheese and I don't start my ravenous binge). You can do it, just take it one meal at a time. No one is perfect.
  • kimmrdodge
    kimmrdodge Posts: 190 Member
    Hey everyone,

    Well, I had a really good week finally! I lost more this week than I did all of last month. I am down 3 lbs this week which is a really nice change. The down side is that as of yesterday I'm sick :sick: My nose is completely stuffed my throat is sore and last night I had a horrible headache. So for the first time I had to skip the gym. And if later today doesn't get much better I'll have to do the same, although I REALLY don't want to.....maybe I can go and just do what I can do?

    Anyways, I did post at the end of the last board but looks like most of you missed it because this bored came up right after I posted :ohwell: I do have some new pictures on my profile and the old ones are sill up for comparison.

    This week my goals are to work as hard as I can at the gym a minimum of 4 days and to eat slightly more protein than I have been which seems to have really helped this week.

    I am also excited because I have less than 100lbs to lose now finally! 99.5 to be exact, makes me feel better to know it's under a hundred to go. When it was 135 to lose it seemed so impossible, now I can see that slow and steady will get me there. My next important miles stone will be to get under 200 lbs....and I would really like to do that before my 10 year anniversary on Nov 30th. If I do I will be lighter than when I met my husband. He is excited to see how different I will look as I lose weight, he has always known me as fat but no matter what he has always loved me and supported me regardless, I love that about him. So if I can give him a treat just by changing myself for the better I'd feel so much better about all the nice comments he has always given me regardless of my size. BTW I'm gonna post my measurements later when I take them as well. Haven't done it in a while.

    Ok, OK im gonna stop rambling now. I just feel really good this week. Like I really am changing. Thanks for listening.

  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Ms Jay- I'm sorry you are dealing with this. I'm not sure what to tell you other than maybe you should seek counseling for bulimia. I know thats a scarey word, but from what you've said, thats what it sounds like to me. You've taken the first step, which is admitting what you do. Now you need to take another step and find the resources in your area that will help you overcome this problem. I've never done any real research on it but I'm betting there are support groups that you can join.


    Let me know if there's something I can help you with. I'm pretty good at internet research.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    wow Kim!! look at your face!! It has totally slimmed down! great job!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    This morning I am down a pound from yesterday. I will still keep yesterday's weight for the weigh in but this makes me pretty excited. The humidity has drastically dropped and the temperature is down 10 degrees too so I'm going to take Lexi for a 3 or 4 mile walk and then take her to the dog park. The dog park kinda stresses me out cause Lexi has always been *that dog* who runs around and creates a very excited atmosphere for all the other dogs. Then they try to dominate her and she doesn't care cause she just finds a stranger who will rub her belly. lol I'm hoping she'll be kinda tired and not be so crazy at the dog park. Anyways, its 10am so I'm gonna go get ready. :bigsmile: Hope everyone is having a good weekend!

    Two weeks from today is my camping trip!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Happy Saturday!!! My day has been stressful. Just got back from taking 2 cats to the vets for yearly check-ups - screeching for 20 min each way.... Can you say headache and tension... But I felt sexy. I wore jeans and "tucked" my t-shirt in and wore my pumps from Phoenix. Both cats got healthy checkups but I'm concerned because my baby girl (she's 8) has lost another pound - she's too thin and has dropped from 7.5 to 6.3... I give her extra food all the time (*sighs*). The vet says she's still in a healthy range.

    When I calm down, it's yard work time (yuck)... At least I'll get to listen to my book - I've started "the Hunger Games" - WOW... I'm only about 30 min into it and I'll never look at food the same again. Has anyone read it?

    Kim - you do look great and much thinner!!!

    Kendal - enjoy the dog park.

    Kristina - How's it going with mom?

    Lacey - Have a nice time with your BFF.

    Amy - I'd love to see the Black Forrest. Glad you had a great time and exercised.

    Jadegem - Admitting the problem is the first step. I encourage you to talk to your doctor and seek professional help. There are medical issues to be concerned with as well from vomiting - the acid ruins your teeth and esophagus. Keep us posted on your progress.
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    internet acting wonky all of the sudden...I can't see anyone's profile pics....??????

    Victoria...you go you sexy thing you!!

    Jadegem...hugs to you, keep talking with us about the problem, get help, ask questions, we're here for you. I have emotional eating problems myself and am constantly dealing with the reasons "why I am eating"...like everyone has mentioned...admitting the problem is a huge BIG First step!!

    Finished my recovery week of insanity and took my fit test, I am very happy with the results I am seeing, still losing an inch here and there...I will weigh in tomorrow for group...

    have a great weekend...I'm off to do lawn work too...double yuck!!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I'm so glad I got up and went out today. Lexi and I walked 4 miles. Took an hour and 15 minutes but my hrm says I burned 1194 cals. :noway: Not sure if I honestly believe that. Lexi was absolutely EXHAUSTED. And then we went to the dog park lol. It was such a great trip. When we got there, there was a guy with a bulldog and he asked if Lexi was fixed. Apparently he's looking for someone to breed his dog. Then a couple with a beautiful big boxer came in. They were breeders too. And then the stupid idiots let both of their dogs off their leashes. UMMM HELLO?!? Two un-fixed male dogs are going to fight to establish dominance (and because of all that pent up sexual energy). So of course they fight. Lexi was chasing after them but didn't get involved in it. The owners broke apart their dogs and they both left. Am I the only one who watches the Dog Whisperer though?? Neither one made their dog submit to them (lay completely down on their sides until they relax and submit to their owners).

    After they left everything was honky-dory though. Lexi was too tired to get up and incite a riot. There were 3 other dogs there. I could just dog-napped one of them. It was a beautiful little hound dog named Molly. She was the same color as Lexi and played with me for a long time. There was a white-ish dog that kept trying to jump on Lexi to get her to play but eventually left her alone. Lexi snarled and growled at him a couple times when he was bothering her but I intervened to keep the situation from escalating. It was funny cause I was sitting on a bench in the far corner of the park (it was the only one available in the shade) and all 3 dogs played around me most of the time. Then this man with his two 8-10 year old sons and their lab named Shaq came in. They threw the ball for their dog and came and hung out around me. Lexi got in one of the boys face and kept licking him. It was funny. Lexi sat in the front seat so she could have the air conditioning on her on the way home (top was down and she normally rides in the backseat cause there's more room). She is absolutely EXHAUSTED now and hardly moving. I'll have to give her a bath later today. Its time for her bug and heart worm stuff too.

    anyways, I need to go dry my hair and get some laundry done....I'm seriously feeling a nap right now....
  • kimmrdodge
    kimmrdodge Posts: 190 Member
    This morning I am down a pound from yesterday. I will still keep yesterday's weight for the weigh in but this makes me pretty excited. The humidity has drastically dropped and the temperature is down 10 degrees too so I'm going to take Lexi for a 3 or 4 mile walk and then take her to the dog park. The dog park kinda stresses me out cause Lexi has always been *that dog* who runs around and creates a very excited atmosphere for all the other dogs. Then they try to dominate her and she doesn't care cause she just finds a stranger who will rub her belly. lol I'm hoping she'll be kinda tired and not be so crazy at the dog park. Anyways, its 10am so I'm gonna go get ready. :bigsmile: Hope everyone is having a good weekend!

    Two weeks from today is my camping trip!

    Wow congrats on being down a pound already! I had the same experience this morning an extra pound already! I'm pretty excited about it too:)
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I love rain but not on long run days!!! I may have to run on the treadmill. Yesterday I had a bottomless pit of a stomach - must have been from my book - to much starvation and savoring of food. I'm hooked and bought the second book in the series.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Hi all, I swear I'm still here. I've just been out a lot of the weekend so now I'm getting back to business. This week my son starts dry-land training for the swim team he's on so we'll be at the gym for 2 hours Mon, Wed & Friday so I guess I'm going to alter my workout plan to add gym workouts. It's been a while since I've gone to a gym but it will be nice to work on weight lifting exercises. So that's the plan. That and finishing up C25K (finally). No weight loss this week though. Maybe the workout shake-up will help me out.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Got my 8 miles in today!!! Pace slow at 14:30 but at least I did it...
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Hey ladies!

    I'm going to go back and read up on how you all have done this weekend, but I wanted to check in.

    Just dropped mom off at the airport. We had a great time this weekend. She loved the new place and we just enjoyed talking, hanging out, and enjoying good food. So, I knew the eating out would be a problem this weekend, so it wasn't unexpected. We did dinner at a brewery on Friday night. We went to the farmer's market (YUM!) Saturday morning, then for brunch which was amazingly delicious, an IKEA run, and then for exercise, we went to the botanical gardens and walked three miles (which was definitely needed!). We went to dinner at an italian place for dinner, which was pretty amazing.

    Today, I got up this morning at 7 and ran my long run: 6.18 miles at a 13:20 pace. Pretty happy with it. It actually wasn't even that bad- I think I got into the groove of things around mile 3.5-4 or so, and just was coasting along. I was a bit tired towards the end, I think mostly due to the fact that I kicked it up in pace the last half mile or so, and I was winding down in energy, as I hadn't eaten yet. Was pretty proud of myself. So, I definitely should have no problem running the 10K in October in town.

    Then, had a light breakfast at home, drove around town, hit up the ZIngerman's (*drool*) bakehouse, so my mom could pick up bread to bring home to dad. Ate lunch, and then ate a couple of treats from the bakery (ugh).

    So totally decadent food weekend, as I knew it would, but I got exercise both days and hope to have a decent week ahead. Running/training schedule is the same this week: 2 4-milers, and a long 6-milers on Sunday.

    Hope everyone had a great weekend!!