Neondragonfly Member


  • This is the final update for my 50 Miles in October 2013 Challenge... 27.10.2013: Went out with Hubby and the Girls to buy a car. 1736 steps (0.86 miles) 28.10.2013: Did not go out. 29.10.2013: Took the girls out to the park with the neighbours. 3130 steps (1.56 miles) 30.10.2013: Had to take the car in for a servicing in…
  • Here it is, my latest update... Mon 14.10.2013: Went out for 2 playgroups with the girls. 4356 steps (2.17 Miles). Tues 15.10.2013: Did not go out. Wed 16.10.2013: Did not go out. Thur 17.10.2013: Had a hospital appointment today and walked to, around and from the hospital. 5280 steps (2.64 Miles). Fri 18.10.2013: Did not…
  • Hello! I haven't been able to update you with my miles walked for the past week as have been a bit hectic with family stuff and hubby hogging the laptop :wink: Sat 05.10.2013: Took the Yara to the hospital for an appointment and walked home slowly with Anya out of the pram. 2847 steps (1.42 miles) Sun 06.10.2013: Did not…
  • Yesterday I took the girls to town and I walked around for about an hour (ish). Unfortunately my 2 year old wiped my pedometer before I could get the number of steps written down. I reckon I walked about 1 mile. Today I walked 3 miles at brisk pace to Leslie Sansone's 3 Mile Walk at Home work out video. TOTAL: 6.60 MILES
  • This morning I took Yara to Parent & Baby Group (2619 steps) 1.30 miles. This afternoon I took both Yara and Anya to Playgroup (3114 steps) 1.30 miles TOTAL: 2.60 MILES
  • I managed to get in 31.73 miles in the September Challenge. This is my base line for improvement for the October Challenge. Bring it on!
  • Sadly I was unable to get to 50 miles. I'm pretty peeved about how i was not able to reach the goal of 50. However at least I was able to get 31.73 miles in total and now I will use that as a baseline to improve upon. I've seen that a new challenge for October has been set, which I heartily accept. Bring it on!! :bigsmile:…
  • Forgot to record my last bout of walking on 21st so will record that in this entry along with today's one. 21.09.2013: Did a walking work out video. Leslie Sansone's 4 fast miles walk. It was hard but I'm totally glad I did it! 6248 steps according to my pedometer Today: This morning I walked to Parent & Baby Group. Was…
  • Hi, can i join? I have just under 100lbs to lose now. I'm from West London, UK :happy:
  • Took the girls to playgroup this morning. 15 mins brisk walk each way (2996 steps) 1.49 miles. TOTAL: 2.83 MILES
  • Today I went into town with the girls and pushed a pram around town for about 2 hours at a slow pace (2637 steps) and walked approximately 1.31 miles TOTAL: 19.34 MILES
  • I did a walking workout vide: Walk away the pounds with Leslie Sansone (3 mile walk) My pedometer said that I did 4824 steps which would work out to 2.41 miles according to my walking calorie calculate on so I'm thinking that my pedometer isn't really reliable after all :( TOTAL: 18.03 MILES
  • This afternoon I then took both girls out to Playgroup (and found out that this group has closed down as well) and then walked back home, I did (3012 steps) walking 1.50 miles. TOTAL: 15.03 MILES
  • This morning I took Yara to Parent & Baby Group and I did (3146 steps) walking 1.57 miles. This afternoon I then took both girls out to Baby Clinic by bus and then walked back home, I did (4227 steps) walking 2.11 miles. TOTAL: 13.53 MILES
  • Hello! I have 101lbs to lose. I don't have a specific date for my goal weight of 150lbs but I do hope to lose approx 26lbs by the time I return to work from Maternity Leave in March 2013. I joined MFP a while back but didn't really do much. I restarted again officially when I had my 6 weeks check up after giving birth to…
  • Hello! I'm 32 years old. I live in West London, UK and I am currently on Maternity Leave having just given birth to my 2nd baby girl. I work for the Probation Trust where I manage people who are on Community Service.
  • Today I took the girls to playgroup and then found out that it was closed. However I did (2713 steps) walk 1.35 miles so it was not an entirely wasted journey :smile: TOTAL: 9.85 MILES
  • I didn't go out anywhere today. No mileage done today :sad: TOTAL: 8.50 MILES.
  • Wow, great job! You are looking so amazing! I am just restarting my weight loss journey after having my second baby daughter (who is now almost 8 weeks old) and I am 251 lbs so your success has been inspiring. What was your workout activities and routines when you started out? Did you start running straight off from the…
  • I did approximately 2.25 miles (4681 steps) walking to and from the local school to enroll my daughter, Anya, for nursery for September 2014. TOTAL: 8.50 MILES. I'm feeling pretty damn proud of myself. I'm positive I can keep this up and complete this challenge. I'm proud of you all too. keep up the great work :happy:
  • Hi all, I wasn't able to track yesterday's miles yesterday and so am tracking it today. I did approximately 1.5 miles walking to and from the hospital for an appt. Total so far is: 6.25 miles. So far so good. I shall track today's miles later on as i'm about to go for a walk with hubby and kids to a local school to…
  • Today I did approximately 1.5 miles walking to and from the park with my children. Total so far is: 4.75 miles. So far so good. Got a hospital appointment tomorrow so I'm hoping to rack up another 1.5 miles walking to and from the appt. Great job everyone! :)
  • :bigsmile: Hello all! Yesterday, 1st of September was a boo-boo. Didn't go out at all and so did not walk anywhere. I was pretty disappointed in myself for such a bad start with this challenge. However, today was a totally different story. I walked a mile from my house into town and then walked around town for about 3…
  • My problem seems to be portion control on any foods I eat. I just cannot seem to be satisfied once I have eaten the correct portion size of something and so caution gets thrown to the wind and I start to munch on anything I can. This is something I have to really watch out on.
  • Hello from London, UK. I'm so up for this challenge. I've been pretty stationary for the past few months (due to late pregnancy and giving birth). Pushing a double buggy would give my arms a workout whilst I'm at it too. I've been thinking about it and as there are 30 days in September, I plan to do 1-1.5 miles a day to…
  • Hello! I'm slightly confused.... Which should breastfeeding be recorded on? Food tracker or Exercise tracker? My child is 6 weeks old and is exclusively breastfeeding. I'm not actually on a diet but want to watch my calorie intake so I don't pig out and get any bigger than I am at the moment as I have been doing a lot a…
  • Hello Supermum! First of all, congratulations on your new little one and I hope you, your baby and your family are doing well. My second baby girl is 5 weeks old tomorrow and I'm also breastfeeding. I am planning to start my weight loss journey once I get the okay given to me by my GP at the 6 weeks Checkup appointment…
  • Wow! I am so amazed at all of your photos showing the fantastic transformations. I'm so inspired to get going and lose my flab. So, any suggestions on how to get started? What exercise plans did you guys follow to start with? Wow wow wow, I'm so happy you guys are having the success you wanted for your weight loss. xxx
  • Sadly, I did Week 1 Day 1 about 4-5 months ago. Not proud of myself. I found it to be extremely difficult. My ankles were aching so much that I was worried that I would be able to walk it back home after the session itself. Still quite weak in the legs and ankles and not too fond of the feeling of my fat jiggling about the…
  • oops, supposed to say thank you so much! What a dummy!