Healthy for the Holidays Challenge - 9/06 - 11/22



  • Tissues
    Tissues Posts: 361 Member
    I didn't do TOO horrible over the weekend. I did go over calories/sodium but not dramatically. and the sodium i'll be able to flush today.

    I didn't get to go to the gym today either work has been CRAZY I barely got lunch right now and its almost 1! I'll problem do some dancing later for some quick cardio.

    looking forward to tomorrow's challenge!
  • ceejay000
    ceejay000 Posts: 402 Member
    Hi everyone. I'm back from vacation. It was GREAT to see my family, so I don't regret that at all, but my eating habits were horrible. It was nine days of eating out and carrying in, and there just weren't healthy food options. I'm really nervous about what the scale will show tomorrow.... I guess it is what it is, but I hate to see a gain.

    Here's to getting back on track this week :drinker:
  • kathied41
    I did great last week, kept up the exercise and water and ate healthy. this weekend the only exercise I did was walking the dog-but I ate healthy. hopefully the scale goes down tomorrow at weigh in.
  • Jillid71
    Jillid71 Posts: 38 Member
    OOH! I would like to join! But I don't want to look at my starting weight just yet. I know that I am more than 200, less than 215.... so my goal weight will be 180.
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 753 Member
    OOH! I would like to join! But I don't want to look at my starting weight just yet. I know that I am more than 200, less than 215.... so my goal weight will be 180.
    welcome Jillid71! We're happy you're here. We officially weigh-in on Tuesday (but Monday is fine) and each week someone will post a new challenge that is food, exercise and/or other healthy lifestyle change related.
  • Huskeryogi
    Huskeryogi Posts: 578 Member
    SW - 175.4
    Week 2 weight - 173.2

    GW - 165

    I did pretty good on exercise but not water. I struggled to get 8 glasses a day.
  • smknitter
    smknitter Posts: 88 Member
    Hey guys--

    I'm so sorry for not being around this week, work has been so crazy. It is beginning to look like it will be a really rough couple of weeks, but I am going to try to continue to work towards the challenges each week and I should be able to be more acitve in a few weeks on here. This weeks challenges have had their ups and downs, I have succeeded for my NSV(outside workout), but I have missed on water and the workouts a couple of times. We will see what the scale bring tomorrow.

    Good luck to you all!!
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 753 Member
    here's my update for the end of the first week:
    30 mins exercise: 6/7 (but 2 of those days I did more than 1 hr of working out)
    10 glasses water: 7/7
    feeling GREAT about the first week of this challenge.

    And I hope you are all feeling good too. No matter where you are at in your journey, what your weight, your current level of fitness or struggles, tomorrow is always a new day, so make it yours! Honor your mind, your body, your soul with healthy food and exercise.
  • Tissues
    Tissues Posts: 361 Member
    weekly water 7/7
    exercise 5/7 I got lazy today too (moreso I was super busy at work and by the time I got home I cooked dinner and was pooped). Oh well. we'll see what tomorrow brings.
  • gracemleone
    I did really well with the challenges this week.
    Water: 7/7
    Exercise: 6/7 but I did 45 minutes most days.

    As for the 4 NSV goal I had, I met them all. I hope I can keep it up and turn it into a habit. I tracked all foods, drank more water everyday, exercised regularly and didn't consider my day messed up if I had a piece of candy, I finally am realizing it's ok if my day isn't perfect and not making a big deal out of little slip ups.

    i also started a strength training routine today.
    I accomplished a lot this week thanks to this weeks challenge.

    I'm excited about next week's challenge and to see if I lost any weight tomorrow morning.
  • tammihart
    tammihart Posts: 963 Member
    I am really proud of myself at the end of this first week! I love being a part of this group, I read your posts and see you struggling with some of the same things that I am. I don't feel like I am doing this alone. I can't wait to see what the next challenge is.

    Exercise 4/7 (each one of the 4 days was an an hour or more)
    Water 5/7 (weekends are rough)

    Lost 4lbs and feeling good! Can't wait to see how everyone else did.
  • carrielofton
    carrielofton Posts: 89 Member
    SW June 21st - 208 lbs.
    SW Challenge - 189.2 lbs.
    1st Week - 188.8 lbs.
    GW Challenge - 175 lbs.
    GW MFP - 137 lbs.

    This week I was terrible. I believe this was my worst week yet. I didn't drink my water like I was suppose to and had been doing. I only exercised about 3 days. No excuses but we had a leak in our bathroom behind the tub and we had to take out our tub. Dear husband is such a handy man that he put the new one in and is putting ceramic tile on the walls and replacing the bathroom floor. Also the water got into our daughters bedroom so she is getting new carpet. I HAVE to do better this week and try VERY hard. I KNOW this challenge is just what I need. Thanks everyone for the support and doing this challenge.
  • ceejay000
    ceejay000 Posts: 402 Member
    Ok, here goes:

    SW: 135.0
    Week 1: 136.5

    GW: 129

    I was expecting the damage to be much worse. It's amazing how eating like this changes the way I feel, though. I used to eat like that all the time - eating until I was stuffed, and eating out or carrying in almost every meal. I didn't notice how good I felt eating proper amounts of food until this past week when I remembered what I felt like before! I have my work cut out for me now, and hopefully that weight will come off as quickly as it went on...
  • emariec78
    emariec78 Posts: 530 Member
    154.8, no change.

    Made 6/7 of both challenges this week so that's pretty good! Looking forward to another week!
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    Since i reported a gain yesterday that i have had .
    This week i am at 190.0
    Need to change my goal weght for this challenge to 177.0 . Anything away from the 180s is going to be good for me ! Looking forward to seeing this weeks challenge !
  • dbennett1
    dbennett1 Posts: 4 Member
    9/13/11 weigh in 153
    Totally failed weekly challenge with exercise I've been really sick this week, but at least I lost a pound.
    water 5/7
  • msaap
    msaap Posts: 89 Member
    9/13 weight: 180
    GW: 152
    NSV: lost 1.25 inches

    I kept up with my exercise, but failed when it came to water. At first I wanted to cry when I weighed in this morning. I had a 4lbs gain, but then I remembered my period is about to come on. I always pack on the lbs during this time of the month, but I want to be honest with myself, so I'm weighing in.
  • opalmel
    opalmel Posts: 147 Member
    9/13 weight: 180
    No weight loss.

    Water: 0/7 - most days I got at least 6 glasses in.
    Execise: 5/7 with 30-40 minutes each day.
  • patty9013
    patty9013 Posts: 230 Member
    Well just slap a big red failure across my forehead!!!:sad:

    CW: 197
    NSV: drink 10 glasses of water EVERY day
    That is a 2.5 pound gain:angry:
    I failed both challenges.
    Didn't get all my water in every day. Did no exercise.
    I have had a lot of major life changes the last few months and cannot seem to get back on the weight loss wagon. I was doing so well until life happened.
    At the end of May my son graduated high school.
    June 20th my mom passed away. (still not over that)
    July 18 took my son to Kansas. ( I live in Texas) He went up early to do summer workout.
    August 14th moved him in the dorms.
    I am so proud of him he got a scholarship and is playing college football.
    I have a 16 year old daughter at home. (enough said)
    A husband who's health is not good. He had a kidney transpland about 8 years ago and is now needing another.
    A full time job. That is most days very stressful. I am a medical assistant. I do phone triage, refills, referrals, etc.
    So I am basically the bread winner of the family and am trying to put in as much time as I can a work.
    Then this last weekend he went out of town to see his mom and forgot to pay the electric bill. So guess who had to sit in the dark all night!! I was so pissed. Fortunatley I had enough money to pay for it. I was pissed to say to least.
    And now we are taking care of a 4 year old we have been keeping on and off for 2 years.
    Her mom worked with my husband. She has 5 girls and can't take care of them.
    Don't know how long we will have her. I love her as my own. She has gone on vacations with us, football games. We have done Christmas, Easter, Halloween for her.
    Well sorry for the long rant/message.
    All I can do is to continue trying and doing my best.
    Thanks for listening

  • Carrie704
    SW - 127
    Week 1 - 125

    week goals - drink at least 120 ounces of water each day. (I live it Texas.. its HOT!)