Shakeology, What are your thoughts?



  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I used it because I had a free supply for a long time.

    It tastes good ONLY when I mixed in a crap ton of other ingredients. Can you imagine spending $120 on the stuff and then about $50 more per week just to make it palatable? Geez.

    It had NO EFFECT on my hunger pains, weight loss, or health in general. People who claim it does are seriously just buying into the hype and letting the placebo effect run them over.

    It's overpriced powder that they claim is not processed...UN-processed POWDER that used to be berries, bark, algae, etc??? Really? And people believe that one, too.
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,779 Member
    There are countless other posts re: Shakeology, just use the search feature.

    But since you asked, She's telling me all about it and everything they have done for her, and how much she loves them, you would probably telling all your friends the same thing if you signed on to sell an overpriced and largely ineffective magic potion powder.

    ^Don't hate unless you have tried it.

    FIFY -

    you signed on to sell a product that relies on multi-level marketing to generate sales.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    The shakes taste great! Used to mix mine up with fruits and pb2 all the time, Had to stop though because they gave me really bad gas lol it was embarrassing

    Yup! Mixing the chocolate flavor with a tablespoon of PB and a banana is delicious. Tastes like Reese's!
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    The shakes taste great! Used to mix mine up with fruits and pb2 all the time, Had to stop though because they gave me really bad gas lol it was embarrassing

    Yup! Mixing the chocolate flavor with a tablespoon of PB and a banana is delicious. Tastes like Reese's!

    I've never had banana Reese's.

    And Shakeology never tasted like Reese's at all to me.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Look people, that are just basically blasting at me for wasting my money, or that the whole marketing thing is this or that. I haven't made my decision on whether or not I will go with it or not. I'm going to take my time thinking everything over. Price, active ingredients, ect. I asked a simple question seeing if people that used the shakes actually liked them or not. Didn't want smart *kitten* comments attempting to make my thread a joke. Sorry to those who have apparently seen this topic one to many times, But when I originally searched the topic, all I saw mainly was people concerned about the price. I'm not concerned about that at the moment, like I said, I am still thinking the whole thing over.

    Thank you to those who did actually answer my question.

    Also thank you to SugaryLynx for the link, I will check that out, and bookmark it.

    you asked for thoughts, you got our thoughts. you don't get to decide which thoughts we share and which we don't
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    The shakes taste great! Used to mix mine up with fruits and pb2 all the time, Had to stop though because they gave me really bad gas lol it was embarrassing

    Yup! Mixing the chocolate flavor with a tablespoon of PB and a banana is delicious. Tastes like Reese's!

    I've never had banana Reese's.

    And Shakeology never tasted like Reese's at all to me.

    The Shakeology + PB tasted like Reese's. Not with the banana, obviously.

    Everyone has different taste buds :wink:
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Look people, that are just basically blasting at me for wasting my money, or that the whole marketing thing is this or that. I haven't made my decision on whether or not I will go with it or not. I'm going to take my time thinking everything over. Price, active ingredients, ect. I asked a simple question seeing if people that used the shakes actually liked them or not. Didn't want smart *kitten* comments attempting to make my thread a joke. Sorry to those who have apparently seen this topic one to many times, But when I originally searched the topic, all I saw mainly was people concerned about the price. I'm not concerned about that at the moment, like I said, I am still thinking the whole thing over.

    Thank you to those who did actually answer my question.

    Also thank you to SugaryLynx for the link, I will check that out, and bookmark it.

    you asked for thoughts, you got our thoughts. you don't get to decide which thoughts we share and which we don't

    It's apparently another "give me your thoughts unless I disagree with them" thread.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Look people, that are just basically blasting at me for wasting my money, or that the whole marketing thing is this or that. I haven't made my decision on whether or not I will go with it or not. I'm going to take my time thinking everything over. Price, active ingredients, ect. I asked a simple question seeing if people that used the shakes actually liked them or not. Didn't want smart *kitten* comments attempting to make my thread a joke. Sorry to those who have apparently seen this topic one to many times, But when I originally searched the topic, all I saw mainly was people concerned about the price. I'm not concerned about that at the moment, like I said, I am still thinking the whole thing over.

    Thank you to those who did actually answer my question.

    Also thank you to SugaryLynx for the link, I will check that out, and bookmark it.

    you asked for thoughts, you got our thoughts. you don't get to decide which thoughts we share and which we don't

    It's apparently another "give me your thoughts unless I disagree with them" thread.

    Ahhh, another one of those. Good ole MFP. Never gets old
  • svandever101585
    svandever101585 Posts: 188 Member
    I drink Shakeology everyday. I have used the chocolate and the strawberry. I love it. I noticed that since drinking it I get deeper more rested sleep at night. I also noticed an increase in energy. If I drink a shake at lunch I do not have the afternoon crash. I use my shake as a meal replacement or an after workout snack depending on what recipe I am using that day.
  • cmglass10
    cmglass10 Posts: 31
    No if you actually tried the product and hated it, or found it was ok but wasn't fully worth it, I'm fine. I wanted feedback from people who actually used the product.

    Or if you have other resources for me to check help that you believe would be more worth my time than the shakes, I'm fine with that too.

    Didn't think I would get bashed for such a simple question.

    Thought I would get maybe possibly some sound advice from the people who didn't like the shakes, instead of basically being called stupid (I know no one here actually called me stupid, so don't jump on me for saying I put words in anyone's mouths) for even considering purchasing the product.

    EDIT: Ok I looked back at my original post, and realize I didn't make it fully clear I was asking for people who actually had experience with the product. But still....
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    I know I was one of the people who hasn't tried the shakes and said "it's a waste of money" but I think some of us (myself for example) have a preconceived notion of these fad programs as being kinda evil. So I don't think you should take the negative reactions personally...if that makes sense.

    Me for example...I have never tried any of them...but I have good friends who have bought into these programs and spent a lot of money (sometimes even screwing up their budgets) on the products, and lost very little weight and then gained it all back lightning-fast after stopping the shakes.

    So for someone like me who has watched a lot of friends do just that, but then actually tried logging my food on this site - regular normal food - and pretty easily losing 76 lb in just over 1 yr, it feels like these fad things are unnecessary traps for gullible and desperate people.

    I hope that makes you feel a bit better. If it doesn't, I apologize for my own response.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Didn't think I would get bashed for such a simple question.

    YOU did not get bashed.

    SHAKEOLOGY got bashed.
  • Chill out everyone. The only reason why this is "one of those threads" is because some people did start "bashing" when it came to it being a "scheme" or a "money pit". Glass I have tried them and I loved them, I only drank one in the morning ( mainly because I normally dont eat breakfast) or if it was super late coming home from work. They did fill me up, the taste is a little plain. Though I did enjoy mixing berries with mine. Hope this helps.
  • Timelordlady85
    Timelordlady85 Posts: 797 Member
    I bought a month supply of it with a workout program. The shake tasted good but I just couldn't justify the cost of it every month or having to sign up to get a discount for it. I just make sure I eat enough protein or use this
    sun Warrior brand protein powder.
  • cmglass10
    cmglass10 Posts: 31
    I know I was one of the people who hasn't tried the shakes and said "it's a waste of money" but I think some of us (myself for example) have a preconceived notion of these fad programs as being kinda evil. So I don't think you should take the negative reactions personally...if that makes sense.

    Me for example...I have never tried any of them...but I have good friends who have bought into these programs and spent a lot of money (sometimes even screwing up their budgets) on the products, and lost very little weight and then gained it all back lightning-fast after stopping the shakes.

    So for someone like me who has watched a lot of friends do just that, but then actually tried logging my food on this site - regular normal food - and pretty easily losing 76 lb in just over 1 yr, it feels like these fad things are unnecessary traps for gullible and desperate people.

    I hope that makes you feel a bit better. If it doesn't, I apologize for my own response.

    Thank you, This was along the lines of feedback I was looking for.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    No One in this thread has bashed Anyone... Period.... This is a public forum and you will get opinions. Just because certain poster have commented that they would not use this product (as I did) just gives another view. And OP you have to realize there are more than just you and like minded Shakeology people reading this thread and to have different opinions on the subject may help others reading this thread decide what they want to do... but lets be perfectly clear, having a difference of opinion on the subject is not bashing you in any way....
  • I'm using it as part of my carb cycling and HIT training. It does curb hunger. It is low calorie. What I like the most is that it contains no Aspartame nor Sucralose (which gives me headaches). There is no aftertaste. It blends well and freezes well. For a lower cost alternative, check out Nature's Way Metabolic Reset (Amazon). There is a trend in health care products these days to set people up as coaches for a better price. Vitamin companies, health supplement companies and Acne care companies are doing it. Often there is an automatic restocking for the best price. They may reserve the right to post on Facebook and other social media in your behalf. Just watch what you are signing up for.
  • JenniB619
    JenniB619 Posts: 85 Member
    I love Shakeology! I actually just started it this week and can notice a total difference already. My face was breaking out, I just couldn't get the little ones to go away and just within the 1st week of having it I can notice it's starting to clear up. Also, my skin is so much softer now - I was in total shock when I was rubbing my face! I have the chocolate one - to me personally, it tastes like I am drinking a chocolate brownie or something.. its SO good :)
  • I tried Shakeology for a month and then decided it was too expensive and bough the Beach Body Meal Replacement shake. Let me tell you-Shakeology is far more superior in taste, quality, nutrients, and efficacy. I am obsessed with the chocolate flavor. It tastes like a chocolate brownie. I seriously crave it, its that good! It gave me energy and curbed my cravings for sweets. When I started the beach body meal replacement, I didn't notice anything besides providing me with a low calorie protein substitute for breakfast. Shakeology is expensive but I truly see the value in this wonder supplement. I even noticed my mood improve. I plan on continuing to buy it!
  • WVprankster
    WVprankster Posts: 430 Member
    Useless bullfeces.