mats613 Member


  • @kommodevaran practically speaking, if I'm hungry i binge. Im sure many people are the same. Nothing wrong with being practical, and every persons weight loss journey is different. I will find this useful and I'm sure others will as well.
  • @Sabine_Stroehm do you find shiritaki noodles to be a lot of work? I bought a case months ago and i'm scared to prep them.
  • @falklang I haven't been to the doctor, but I'm overweight, and in the past doctors kind of prodded me towards weight loss. I'm 5'1 and 184.5lbs currently @bbell1985 nothing really changed except me cutting back on calories. when I wasn't counting I was probably having about 2500 calories a day - but I was gaining about…
  • @88love and @pinuplove thanks for the suggestion on upping the fats. I actually am not having a lot of fat that might be it. I had a teeny bit of pb in my oatmeal this morning, and the meat has fat but it's the low fat type. I will try adding some avacado and a little more PB and see if it helps me feel calmer and less…
  • thank you that makes a lot of sense. i didn't think of it like that. it must be the sugar from my coffee every morning that gets me nauseous for the day. ill give that a try!
  • i take 1500mg a day of metformin (3 pills slow release) i have been eating a lot of fruit lately especially watermelon bc i find it doesnt get me nauseous. so you think its the sugar that kills my apetite? salad gets me quesy too. regarding my logging, i don't usually log my foods online b/c i don't have internet at home,…
  • you are aware that insulin is sent out by the pancreas every time a person eats? and the more sugar/carb laden the food, the more insulin it sends? as well, excess insulin causes the body to store more energy as fat? basically, having insulin resistance means the body keeps making more insulin. and the extra insulin in the…
  • thank you for the suggestion. its true, really - it sounds like im just a glutton for punishment. however, i have tried many types of diets, a low-carber is the only one that works for me. th it makes sense. i have recently discovered i am insulin resistant and prediabetic - the recommended diet for people in my condition…
  • morena, what method did you use to drop the weight?
  • Thank you so much to everyone who posted. not one negative post. just lots of encouragement, information, and good ol' common sense from you guys. misskitty, ur right, i totally feel worlds different and better when i eat fresh, yummy foods for a week that i made myself, as opposed to takeout and donuts! steinersteph, i'm…
  • roasted pumpkin seeds pickles those yellow soup nuts
  • cheesy goodness is cheesy goodness. on days where you cheese binge, try to steer clear of simple carbs and sugars.
  • i enjoy spicing my food, but doesn't anyone find that theres a threshold between bitingly-fun spicey and o-this-is-actually-painful spicey? i grew up in an askenazic jewish community, where salt and pepper is as feisty as it gets, and if ur grandparents were hungarian maybe some paprika. ashkenazim originate in Europ…
  • good luck and dont focus on counting calories lol thats kind of the point of dukans is the freedom to eat and not ration
  • starting the 2nd time around too :) i did it last year and lost 30lb, but i got soooo bored of meat and fish. its hard that you can't have vegies every day on dukans :( do you think it will be harder to lose 2nd time around? i'm just so sick of drowning in my own fat lol. i signed up also at and i started a…
  • ok, that's logical. i guess its kind of like 'evening out the playing field for me' so that i get to fight the same battle everyone else does for weight loss, as opposed to barely being able to maintain. thank you to everyone who commented. it seems the general consensus is it would be stupid not to listen to my dr. lol.…
  • thank you so much for taking the time to explain this all to me. I really appreciate it. I have just one more question - so if i'm tracking my calories based off my TDEE, i do not subtract calories I burn off my excercising, right? excercising is part of the calculation of the TDEE in the first place? just want to make…
  • the link sounds super scary. according to where the poster sends me, if I eat under 2200 calories a day i'll be losing weight. are you kidding me? I gain weight at 2000 calories :( have you ever tried his method personally? if so, did you find that it worked?
  • um, im gonna eat all of that. thanks. CHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOLATE!!!
  • you can totally have a piece of carrot cake, just have a small dinner later. as long as ur in ur 'calorie budget' u need to sometimes indulge to stay on track. ur not cheating as long as u can afford the calories.
  • ur profile pic is most disgusting and interesting at the same time. lol. smart that you eat small meals to keep ur blood sugar levels up. i also find when i do this eating less is easier cuz i'm not 'ravenous' at any point.
  • that IS an awesome guilty pleasure. anyone else?
  • it's tougher to be short when ur a guy, cuz with girls it can still be cute, but with guys it's a 'status' thing. but guys r allowed to weigh more due to muscles. 17% bf sounds very healthy for a guy
  • thank you Shannon - how long did it take you to drop those 10 lbs at that level of calorie intake?
  • i love that you focus on your health and well-being more than appearance. that's such a positive outlook. for now, the dream of skinny me is what motivates me. but truth be told, i'd rather be strong and fit at 140 lbs than emaciated and slim at 115. thank you.
  • it is healthier for me to be slim than obese, even if i might not be eating perfectly healthy to get there. hey, it's not like vegies and tofu were what got me fat in the first place lol.
  • wow, you packed some really good information into this post. it's good to know you can still lose on 1500 a day, i do think that sounds more reasonable and less daunting. the truth is its how much fat and how big you are that matters more. like, when i was a size 6 i was 150 lbs and my friend was 120 at that size. some…
  • its probably cuz ur small boned that the little lbs show. that's a whole other challenge, no?
  • wow, it sounds like the shorties out there need to resort to 1200 - 1300 a day to keep up weight loss. yikes! but the weight loss will be so worth it, that i know. i couldn't possibly eat so little at this point, i guess i'll have to gradually reduce over the next few weeks so my stomach gets used to it and adjusts. do you…