

  • Hehe, I have that workout shirt!
  • Am I the only one who just doesn't like Rose? Rory and Donna are my favorites in the new generation. I also love River and Jack I haven't sat down and watched any of the classic yet really. When Hubby gets back from overseas though, and I can take time to actually have some me time away from kids, I completely plan on…
    in Companions Comment by cmglass10 May 2014
  • My initials and last name, and the year I got married.
    in Usernames Comment by cmglass10 May 2014
  • Missed my workout yesterday thanks to a migraine I had all day. Going to try and double up today, or just skip my rest day this weekend. :)
  • I've had an ok day, Been having anxiety issues prepping for this bad weather that's due to hit this evening.
  • I start my T25 tomorrow :D So no Monday blues for me, I'm looking forward to it!
  • Awesome for both of you! I didn't really get a chance to do anything today, because I worked for over 10 hours and by the time I got home I was just to tired to do anything more. But I fully plan on getting some serious working out done tomorrow!
  • Hey there, I am very new to the whole beachbody thing. But I have a friend that has experience in it, and just recently became a coach. And to help support her first sale, and to jump start me I bought the T25 and Shakology package. But I am very interested in "meeting" new people to work together and to help motivate each…
  • Through the month of April I've upped my water intake, and cut back on my soda intake. Drastically. I'm down to one, maybe two sodas a day. Which is nothing compared to what I used to drink. There was a point where I was drinking 30 or so sodas a day...yeah try and get that through your head. I don't really have time for…
    in Day 1 :) Comment by cmglass10 April 2014
  • Hi all My name is Marin. My superpowers include: Being able to scare monsters away from under beds and out of closets. Being able to start singing almost any disney song just from hearing one line. Depending on the season I turn into Santa, Or the Easter Bunny Able to put make up on without a mirror, and not come out…
  • Count me in! Want to be down 20 lbs and be pre pregnancy weight by my 24th birthday in July. :D
  • Thank you, This was along the lines of feedback I was looking for.
  • No if you actually tried the product and hated it, or found it was ok but wasn't fully worth it, I'm fine. I wanted feedback from people who actually used the product. Or if you have other resources for me to check help that you believe would be more worth my time than the shakes, I'm fine with that too. Didn't think I…
  • Look people, that are just basically blasting at me for wasting my money, or that the whole marketing thing is this or that. I haven't made my decision on whether or not I will go with it or not. I'm going to take my time thinking everything over. Price, active ingredients, ect. I asked a simple question seeing if people…
  • Well when I searched shakeology I mainly found people worried about the cost of it. I'm not to concerned with that. I'm concerned with now they have actually worked for other people, or do they actually like them. And she told me months ago when she started using them, and has just mentioned them here and there along the…
  • I'm only 5'0. And I hate the gym as well haha
  • friend request sent
  • Slip ups happen, at least you recognize you are slipping up and you do want to correct the problem. Try getting into your workout clothes for before deciding to skip out on the workout or not. Sometimes when you are already in the clothes you are more incline to continue and go along with doing your workout. And if you do…
  • Mine is open, though I admit I really do need to start making some better choices. Difficult when I have to work through lunch/dinner sometimes. But anyone is free to add. :)
  • Anyone here is free to add me as well. Looking for more friends to interact with and to have to help motivate eachother. :)
  • Welcome back! I've been gone myself for quite a while, but I've jump right back on it full force as well! Good job on the 10lbs And good luck on the next 10! Feel free to add if you want. Looking for more people to interact with and to motivate along the the way. :)
  • Anyone feel free to add me. Fell off the wagon for a while, but I am back in it full force now, and am looking for people to interact with and to hold eachother accountable.
  • I'm on a 1600 calorie a day. Sometimes I'm under sometimes I'm a little over. But I'm usually around there, Anything really under that I feel like I'm starving myself. Feel free to add me. :happy:
  • I am a geek, and would love more geeky friends! Feel free to add me!
  • You are an inspiration, can I send you a friend request? Would like to be your friend to talk with and share stories and what not.
  • Friend Request Sent, and anyone can add me as well
  • This is really my first time in the forums. And I'm looking for more friends on here to interact with and to help motivate each other. :) Glad you are back in the game! It was kind of the same for me, I was on here a while ago, then sort of forgot about it, now fully back at it! I'm going to go ahead and send you a friend…
  • Hello, I'm new here. Just looking for a group of people that will help keep me motivated on my journey. And that could offer tips and advice