Healthy for the Holidays Challenge - 9/06 - 11/22



  • DanikaDawn
    Can I join in on this!? It's a great idea!

    Current- 198
    Goal- 180
    NSV: Accomplish all weekly challenges!
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    I got my water in today 3/7
    and exercise in today 3/7
    Love this challenge it keeps me on track !
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 753 Member
    Can I join in on this!? It's a great idea!

    Current- 198
    Goal- 180
    NSV: Accomplish all weekly challenges!
    danikadawn, you are welcome to join too. I love your NSV and best of luck to you in your fitness journey
  • pritichandran
    pritichandran Posts: 23 Member
    Today I was able to do a BodyPump class for the first time in a few months. Felt so great! I think my glutes are going to be sore in the morning from all the squats.

    Water 3/7
    Exercise 3/7

    It's wonderful to see how great everyone is doing with the challenge! Keep up the good work everyone!
  • smknitter
    smknitter Posts: 88 Member
    Helen- the spreadsheet is amazing!!! I wish that I were that computer savvy. Thank you for doing all the hard work for all of us.

    Today was a great day did a bunch of walking and my Jillian Michaels. I was able to do all the walking outside in the beautiful weather.

    Water goal met and Exercise goal met.

    How was your day?

  • tammihart
    tammihart Posts: 963 Member
    Water and exercise goal met yesterday. Going dancing tonight, that counts as my exercise for today, right? The weekends are hard for me, My family eats out more and I don't always make good choices. Small weekend goal for myself is login my food this weekend, I usually skip the weekend because I know my numbers will be bad, and just avoid it.
  • Carrie704
    thank you so much! i need support! i yo-yo WAY too much! this is exactly what i need. plenty of take to take it day by day and make great changes!
  • Tissues
    Tissues Posts: 361 Member
    didn't get a chance to check in yesterday but I did get my 30 minutes and my 10 cups (I actually walked for over 4 hours.. burned 780 calories.. unfortunately I consumed triple that.. darn fair food!). 3/7

    back on track today though :) calorie wise.
  • msaap
    msaap Posts: 89 Member
    Loved the chart. I can make my exercise goal, but I am having hard time with the water. I drink two 32oz bottles of water a day, but I find it hard to make it to 10. Any suggestions?
  • Sandbug
    Sandbug Posts: 200 Member
    Helen-LOVE the spread sheet! You do such an amazing job, thank you!

    Doing good with the exercise, today not so good with the water. Plenty of tea but not water. Plan to start on that now!

    Have a great weekend everyone and stay strong!
  • opalmel
    opalmel Posts: 147 Member
    Hello everyone! I had a great day yesterday and got most of my water in. Yeah! I did my 30 minutes of cardio and maybe 15 minutes of strength training too.I tried exercises I hadn't done in a long time and felt really good afterwards. I really stayed under on my calories and it wasn't that hard. I haven't actually lost any weight yet but it feels good to be in control of myself for once. I feel empowered and like I can really make this work.
    Have a great weekend!
  • Cusegirl1992
    Doing better this week. Finishing up with my 8th glass of water and did a 3 mile walk ( indoor due to rain ) for 45 minutes...I've also found a facebook page called Skinny Crock Pot. With after school activities, I have brought out the crock pot! Does anyone have experience with this page?
  • singer201
    singer201 Posts: 560 Member
    Today is my 7-month anniversary on MFP, and today I hit the 60 lbs. lost mark--only 0.1 lb. away from a healthy BMI! Thanks to all my challenge buddies for supporting me along the way. I still have about 10 lbs. to go to make my Goal Weight, but the hardest part is OVER!
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Helen - YOU ROCK!!!! with the spreadsheet! Thanks for taking charge on it!

    Welcome to the latest newbies!!!

    Water & Exercise are going great. Although it's only Day 4 - it's amazing how quickly I've been able to get back into drinking so much water. Today's "Y" workout included 5 minutes of running at a slow speed. Just testing out the hip and seeing where I should set my limitations. So far this afternoon there's no pain. That makes me VERY happy!!!!!...:flowerforyou: ..:flowerforyou: ..:flowerforyou:
  • jenniferjgayfield
    @Rose Congratulations on almost being at a healthy BMI, 60 lbs, that is quite the accomplishment!
    @Ailene Glad there is no pain right now, just be sure to not overdo it.
    @Helen You are such a blessing to us all with your work with the spreadsheet, thank you!

    So far I am doing good with both water and exercise, the weekend is the real test though, I am so bad at getting my water in.
    Hope ya'll have a great weekend!
  • LeslieRoyale
    LeslieRoyale Posts: 331 Member

    I want to punch someone today :explode: Or eat my weight in pizza....
    But I won't do either :frown:

    Sigh...instead I'll have some healthy pasta and a glass or two of Prosecco....

    Stay strong, my friends...stay strong...the weekends are hard, I know.
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    I had a tough day food-wise. My husband is on vacation and we met friends for lunch. I just ordered what everyone else was having (hot weiners). After lunch we went for a long walk on a path by the bay.... Tonight, I spent some time planning for tomorrow. I know that if I want to meet my goal, I need to stay focused.
  • gracemleone
    Just wanted to check in and say I've been doing great just like everyone else..
    I got used to drinking 10 cups of water, I sometimes drink even more, I learned to carry a water bottle everywhere I go.
    Have been running regularly, I missed a day but have been doing over 30 minutes on the days that I do workout so I guess it kinda makes up for the missed day.
    I have been eating under my calorie goals but ate really unhealthy today. I started out good in the morning, but my birthday is coming up in a few days and some friends are dropping by to say happy birthday and of course bringing some sweets. I've been good about keeping them out of sight and not eating them but caved today. Even though I'm under my calorie goals, I basically used up a lot of calories on empty, unhealthy calories.

    Next, I want to add some strength training to my routine and am looking for a good DVD that focuses mostly on strength and not cardio. Any reccomendations?

    I'm really glad I joined this challenge.. we're almost done with week 1 already. :bigsmile:
  • gracemleone
    Has anyone done Jillian Michaels' Shape Up Front side/ Back side videos?

    I did a search but mostly came up with threads for the most popular JM DVD's like the 30 days shred or ripped in 30.
  • Carrie704
    awesome spreadsheet!
    i'm not doing good with food .. and my younger sister is getting married tomorrow which is a happy but depressing occasion! i'll be back on track sunday morning :)