Need to lose 7 pounds in 11 days. Help

snowball123 Posts: 1
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
I need to lose 7-8 pounds by Sept 7th. Any advice would be great. I have cut my calorie intake to 1500 a day. I am doing cardio every day to cut some calories as well. I am 6 ft. 212 pounds.


  • scarletjg
    scarletjg Posts: 29 Member
    Ok, first I'll tell you that dropping weight that quickly isn't good for you, but then I'll ask why you need to do this. Are you into wrestling or boxing and need to get into a different weight category?

    Regardless of your answer there is a program that will get you to lose that much that quickly and its healthy. If you are going to force your body into such big weight loss, do it right. The program is called fat loss for idiots and you can access it online. It lets you choose food that you like and then gives you a list of foods to each each day. The purpose of the program is to speed up your metabolism. I did it twice and lose 9 lbs th first time and 6 the second. However, it didn't stay. It isn't a lifestyle program so some people put the weight back on. I hope this helps you.
  • pretty much unrealistic...sorry.
  • jleshko
    jleshko Posts: 40 Member
    It is unhealthy to lose that much weight that quickly... do you need to do this for wrestling, boxing, or some other sport with a weight restriction? The way wrestlers and boxers cut weight is to exercise and not take in any fluid or anything the few days prior to a weigh in... This is a very unhealthy practice that has actuall led to dehydration illness and death for some athletes. 7 pounds would be easy to drop in a few days this way but you would lose some endurance and strenght etc... And it will come right back as soon as you hydrate your body. The only right way to lose weight is by cutting your calories exercising and doing it slowly over time... 1 -2 puounds per week... this will keep you from losing muscle, water, etc... and help you burn fat... which is whatyou really want to lose...
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    i'm with the above posters...why that amount in that number of days????
    the only reason i could think of would be for a weight class for a boxing/wrestling event.....
    i have no suggestions to offer quick weightloss as i am here for the long haul...
    good luck with whatever end up doing...
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    If you even CAN lose that much in that little time, I could almost guarantee you that it will not be 7 pounds of fat. It would maybe be 1/2-1 pound of fat and the rest in fluids. So you could succeed (albiet not in a healthy way) if you are just looking for your scale to say 7 pounds less...maybe. But if your 7 pounds away from an article of clothing fitting you, sorry, not gonna happen.
  • Cina04
    Cina04 Posts: 609
    If you really need to lose that mean lbs - try a detox

    yeah i know people have mix reviews about it but you just really got to do your research on it.

    I did a detox last month to help jumpstart my weight loss process - i didn't take it expecting I will drop 20lbs and the box says with proper diet and exercise!! people tend to miss those keywords! lol Also doing a detox all the time is dangerous. The detox I did allowed me to eat my regular meals.

    Within that week I dropped 5 lbs and haven't seen it back.

    There is one detox people are getting good results - Shakeology Detox. I haven't tried it but read good reviews about it. I'm sure someone who has done it can tell you more info on it =)
  • cparter
    cparter Posts: 754 Member
    Looking at your stats and how much you plan to lose overall I would assume you are a wrestler or something of the sorts. Boxers and wrestlers do it all the time and basically starve themselves to meet that weight and then gain it back just as fast. This site is more geared toward the life style change but there are some who have the personal training back ground geared towards the athlete and not the novice that may give you incite but no promises. If you are into sports google it. See how to shed weight fast to prepare for a sporting event based on type or whatever. Be prepared to be weak and starved which will most likely affect your performance but if you are doing this as something permanent you are out of luck.
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