sparkly75 Member


  • I've been dieting for 20 years! They don't work! I have finally realised after all this time that processed foods are making us all fat and sick. I'm now trying to stick to organic wholefoods. Without being too regimented - I feel so much better and not as hungry. It's an ongoing battle though x
  • I'm not sure yet - I fancy some meat tonight so I'm either going to make lamb leg steak with mint sauce, baby potatoes and spring greens or chicken satay skewers with garlic brown rice.
  • Porridge with semi skimmed milk, a handful of blueberries. Homous with cucumber Green tea
  • Wow I have no idea what half of these things are but they sound yummy :D I'm making baked large portobello mushrooms stuffed with stilton ( laughing cow so pretend lower cal version ) and chives and wholemeal breadcrumbs - haven't decided what I'm going to eat with them yet - maybe some roast chicken or baked salmon
  • Haha good point - or rather what's been done to the apple!? I've been playing around with trying to eat "clean" / organic / wholefoods - and have found it very hard not to mention expensive! I buy organic when I can and try not to eat any processed food, stick to whole grains etc.. and try to stay well away from food with…
  • I did the Cambridge Diet 3 times!! 3 shakes a day for 3 months - I lost 3 stone - a stone per month ( 14 lbs ) then surprise surprise gained it all back again plus some every time! How I survived on 3 shakes a day I have no idea - I had a very active job on my feet and worked 12 hour shifts most days! It's taken me all…
  • I try to go organic when I can Spinach Tomatoes Broccoli Red onions Sweet potatoes Romaine Lettuce Apples Kiwis Pears Avocados Bananas Laughing Cow Wedges ( I'm addicted! ) Semi Skimmed Milk Natural Yoghurt Eggs Butter Turkey Mince 2% fat Salmon Tins/ jars - Sweetcorn Tuna Sardines in olive oil Mackerel in olive oil Chilli…
  • I love the organic sunflower seed bread with rye grains its filling and delicious! I have that with a poached egg, a laughing cow light triangle and raw spinach and tomato Sometimes I mash half an avocado on the bread Porridge with semi skimmed milk A tablespoon of baked beans on wholewheat toast or the sunflower seed…
  • I eat actual food now instead of plastic junk! I forgot how delicious non processed home made food is! I try to eat clean / organic but I can't do without laughing cow cheese wedges and wine! :o
  • I thought it was just me that loved this stuff! I was feeling so guilty that it's full of chemicals and isn't cheese at all but it's so low cal and yummy that it's impossible to justify full fat cheese over laughing cow! I use it in pitta breads instead of mayo / butter or any high fat condiment - I use it on Muffins with…
  • Female 39 5ft 7 SW - 224 CW - 212 GW - 159 I need as much help as I can get :)
  • Exactly this happened to me this morning! I moved the scale around the house to find that I was 4lbs lighter in one area! I don't know which area of the house to trust ( naturally I want to believe the lighter weight haha ) I was actually a little down hearted when I saw I had gained a pound yesterday! Which is ridiculous…
  • I've noticed that a lot of people have their calorie goals set at 1200! Is'nt this really low even for a very small person especially if they are doing cardio as well! I'm 5ft 7 and 217lbs and my calorie goal is set at 1690 - I feel OK with that and I have a very demanding physical job - but even find it hard to stick to…
  • Thanks for the replies - I have plantar facitis at the moment my feet are very painful so I think swimming would be the best exercise for me - it will be a slow start as I haven't been swimming in years! I don't think floating in the sea counts haha! - I just need to brave the dreaded swimming costume :neutral_face: I'm…
  • Thankyou both - lisiloulah - I see you have lost 50lbs that's fantastic! - How long did it take you and what exercise are you doing at the moment?
  • Day 4 of level one today for me - yes the upper body work is a killer! I didnt realise how weak my upper body was until I tried this workout! Im absolutely usless at push ups and for some reason day 4 felt like day one today! Maybe its because Im tired - but the aches and pains have gone so hopefully that means Im getting…
  • Thanks dhamilton! I need to get a hrh asap - but Im in the UK so Ill look at other websites or shops here - There are so many to choose from I just want something basic and cheap! Im curious to know how many calories Jillian is really shredding from me! x
  • Ive been tracking it under "curves circuit training" as the circuit general seemed a bit high! maybe I need to get a HRM what kind of price are they?
  • Hi everyone I started level one day one on Wednesday but had Friday and today ( Sunday ) off - so Im counting tomorrow as day 4 - Im doing cardio on my days off from the shred - Im not sure if you have to do it every day for the best results?? I dont have the DVD yet Im using the free version of level one on youtube! Any…
  • I started yesterday - my body hurts today and it was quite hard to give it 100% this morning as I was sore especially my arms - it turns out my upper body strength sucks! Im dieting along with the shred - and am hoping it will assist in my weight loss as well as make me stronger im fairly new to exercise and MFP feel free…
  • Day one level one today for me - I nearly died on the jumping jacks / rope part - Im sure Ill only be able to move my eyes tomorrow! I secretly like the pain and feel fantastic though! Ill ask my body tomorrow what it thinks! :laugh: Im relatively new to exercise but Im not a sedentary person I have a busy job and am on my…
  • Day 1 level 1 for me! Ouch! It turns out I have no strength in my upper body - my arms feel shakey but my legs feel ok and the cardio jumping jacks / rope is a killer! ( but I secretly like the pain :) ) I know Im going to be sore tomorrow! I might invest in some epsom salts where can I buy them - Im in the UK? x Created…
  • Im in!! But cant start until Thursday :( I hope thats not too late x Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Im interested at starting this workout! Ive seen level one on youtube and think that its simple enough for me to follow and can easily fit a 30min workout at home into my day. Im at a low level of fitness at the moment and am hoping this will make me stronger and get rid of some of my wobbly bits in time for my holiday in…
  • SW - 198 lbs ( | lost 8lbs before joining ) CW - 190 lbs GW - 154 - 160 - ( for now ) Female Age - 36