debnu1 Member


  • I hope I get feeling better too. I am sure it is bronchitis and I am sick of not having a voice and coughing. I feel as though I am really on the mend, so hopefully I can keep that up! I am not looking forward to the weigh in tomorrow, between being sick and TOM arriving today I am afraid the scale won't be so kind…
  • Helen you are amazing!! You make the chart so interactive and that much more motivating. Thank you!! I hope your job is going well. Your routine will adjust here soon! Anyone have good ideas on getting rid of a chest cold? I am dying with this one. It doesn't seem to be getting that much better and it will be a weak…
  • Wowgroup four. Congratulating you on being all in the yellow or green! Awesome!! I can't wait til I move up in rank that will be the best feeling. I am sitting up coughing in the middle of the night. Stupid cold isn't letting me sleep. Not only that but o have not been able to exercise. I get winded easily. I can't wait…
  • Wahoo!! I made it to yellow. Boy that feels good! Let's keep up the great work!
  • Coulda sworn I posted my weight. It is 187.5. A loss hooray!! I am having a terrible time beating this cold. I have not exercised as I am having a hard enough time breathing as it is. I hate coughing!! It makes it hard to sleep too. Go figure I am actually feeling motivated again hooray!! I reworked my goals to the end of…
  • 187.5 today. I amexcited for the challenge too. I started deep cleaning last week and then came down with a horrible chest cold. I am slowly getting better but it will give me good incentive to continue cleaning.
  • Going to try!
  • I like all the new faces! Thanks for commenting! I had my hubby go out of town and then I came down with a cold last week. No books read for me! I allow just the little things to get in my way. Time to quit making excuses! I am still recovering so as soon as I can read and comment I will!
  • 187.5. Hooray. Progress! I guess exercise and getting sick work in my favor. I came down with a horrible cold that settled in my chest. Keep on swimming!
  • Hi, I am Deb, a mom of three an eight y/o girl and two boys 3 and 6 months. I worked as a cardiology RN for almost 10 years and then recently quit to stay home with my kids. I absolutely love staying home. I also help my hubby out with his Construction business, very part time with his books. I have been up and down with…
  • In equipment I started with an exercise bike. It was a cheap one that hurt to sit for along time. Although I once rode for 90 minutes when I set it up in front of my cOmputer. I also would read books or watch tv while riding. It worked great for me. In fact I have missed it lately as I wouldnt mind getting back in the…
  • I bought some sweetango apples today Soooo tasty! They are the perfect consistency flavor, you name it! Makes it feel like fall! Helen you do such an awesome job with the charts! Thanks! Being 9 % to goal is awesome! So much better than 0!! Well I am off to get my hubby at the airport-he's been to a conference for a few…
  • So this is totally depending on what you need. I found that MFP was more motivating to me than weight watchers as I didn't care about the freebies as much as the points. With MFP seeing 20 cals for Lettuce and 110 for a cookie just made sense in my brain. I have never had a gym membership but really prefer working out at…
  • So this is totally depending on what you need. I found that MFP was more motivating to me than weight watchers as I didn't care about the freebies as much as the points. With MFP seeing 20 cals for Lettuce and 110 for a cookie just made sense in my brain. I have never had a gym membership but really prefer working out at…
  • It's all good to me! I appreciated the weekly challenges--that's what got me started exercising again! Thanks!! No worries if you don't keep them up. I have daily challenges from the bootcamp I am doing and that keeps me hopping. I feel so much more alive since starting exercise again. It's amazing the difference it makes!…
  • I'm 189 today. A little thinner today! Keep up the great work everyone!
  • 189 for me. Hooray for a loss. Maybe exercise actually does make a difference? Sugar sometimes a binge is just what the body needs to let go of some weight. It prevents the starvation mode ;)
  • You are better than that! Remember any time you want to make a choice that would lead you down the wrong road--You are better than that! Check out the beck diet solution, it really helps with the mental aspects, the thread I am working on is in my signature.
  • Rosy thanks for the advice! I put the app on my phone and am playing with it. It'll be fun. I thought about putting a reminder in for jumping jacks and setting it for every hour or two. :wink: So I actually read a chapter, woohoo! Progress. Day 25, Identify Sabotaging thoughts. Was this book written for me or what. I…
  • Sugar. Best of luck. Soon you will find the job you want and this will be a distant memory. I read today that if you are doing something you know you shouldnt you tell yourself. " you are better than that". Its been working. I also bought some yogurt to use as a dessert substitute so far so good! My hubby leave for Austin…
  • kelmax, I just joined, go to the first page and you will see the instructions. Good to have you!
  • Sugar, I agree with Helen. I wish you all the best with your job hunting...It'll happen, be glad you have the luxury of looking while you are still employed! I am having a difficult week. I have bumped up my exercise but my eating is off the wall. I have tried to cut back on sweets but for some reason the more I try to…
  • Rosy, I don't think of this as "my thread" I hope everyone will share their progress and victories! I started reading my next chapter and will finish here soon--It's been crazy around here lately! I am so proud of you for pulling out your ARC! I am such a forgetful person, I don't remember unless it is right in front of my…
  • Try out nike Training club it is great! It is for work outs in general. I tried the free pedometer too--I just would forget to turn it back on after using my phone. imap my run is good if you want to track where you go and time--it uses the gps though so may drain data faster.
  • So my weight is the same 190--Considering my sweet intake last week, I am very glad it stayed where it was. I am back on track this week! I've decided to revise my goal to 179 might as well get below 180!!
  • By the way, I am looking forward to BL! Although I am worried it won't be the same without Jillian. I'll be watching tomorrow!
  • Can't wait til I have before and after pics! Hopefully I will look that good! :wink: Did a pushup test today, 34 from the knees of course, but that is pretty awesome, the hundred pushup challenge is improving me! I am going to pickup where I left off tomorrow. How are you doing with it? I already allowed myself a treat…
  • Got my exercise in this morning while holding kids intermittently. Sometimes they wake up too early! My weight has stayed the same this week pretty good considering my horrible diet last week. Today is a new beginning and I am starting over. Keep on going!
  • Daisy you ok? Don't apologize. You are our fearless leader! We all have days that we are down. I saw a picture of myself with makeup on recently and thought I had put lipstick on a pig. I try not to let it bother me but that's what I thought. Remember your weight is exactly where it should be today. Your choices effect it…
  • I understand the too hard feeling. I should never read ahead. I think that is what got me falling off the wagon. Part of me doesn't want to deal with the whole emotional eating problem. I hide my emotions and stuff them down with food. I am scared to really feel them sometimes. I pledge to pickup the book and read a…