eggheadrn Member


  • I liked how they also mentioned other health markers (waist, BP). I didn't like the ingratitude in the opener of 'not losing enough'. This isn't a sprint....
  • Totally the muffin tin breakfasts. I like the mini ones, with quinoa, eggs, and veg (minis make me think I'm getting more). Or Greek yogurt with fruit, flax, and berries. A whipped egg with wilted veg.
  • I second the magnesium vote. Epsom salt bath, oral Mg, or mg foods....I always do one of these if I know I am likely to not sleep or if I have sore muscles.
  • chia pudding or the coconut cream/cocoa/vanilla pudding. I know, coconut cream = high cal, but one bite (especially if w/good cocoa), and you're full....
  • I'm all about the mason Jar salads. Make five Sunday night. The keys are minimal air space, dressing and sturdy veg on the bottom, and add nuts and seeds when you're ready to eat. I do this all the time during the semester. This blog got me started, but Google or Pinterest will give you ideas.…
  • Chia seeds ( in ch-ch-chia). Good source of omega....12 g of fiber per serving (I got a bag at Costco). I sprinkle in yogurt and have with oatmeal.
  • In any stew or chili; with almonds and wheat thins; in scrambled eggs, on a quesidilla (low carb small shells) w spinach and shredded chicken :drinker:
  • It really depends on how you are motivated...if the weighing every day gives you the feedback you need, great. Every week as well... I can't weigh every day. I get overwhelmed and frustrated if I don't see the numbers move and I've been leading a healthy lifestyle. I've been through weight rehab twice (and took off 100)…
  • I got to work from home today. (Which means even more multitasking than usual....laundry plus work). The sun is shining. It is Friday and I am grateful for my world.
  • Yes...I went through six meds and every single one gave me horrible side effects. (Twitching, anger, impulsive thoughts). One major factor that was magnifying my depression was that my Vitamin D levels were dangerously low. So, now my nurse practitioner monitors my Vit. D (have to be careful w/supplements because D is a…
  • I, too, am not coordinated but I love to hoop. I don't spin, Zumba, or run because I lack grace, but I hoop. And none of my friends do! (They say it is 'too hard'...LOL) :glasses: There is a national org for hooping. If I recall correctly, a rough…
  • Excellent summary. Crystal clear....others on the boards w/same topic should read this.
  • I'm a big fan of moderation, but diet soda is on my 'never' list now. I used to drink a lot of Diet Coke to get through full time work and full time grad school. But, I was in the hospital for ten days of brain monitoring as the docs thought I had a seizure disorder and were ready to put me on meds. I gave up all…
  • Use a low carb tortilla. Crisp it up in the oven on a pizza stone or a panini press. (I love the panini press...gets it nice and crispy). Then add your toppings and heat. (I saw something like this on Hungry Girl and was doubtful but I really like it). Contadina makes a nice squeeze pizza sauce...:tongue:…