I ate a candy bar and I liked it.



  • Smilejoelle1
    Smilejoelle1 Posts: 41 Member
    HECK Yes!!

    You go girl , it's okay to have a candy bar!
  • mariapuhl
    mariapuhl Posts: 529 Member
    Amen, Sista. And today I had a McDonald's apple pie and scarfed it down and I don't feel guilty either. It's been months since I last had one. And, yeah, I logged that sucka, too... right next to the small fry and McDouble.

    The McDonalds Apple Pies are delicioussssss.
  • ashkas2
    ashkas2 Posts: 32
    lol. my grandmother sent my son and I a piece of red velvet cake (and by piece, i mean slab) the other night. he decided he didn't like it "cause cake's not supposedta be red, mommy!" (he's 3, what can you say?) Well, red velvet the way my grandmother makes it is like my kryptonite. I.love.it. I thought about it all day long, just sitting in my fridge. On the drive home from work, I was back and forth trying to justify eating it. When i got home, I sat down my keys, went to the fridge, picked up that pie plate full of red, velvety goodness and dropped it right in the trash.

    my moral: a candy bar is one thing, but red velvet cake I would've eaten til i made myself sick. If I obsessed all day long over something that wouldn't give me any real enjoyment, I didn't have the control to eat it.

    great job on rewarding yourself and keeping it in perspective!
  • hailzp
    hailzp Posts: 903 Member
    I love love love love those cookies and cream bars! So effing good. Love this post!
  • alpha_andy
    alpha_andy Posts: 160 Member
    Yes, I admit it.

    I went to the store, to get stuff to make ceviche. And there it was. Calling my name. The Herseys Cookies and Cream bar.

    I didn't buy it.

    Then I got in my car and realized I forgot the main ingredient in the SHRIMP ceviche... the shrimp.

    This time, I got the candy bar. I haven't eaten one in about a year and half.

    And so I ate it.

    It was good.

    Moral of the story:
    Am I dead? No.
    Do I feel guilty? No.
    Did that ruin my day? No.
    Did I log it? Yes.
    Did I think about all the processed junk in it and worry about it? No.
    Is that going to make me fail the rest of the day/week/year? No.
    Did it keep me sane? Yes.
    Did I actually end up eating all of it? Nope, it was to rich.
    Did I enjoy it? HECK YES.

    So, that one candy bar, isn't going to kill you. I appreciated the candy bar now and didn't just scarf it down. I enjoyed the candy bar and didn't feel guilty about it.

    It seems that everyone wants to support this undisciplined behavior but I don't. Its a slippery slope folks... you'll soon end up on the dark side.
  • Cold_Steel
    Cold_Steel Posts: 897 Member
    Lol there are people here though that, the one candy bar would and could very easily turn into two more, a 32 ounce coke and two trips to the McDonalds in one meal... Eating disorders suck !
  • My favorite cheat thing right now is the Skinny Cow Heavenly Crisp. Comes in peanut butter and milk chocolate for 110. It's like a Kit Kat bar in the right size portion. I break it into pieces and savor it, and I don't have to worry when I log it in! Win Win!!:love:
  • mnishi
    mnishi Posts: 419 Member
    Candy is good, but ceviche is delicious. Now I want ceviche.
  • cjpg
    cjpg Posts: 433 Member
    Coming from a very heavy eating lifestyle, ever since I started dieting on MFP I've been feeling terrified to eat chocolates or drink any soft drink whatsoever... I just didn't trust myself.

    When Christmas rolled around however, I did myself a favour and chose NOT to log anything as I wanted to enjoy the holiday with the family dinners.... and it was the best decision I've made.

    I ate like an absolute pig but I proved to myself that if I want it bad enough, I can and SHOULD trust myself that eating 'bad foods' every once in a while is not going to poison my body of my mind.

    Your post reminded me of this :) Thanks.
  • Suziq2you
    Suziq2you Posts: 396 Member
    Yes, I admit it.

    I went to the store, to get stuff to make ceviche. And there it was. Calling my name. The Herseys Cookies and Cream bar.

    I didn't buy it.

    Then I got in my car and realized I forgot the main ingredient in the SHRIMP ceviche... the shrimp.

    This time, I got the candy bar. I haven't eaten one in about a year and half.

    And so I ate it.

    It was good.

    Moral of the story:
    Am I dead? No.
    Do I feel guilty? No.
    Did that ruin my day? No.
    Did I log it? Yes.
    Did I think about all the processed junk in it and worry about it? No.
    Is that going to make me fail the rest of the day/week/year? No.
    Did it keep me sane? Yes.
    Did I actually end up eating all of it? Nope, it was to rich.
    Did I enjoy it? HECK YES.

    So, that one candy bar, isn't going to kill you. I appreciated the candy bar now and didn't just scarf it down. I enjoyed the candy bar and didn't feel guilty about it.

    It seems that everyone wants to support this undisciplined behavior but I don't. Its a slippery slope folks... you'll soon end up on the dark side.

    Dark side?? That just made me want dark chocolate. Yum.
  • Pollywog39
    Pollywog39 Posts: 1,730 Member

    How COULD you? Did you even THINK about the long-term implications of this?
    Are you CRAZY!

    YOU actually BOUGHT and ATE a Candy Bar?

    Wow.............................................I'm horrified.

    Don't you KNOW what that sugar will DO to you?


    lol....although that would not be MY candy bar of choice :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • beckipercy
    beckipercy Posts: 160 Member
    I still eat chocolate, I'd go insane without it. But I have noticed that I enjoy it so much more now. It takes me longer to eat a small "funsize" bar than it would have done to eat a family sized bar before!!
  • beckipercy
    beckipercy Posts: 160 Member
    Um I eat some kind of junk (fast food, candy, cookies, ice cream) every single day. And I have lost over 50lbs doing so. I know myself and know for a fact (have tried and failed so many other times) that if I don't allow myself something bad every day I will not continue. Period. So, good for you!

    Agreed, I eat a small, snack sized bar of chocolate every day for my lunch, and it is working extremely well for me so far. If I didn't do that, I would spend so much time craving it that I wouldn't enjoy my new eating habits, and if I didn't enjoy it, I wouldn't stick to it :)
  • Chips are what kill me.....
  • AnneGenevieveS
    AnneGenevieveS Posts: 441 Member
    one time isn't going to kill you :) I'm proud that you lasted this long.

    glad you enjoyed it. Everything in moderation
  • momof8munchkins
    momof8munchkins Posts: 1,167 Member
    Now I want one!!:)

    Yup!!!! :devil:

    same here!!
  • Me too!! I want to get to the point that if I eat sweets i enjoy it not scarf it down mindlessly!!
  • rachcamp88
    rachcamp88 Posts: 88 Member
    I had a piece of hot chocolate fudge cake at the weekend. I was working, serving a big table and 10 of them ordered it, with every plate I took to the table it looked more and more delicious. It tasted amazing and I only felt guilty for about 20minutes, once i logged it I realised I was still under my calorie acount, that felt almost as good as the cake tasted!
  • MelissaWI
    MelissaWI Posts: 133 Member
    If you eat something that is not so good for you just plan to work a little harder or fit it in your calorie intake for the day.. You don't have to deprive yourself... If you have a eating disorder.. Sometimes that one bite leads to more and more and more.. I don't know if it is safe to say just take one bite.. Because that would be like me saying to a crack addict in recovery.. Oh just one hit.. Or an alcoholic oh just one drink.. It is so hard when you have a disorder..
  • TrophyWifeSass
    TrophyWifeSass Posts: 490 Member
    It's a GATEWAY!

    Good for you, I do it too and I am a HAPPIER person for it!

    Gateways rock!