

  • If you go by the numbers off the machines at the gym, just know you're probably burning more than it says you are. Amount of clothes you're wearing, the temperature of the gym, the setting on the bike/elliptical. I don't think it takes in to consideration you're biking a 4 minute pace but you're going hard at high…
  • I saw a doctor when I tore my meniscus and brought up the imbalance. He said of course not everyone is symmetrical but its mainly a mental thing because I can feel it for on the left. What I'm going for is to get lean so I'm hoping it evens out with cutting.
  • 4 egg whites, 1 whole egg. Chicken breast/Salmon/Turkey fresh salsa 2% cheese slices High protein, sorta low cal but enough if you had a lot of chicken and low in fat
  • Exactly what I would have said. Again if you go to Subway, you can get a salad with the meats you want. Turkey with cheese is not bad at all. Sure Sodium is high, but the meal is filling and won't make you crave anything until your next meal. If you do a lot of exercising though, go with a six inch whole wheat. Sure you…
  • anyone whos anyone feel free to friend me as well. dont worry about the picture. its my "jerk" picture.
  • im hurt....
  • marry marry marry
  • word, thanks. im trying to get to 195 while keeping strength. i wont be able to workout until next week lifting wise, and it will be the first time in 3 weeks i have lifted. hoping to max at the end of the semester (May) for 375. hopeully i lose enough weight/fat by march, then gain up with more muscle less fat. beer kind…
  • And yea if you just "starve" yourself that won't help. Wrestling in high school teaches you that. i was a healthy 185 wrestling at 171. All the muscle i got from football was gone. Definite no no if you want to gain muscle
  • I was around 188 at the end of last May. I ate around hmm I'd say 100+ grams of protein, no supplements just chicken, egg whites, turkey stuff like that. lifted 5 days week, did sprints and so distance running along with it. gained 22 pounds. I noticed some fat, but that was from late night taco bell runs and Budweiser…
  • eyes, definitely the eyes
  • grade A smile to vamback...but im sure you got a swell smile
  • ok now.... eyes. also i meant to post that before you just did up there ^^^^
  • i think ill just wait....
  • Simply egg whites is what I go with. Fills me up more then regular egg whites from the shell do. Throwing some lean turkey/chicken on there makes it a protein filled breakfast/lunch. I use to eat 5 servings of that with a whole packet of purdue baked chicken. Protein overload.
  • aight sweet man thanks a lot
  • george_ie_gir those pearly whites. great smile
  • It's not hard to put down 8 cups in a day if you just spread it out. every 2-3 hours, drink 1-2 glasses. Your body will thank you for it. You'll feel a lot more healthier after being hydrated.
    in Water? Comment by kevbot34 January 2012
  • I agree with the need for more calories. Another thing is, since all the holidays, your body wants that extra treat. For me I view it as a mental thing. Having wrestled in high school, my body was always wanting more food and energy. When I wanted to eat, it was all about not wanting to. I feel your pain with being hungry…
  • Chips are what kill me.....
  • Adding to that, alcohol is a big no-no. That's what hurt me since going to college. After wrestling 2 years ago, I was a healthy 185. All I did was workout, but on weekends, I ate poor food and drank the brewskis. Summer I went on high "true" protein diet, limited alcohol and I got to 210. Kitchen has a BIG impact on abs.…