slrrese Member


  • Just stopped by to say CONGRATULATIONS!!
  • I feel your pain!! My brother is obese and has had many health issues! The last time he had a "scare" my sister (his wife) in law encouraged us all to talk to my brother. She lives a healthy life style and exercises and tries to encourage him to do so as well. My sister, other brother and I gingerly talked to him about…
  • I AGREE with you daylily, please start out slow and move up in your exercise. To put it in perspective, what I did was "slow" for me because I had always walked my dogs, always rode my bike and did a biathlon when I was 30. The 5 years before I started my weight loss journey I put on weight due to health issues, eating to…
  • My dogs are beagles and they are very active. We have a very active lifestyle with them and are at a very good weight. When it is rainy or windy outside and I walk on the treadmill- they walk with me. We also play ball, they chase each other and we take them to the dog park to socialize them and let them play with other…
  • Yes- I have a desk job and enjoy the workout so I roughly do something 6 days a week; sometimes it is intense workout and sometimes it is just walk the dog (I don't count walk the dog as exercise unless I do my long, intense walk). I can say what I did worked for me, I can't say it was just the cardio or just the diet or…
  • I can't tell you what is best for you, but I can tell you what I did, and I started with a lot of cardio to jump start my weight loss and then started weight lifting as I lost weight. I am 5'5", and lost 30 lbs from Jan- June, and reached a goal weight of 140 (profile picture). My goal has been to get fit by 50 (April…
  • How I wish I could be there, but alas I have a fit by 50 goal! I started this journey last January, I reached my goal weight of 140 in June (my profile picture). I have been working out by biking, walking, weight training and pole dancing since then trying to get fit by 50. For me that is April 2013. In Jan I will decide…
  • HAHAHA!! I read this at first as NO DEATH DECEMBER CHALLENGE!!!! go for it, either way. :-D
  • After reviewing your diary here are a few suggestions. Log all the TIME!! You skip so much it is hard too see if your getting consistent calories or meeting your goals. Eat more lean meats and raw or cooked veggies ( with an emphasis on raw). Replace high density carbs like bread with tortillas, pita bread and thin buns…
  • I am making thanksgiving this year and it will be a traditional thanksgiving "dinner". We will most likely eat by 2:00 so we have the rest of the day to burn it off. I don't like to over eat at all anymore so I will eat small portions of everything, most likely have a glass of wine and skip dessert ( only because I am not…
  • Wow, wow, wow!! You look great!!
  • I have no idea how much to charge, but I wated to tell you it is cool!
  • Thanks for sharing your great story. What an inspiration!
  • An old lady lives in a nursing home and every evening she goes around lifting her night shirt and saying "super sex", she goes from room to room doing this. One night, she happens upon a man she has never seen before in a wheel chair in the hall, she lifts her dress and says "super sex".... a few minutes later the man…
  • I agree with the others that your goal is very lean. That being said- it is possible to maintain weight while gaining muscle (or I would like to think so because I would like to think that I am doing it). Three months ago I hit my goal weight of 140. I am 5'5' and for several reasons I have picked this weight as where I…
  • Great job- your so beautiful!!!!
  • I agree with the OP about people thinking overweight is the norm. My Mom tells me she is worried and that I am too skinny all the time!! I just tell her that I am maintaining my weight and just toning up, which I am right now. I may decide to lose another 5-10lbs after the first of the year but I will never tell her that!!
  • Mine is .71. Avatar is my picture at my current goal, but I have lost 1 in in my waist and 2 in in my hips since my picture.
  • What an awesome sounding trip!! We will stay home but super excited that my step daughter, her husband and our two grand kids are coming to visit us (in CA) from Virginia!!
  • That is so awesome! Congrats on all your hard work.
  • I will be 50 next year and have never had children, and never wanted them. In fact, I was married at age 30 and two years later he was pressuring me to have kids. I had been honest that I didn't want them when we married, and we ended up divorced. Like many others here, I love kids, love my nieces and nephews and love my…
  • Great job, congrats!!
  • That is great!! Thanks for sharing.
  • Allergic reaction. I used a certain soap for years, that all the sudden developed an allergic reaction to it. Could be it took repeated exposure to develop or something you use changed " the formula".
  • Great job!! Your doing it the healthy way, slow and steady wins the race!! You look awesome.
  • Great job! Very inspirational.
  • I have a stationary bike, a treadmill a weight machine and various free weights. I like to mix it up and do all sorts of different things. I also take a pole dance class once a week and do several strength and stretching exercises with the pole. I think I am not a usual home fitness person as I am lucky to have a lot of…
  • I stretch after every workout. I love stretching and it is my reward for working out, I just love it. I am so much more limber than I was and it makes me feel great. I think everyone should stretch, but then I really like it.
  • I am 5'5.5" and reached 140 a couple of months ago. I am intentionally staying here for several reasons, one is that I am lifting and want to give myself some time at this weight to see how I feel and how my body changes lifting, I also have not really lost my boobs at this weight and the third is that I suffer from…