I'm hungry ALL THE TIME

When I do... and when I don't skip breakfast....
small snacks throughout day or large meals 3 times...
even eating tons of yummy totally filling huge portion of veggies with protein...

starving starving and angry all the time

eating healthy, really truly. JUST HUNGRY

1600 calories a day and i get there too fast and then i'm a total raving b*tch



  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,525 Member
    How much fat are you eating? If I go too far down the low fat road I get agitated and stay agitated.

    BTW- my can’t stay out of the kitchen stopper -oatmeal. It isn’t just for breakfast.
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,871 Member
    More fat? High satiaity carbs (potatoes, oatmeal, etc.)? How much of a deficit is 1600 for you?
  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    My first instinct is to suggest that you up your calorie goal. Second is to suggest that you up your protein consumption. But the responsible thing to do would be to ask more about you. Height? Weight? Previous loss and rate of loss? Activity level? Are you eating back your calories?
  • Falklang
    Falklang Posts: 220 Member
    Whats your age, height, activity level and weight? Have you seen a Doctor and they've given the OK for you to start a new lifestyle? Are you exercising? Answer these and we may be able to help you better. :)

  • bbell1985
    bbell1985 Posts: 4,571 Member
    Change anything lately? Birth control perhaps?
  • mats613
    mats613 Posts: 47 Member
    @88love and @pinuplove thanks for the suggestion on upping the fats. I actually am not having a lot of fat that might be it. I had a teeny bit of pb in my oatmeal this morning, and the meat has fat but it's the low fat type. I will try adding some avacado and a little more PB and see if it helps me feel calmer and less hungry.

    @goldthistime my maintaining intake was calculated as 1800 - i think because I'm short. I'm 5"1, 184.5lbs, female 27
    it might be 2059 depending on whether i'm sedentary or lightly active (I'm not sure which)....I walk about 30 minutes every day, and row 30 minutes once a week. I'm pretty hyperactive also, constantly fidgeting, spinning in my chair at work, running over to coworkers cubicles to brainstorm etc.
    I'm scared if I up my intake I'm not going to lose.... and then all this hard work for nada
  • mats613
    mats613 Posts: 47 Member
    @falklang I haven't been to the doctor, but I'm overweight, and in the past doctors kind of prodded me towards weight loss. I'm 5'1 and 184.5lbs currently

    @bbell1985 nothing really changed except me cutting back on calories. when I wasn't counting I was probably having about 2500 calories a day - but I was gaining about .2lbs a weeK?
  • SusanDSME
    SusanDSME Posts: 194 Member
    Not that this helps, but lately, I've been hungry all the time, too. I think some of it is psychological... once I start thinking about food, it's hard to stop. Strangely, I feel less hungry when I exercise.
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,871 Member
    Fat is my happy macro. I'm very grumpy hungry if I don't get enough!

    If you've only recently been eating at a deficit, there IS an adjustment period where you'll be a little hungry, as well. But you shouldn't be starving, even in a moderate deficit. Sometimes it just takes some macro and timing tweaking to find the right balance.