Healthy for the Holidays Challenge - 9/06 - 11/22



  • emariec78
    emariec78 Posts: 530 Member
    Well I've got back on track with my working out over the last few days, but I ate way too much sodium over the weekend. I hopped on the scale this morning and yikes! It appears the combination of sodium and PMS bloat may do me in this week. I'm going to do my best to try and flush out my system today, but its not looking good for the weigh in....
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    hi all,

    I've been focusing and working on my mind and body because I find that's important for me to accomplish any goals. I tend to let people's negative energy or negativity derail me. But I spend some time each day and talk to God and ask him for strength to accomplish my goals and to be strong.

    I started P90X last friday along with running training and I'm feeling great. They say it takes 21 days to build a habit so I bet this will get easier as time goes on. I want exercise to be a part of my life forever.

    I had a nice run this morning and feel great.

    Wish you all a nice day!
  • lisalosesalot
    Thanks Jessica....I love your quote!
  • lisalosesalot
    Thank you!
  • Cusegirl1992
    SW: 149
    CW: 147.8 :smile:
    GW: 139

    I put the smiley because I have finally left 148!!!!! I know it's not by much, but I have been 148-9 since June!!!!! Fingers are crossed for the week!
  • Tissues
    Tissues Posts: 361 Member
    Good Luck Mayra! I'm too cheap (and scared) to buy P90X... lol.

    Ellen-- NOT that its a good thing.. but I'm RIGHT there with you. My Friday weigh in was sooo great and then the weekend comes and BAM I blow it all to smitherines. I've started the water guzzle though. hopefully I can clear a lb away..
  • zoniak
    zoniak Posts: 4 Member
    Is it too late to your your challenge?
  • jenniferjgayfield
    Marti Congrats on the 25 pound mark, way to go!
    Helen, congrats on the new job, that is fantastic that you applied for one job and got it! I personally find it is easier to gain weight while working, but being on MFP has been a huge help...good luck!

    I'm doing good, done strength training all but one day, and am doing good on veggies, the challenge is definitely good for me, and finally down from last weekend's blow up, but unfortunately TOM, and I totally feel as if I'm retaining water...grrrr....gonna work my butt of for a huge loss next week, but still hoping I can at least be even this week :/
  • Sandbug
    Sandbug Posts: 200 Member
    Oliva- how wonderful of you to donate to locks of love!
    Helen- Congrats! A new job is always fun! Just think you might get some new healthy recipes too!
    Marti- You go!!! The 25 pound mark is Fabulous!!
    Chinese Food- why must we want you and you have sooo much Sodium!?

    Busy weekend. I was not able to exercise like I wanted to. We helped our son move so I decided my strength training came from carrying heavy items up and down flights of stairs etc...

    On a positive note this weekend, I was trying to figure out what to wear to an event. The weather has changed and what I was originally going to wear was not going to be warm enough. Ugh! I stood in the closet trying to figure out what would be comfortable. I finally decided I would just wear a pair of jeans that I had not worn in a very long time. They have always been tight to the point of almost not being able to breath. I figured they had to be wearable. I was so happy to discover that not only could I breath but I could slide them on/off without unzipping or un buttoning them. The numbers on that darn scale aren't looking nice but the inches sure are!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Got my exercise in this morning while holding kids intermittently. Sometimes they wake up too early! My weight has stayed the same this week pretty good considering my horrible diet last week. Today is a new beginning and I am starting over. Keep on going!
  • petiteerrant
    9/6: 127
    9/13: 126.2
    9/20: 125.2
    11/22: Goal Weight (115)

    Successfully lost a pound this week! Still working out everyday and trying to eat healthy. So hopefully it'll pay off and I'll hit my goal weight!
  • Huskeryogi
    Huskeryogi Posts: 578 Member
    9/6: 175.4
    9/13: 173.2
    9/20: 172.5 ( Not huge but just got an unwelcome visitor so I'll take it. Damn you TOM)
    11/22: Goal Weight (165)

    On my 10 mile goal - I did a 6 miles on Sunday with 4/2 jog/walk intervals and I made it in 1:25. So I'm on track to do 10 miles at the end of October in under 2:30!
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    I got a nice workout in today. I am looking forward to the weigh in tomorrow morning. It's been a good week. I really like having the challenge this week. I did get to the gym today and got a good workout in. It is amazing that when things are "on" it feels so good and when I struggle, it is so difficult. Glad that today was a good day.
  • emariec78
    emariec78 Posts: 530 Member
    So I'm curious to get some people's input on something. Now I've always been of the (popular MFP) opinion that this whole weight loss thing needs to be about a lifestyle change but also needs to be sustainable. Meaning we're making changes that we can actually keep in our lives long term becuase obviously if we can't keep it up we won't keep the weight off. Recently I think I've gone off track from sustainable. I've been exercising 6-7 days a week for about an hour at time and basically eating a ton which turns into a cycle of having to keep up the exercise to make up for the eating. (Or am I eating so much becuase I'm exercising so much? Eh, different question.) But what I'm curious about is how much does everyone actually exercise every week and do you think its something you could sustain? I think 4 days a week is probably more realistic for me (sat, sun, tues, thurs) and I've decided to try and go back to that and try and keep my eating more on track. Occasional challenges aside of course :smile: because who can't use an occasional bump! But long term I just don't see myself keeping up that level of activity. sum up my rambling I guess do people think they will keep up how much they exercise or drop it down to a maintenance level like how you up calories when you no longer need the deficit? I suppose my other concern is the effect of decreased activity on the body's ability to burn calories if I don't sustain the same level of exercise. Any thoughts or experiences here?
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 753 Member
    @ellen, WOW, what great insight! I think that's a great reflection on yourself and sustainable practices. I was reading at some point, somewhere online, some (alleged, or real, I'm not sure) research that did show that the more people worked out the hungrier they were and the more they ate, and that it took real adherence to a "plan" to not overeat. So I think there's something to what you're saying. Also, I have to say that I notice this in myself as well. If I do 30-60 minutes of moderate exercise, I don't really notice it, but the day after I play ultimate (or take a big hike, or something else really super taxing) I'm STARVING. Which is why I'm totally insatiable today, as I played ultimate from 1-4 yesterday (not the whole time, I did have subs and breaks between the 2 games). Find a place that is healthy for your body and I think you'll find some balance. At least that's the hope, right?

    At this week's end, I'm feeling really good about the veggies, got 'em all on all days (although friday was a bit of a stretch, my house was really really out of food). Strength training was good - 3 days, but one of 'em was wimpy, so I'm gonna push it a bit tonite to make up for that.

    Another great challenge week down, and looking forward to this coming one. Oh, and another big THANK YOU!!!!!!! to everyone who was supporting me in my rantings earlier this week. it's still hard, but I'm just gonna make the best of it. my new saying: "this is not 'life and death'; this is just life!"
  • prekteacher2
    Sorry I'm late getting started but I'm in. I love to have a challenge and for the holidays make it even better. :happy:
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 753 Member
    Sorry I'm late getting started but I'm in. I love to have a challenge and for the holidays make it even better. :happy:

    welcome prekteacher2, you are very welcome here. Just post your Current weight tomorrow am, then every tuesday there after. each mon night/tues am someone else will post a different challenge to help inspire and guide us all.

    (BTW love your username, I could once call myself a prekteacher, and an infant teacher, and a toddler teacher, and then a prek-teacher-teacher, and now I have landed as a head start administrator. hope you don't hate me now. hehe :tongue: )
  • prekteacher2
    Join the "Healthy for the Holidays" challenge beginning Tuesday, 9/06 thru Tuesday, 11/22!!!

    Come join us if you're looking for extra motivation as we approach the Holiday season. We've got a great group of ladies & gents helping each other stay motivated and we are always looking for others to join our group.

    Each week will have a different food & exercise challenge with a weekly check in that will allow you to share your progress towards the goal weight or NSV you set for 11/22.

    How to join? Starting Tuesday 9/06 post your current weight (CW), your 11/22 goal weight (GW) and/or the NSV(s) you wish to achieve by Tuesday, 11/22. Each subsequent Tuesday post that week's current weight (CW) and/or your progress made towards your NSV(s). Everyone's progress will be tracked & the group's weekly successes will be posted.

    Hope to hear from you on Tuesday!!

    *** NSV = 'Non Scale Victory" ***

    How do I add my weight to show GW, SW to the bottom of my tracker. I'm not doing very well trying to figure out.
  • prekteacher2
    You all know I'm in!!! Love this group of ladies and looking forward to making new friends :)

    Looking forward to meeting you all too!:bigsmile:
  • ceejay000
    ceejay000 Posts: 402 Member
    So I'm curious to get some people's input on something. Now I've always been of the (popular MFP) opinion that this whole weight loss thing needs to be about a lifestyle change but also needs to be sustainable. Meaning we're making changes that we can actually keep in our lives long term becuase obviously if we can't keep it up we won't keep the weight off. Recently I think I've gone off track from sustainable. I've been exercising 6-7 days a week for about an hour at time and basically eating a ton which turns into a cycle of having to keep up the exercise to make up for the eating. (Or am I eating so much becuase I'm exercising so much? Eh, different question.) But what I'm curious about is how much does everyone actually exercise every week and do you think its something you could sustain? I think 4 days a week is probably more realistic for me (sat, sun, tues, thurs) and I've decided to try and go back to that and try and keep my eating more on track. Occasional challenges aside of course :smile: because who can't use an occasional bump! But long term I just don't see myself keeping up that level of activity. sum up my rambling I guess do people think they will keep up how much they exercise or drop it down to a maintenance level like how you up calories when you no longer need the deficit? I suppose my other concern is the effect of decreased activity on the body's ability to burn calories if I don't sustain the same level of exercise. Any thoughts or experiences here?

    At the beginning of the summer I wasn't working, and I was exercising close to 6 days a week. That's definitely not sustainable for me. I think I'm aiming for closer to 3-4 days a week now - I'm not hitting even that most weeks, but I think it will be good for weight loss and maintenance. When I was doing really well with my food planning, and not exercising at all, I actually saw some of my best losses. Now, with the exception of those couple weeks at the beginning of the summer, I was never a regular 6 days a week exerciser, so I don't know that my body ever expected that. I think as long as you watch what you eat, you shouldn't have a problem cutting back on exercise. As long as you eat less on the days you don't exercise, you should be fine. :smile: