jcasebolt84 Member


  • Dude, don't make it so complicated! If you are making smart choices in what you eat and hitting your required macros, then your body will know how to put them to good use. Your digestion system doesn't work on a 24 schedule, think more long term and at the bigger picture. If at the end of the week you are meeting your…
  • Body Fortress from Walmart. For a long time I was using BSN, ON Gold, and Muscle Milk. Got tired of paying that much money out so I switched to Body Fortress. It's cheaper, blends well, tastes great, and has been working great. I don't think you have to go anywhere else.
  • Don't go crazy trying to count micros also. Take your multivitamin and get your fruits and veggies. Simple enough.
  • Adjust your calories so you can have a little late night snack before you go to bed. To many people are afraid to eat before bed and I think that is a completely bogus fear for people to have. I wouldn't eat and entire pizza before bed, but eating a 300 calorie meal before lying down isn't going to hurt you. Your body is a…
  • If you are already in a caloric deficit before exercise then I would make sure to replenish what you lost from exercise. Say you are eating at a 500 calorie deficit before exercise, then you go to the gym and workout and burn another 500 calories.....this would be a total daily deficit of 1000 calories! Not good, it will…
  • Definitely, but just be careful that you are getting all your required micronutrients(vitamins and minerals) and not just your macronutrients(fat, carbs, protein). It's very possible to be hitting your calories and macros, but still having a less than optimal diet.
  • I don't think that a lot of people are giving the human body enough credit. Working out on fasted is not going to kick your body into survival mode because it thinks it is starving. Your body knows how to store up what it needs aaaand food digestion and nutrient depletion takes a lot longer that what most people on here…
  • If you aren't really looking to gain size or strength right now then just do a program that you enjoy! Right now i'm a push/pull split. I do push on mon and thurs using a 5x5 scheme for bench, squat, and OHSP. Then I do pull on Tues and Fri using 5x5 for deads, rows. Then I throw in some smaller accesory exercises just for…
  • That will be your call. If it's just head congestion then it is perfectly safe to work out. Getting your blood flowing can actually help increase antibodies in your body. However, don't completely exhaust yourself....you still need to reserve some energy for your body to start recovering.
  • Best thing to do would to be get a heart rate monitor for when you working out. That way it will give you a better idea of what you are personally burning instead of what other people have pre-loaded on MFP.
  • When you wake there may be certain hormones (such as Hgh) that may be at an elevated level. However, they are probably not going to contribute a measurable amount. At the end of the day, it all about what works best for you. I lift first thing in the morning before I eat, but that just because I have to work at 6 am and…
  • Decreasing your calories is what will make you lose weight; those calories can be from protein, fat, or carbs. However, proteins and fats are essential to survival so you do not want to cut those too much. Shoot for about .8 grams of protein and .3-.4 grams of fat for every pound of lean body weight....then just fill the…
  • Although I'm sure it was rough on you, there is nooooo way this is like squats. More than likely, you were still stimulating slow twitch muscle fibers while biking, where as heavy lifting is going to hit a lot more of the fast twitch muscle fibers. No such thing as a stupid question! How are you going to know if you don't…
  • If you are feeling good then I wouldn't worry too much about it....but over time it can really add up. If you are already in a 500 calorie deficit a day, then you workout and don't replace what you used, then by the end of the week you could be a at a 7000 calorie deficit. Over time this could really mess with your…
  • Lifting most certainly burns calories, but it's difficult to guage how many. There are so many variable that need to be looked at when it comes to lifting that can affect caloric expenditure. Your intensity, your volume, your metabolic rate, and the list goes on and on. I'd say a more accurate way is the buy some sort of…
  • Machines can be a great benefit, but they come with a risk. First off, most machines are going to focus on isolation movement which do not give the same results as your bigger compound lifts(bench press, overhead press, squat, deadlifts). Secondly, they do not allow you to move in a natural manner; machines follow the path…
  • When I'm studying for class I usually try to stand most of the time or slowly pace back and forth. Keeps the blood movin a little!!!
  • Wow! Heavy cardio, circuit training, and strength training is A LOT on your body while on a cut! I would personally just watch your macros, focus on maintaining strength, and throw in the occasional cardio. With already being in a caloric deficit, your body is going to take longer to recover and I don't think that only one…
  • I work out at 5 a.m. as soon as I wake up, no time for breakfast before hand. I usually eat about an hour after my workout but it because I'm hungry and has nothing to do with the supposed "anabolic window" after a workout. Unless you are competing, I really don't buy into the idea that meal timing is that important. Our…