Healthy for the Holidays Challenge - 9/06 - 11/22



  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 753 Member
    Try to get in at least 20 minutes of strength training a day this week. Strength training refers to exercise that requires your muscles to exert a force against some form of resistance, such as free weights. Performing strength training exercises 2-3 x a week for 20 minutes yields terrific results. Some misconceptions associated with weight training are that women would produce bulging muscles and/or they would seriously injure themselves lifting weights. It is very difficult for a woman to produce large muscles due to the fact that women generally have high levels of the hormone estrogen. The fact is improvements are made in muscle tone, strength and endurance and not necessarily in size.
    Here is a great page all about strength training and it shows various moves you can do:

    I'm big on veggies since starting this healthy journey! Let's all make sure we get in 2-3 servings of veggies in our meal diary's everyday this week! Get creative! They don't have to be with every meal, but the more the merrier...did you know you can add spinach to your eggs in the morning? I haven't tried that yet but I bet its good...

    LOVE THESE CHALLENGES JESS!!!!!!!! This is just what I need this week. Thanks a ton!
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Great challenges Jess!! Strength training is so important whether you are just starting or have been dieting awhile. I've been doing strength training every other day and just did pilates this morning on the total gym. I pulled up and just discovered last night that I could do pilates on it. Christie Brinkley does a really good demonstration. I love veggies so this one will be an easy one for me.

    I'm going to hold off one more day to post my weight because camping over the weekend and consumed too much sodium. I was down quite a bit this morning from yesterday but think it will be better tomorrow. Great job everyone. Kick some butt this week:):)
  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    Thanks for the routines! I love to see what everyone does! And thanks Stacy for the wealth of knowledge, I'd love to have a personal trainer to guide me in the right direction....while we don't have to do it everyday, I like to keep it up with at least some form of training either with the dumbells or resistance band...but we do need time to recuperate! Do not strain yourselves folks if you are just starting out!
  • kathied41
    I really ate healthy drank my water and busted my butt last week but only lost 4 ounces. I think its because of tom this week. I guess its better than gaining tho.

    sw 9/6: 228.6
    cw 9/13: 228.2
  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    Great challenges Jess!! Strength training is so important whether you are just starting or have been dieting awhile. I've been doing strength training every other day and just did pilates this morning on the total gym. I pulled up and just discovered last night that I could do pilates on it. Christie Brinkley does a really good demonstration. I love veggies so this one will be an easy one for me.

    I'm going to hold off one more day to post my weight because camping over the weekend and consumed too much sodium. I was down quite a bit this morning from yesterday but think it will be better tomorrow. Great job everyone. Kick some butt this week:):)

    Pilates on the total gym?? That sounds awesome!! I can't believe I maintained today, yesterday we ate home cooked food after the funeral was like a banquet at his aunts house...but I did do pretty good, just didn't log it all..didn't log anything yesterday.
  • Michelle228
    Michelle228 Posts: 69 Member
    :( No weight loss for me this week still at 310. im so close to being under 300 ! its been a long time i really need to push myself now !
  • Tissues
    Tissues Posts: 361 Member
    I've been really bad about logging lately. Maybe I'll make that an NSV.
  • Jillid71
    Jillid71 Posts: 38 Member
    So, what are the group weekly challenges? And do I need to add an additional challenge as a personal goal for myself? Just trying to acclimate myself to the routine!!!
  • helena98
    So, what are the group weekly challenges? And do I need to add an additional challenge as a personal goal for myself? Just trying to acclimate myself to the routine!!!

    Each week, an assigned member posts a new challenge. This week's challenge was posted by jessicamarie81 and can be found in the middle of page 9. The exercise challenge is to strength train 20 minutes a day, and the food challenge is to eat 2-3 servings of veggies a day. I also post the new weekly challenges on our group spreadsheet which can be found at:

    Many members are adding personal non-scale goals they want to achieve. You'll find these listed on the same spreadsheet. If you like, you can share your NSV goal in the topic thread.

    Hope that helps!
  • helena98
    For members who don't have access to a gym or don't own free weights, I always found this strength training routine very challenging. All you need is your body, and your body weight will make you WORK. Do all sets in a row for a 24 minute workout.

    Set One: 6-Minutes
    **(15 reps) - Regular Push-Ups: Chest, shoulders, biceps, core
    Keep a straight line from your head, through your hips, and to your knees (or to your feet if you are not doing these from your knees). Pay attention to your form, making sure that your back is not arched and that your butt is even with your shoulders.

    **(15 reps) - Regular Crunches: Upper abs
    Lie on your back and bend your knees at a 45-degree angle with your feet flat on the ground. Place your hands across your chest or lightly supporting your head and neck. Lift your upper torso off the ground using your abdomen muscles. Keep your neck relaxed and exhale as you come up. Do not go past a 45-degree angle. Hold for 3 seconds at the top and release.

    **(15 reps) - Back Extensions: Lower back, upper back, glutes
    Lie face down on the ground with your arms out to your sides. Using your lower back, lift your upper body off of the ground about 3 inches, while simultaneously lifting your legs together as one unit. This will engage your glute muscles. Rotate the palms of your hands outwards (your thumbs will go up and back, not under and back) to fire your upper back. Keep your neck relaxed and continue looking down as you come up. Hold for 3 seconds and release.

    **(15 reps) - Modified Lunges: Quads, glutes, hamstrings
    Stand up straight with your hands on your hips. Step forward with your right foot into a lunge position. Be sure to come forward just a few feet making sure that your right knee does not go beyond your right toes – if this happens, you have stepped too far forward. Maintain a “proud” chest with your upper body upright at all times. Alternate legs. One lunge on each leg equals one repetition.
    Set Two: 6-Minutes (12 Total)

    **(15 reps) - Push-Ups with Elbows along Sides: Chest, shoulders, triceps, biceps, core
    Do these the same as the Regular Push-Ups, except keep your elbows in close to your body, brushing along your sides as you go down and up.

    **(15 reps) - Leg Lifts: Lower abs
    Lie flat on your back with your legs extended and slightly bent at the knees. Place your hands under the bottom of your glutes (this helps stabilize your lower back). Lift your legs as one unit, exhaling as you bring them up to about 90 degrees, making sure not to let your hips come off the ground. Lower your legs slowly, as one unit, back down towards the floor. Be sure to inhale on the way down and exhale as you bring your legs back up. If you experience any lower back pain stop your feet 1 to 1.5 feet off the ground on the way down. If the pain persists, stop immediately.

    **(15 reps) - 2-Legged Bridges: Hamstrings, glutes, core
    Lie flat on your back with both legs bent at slightly more than a 45-degree angle and feet flat on the ground. Keeping your head and shoulders on the ground, lift your pelvis towards the ceiling (this will tighten your butt). Your knees, hips, and shoulders should follow a straight line. Hold for 3 seconds and come back down. These may seem easy at first but you will feel them after doing a few.

    **(15 reps) - Reverse Modified Lunges: Quads, glutes, hamstrings
    Stand up straight with your hands on your hips. Take a step back with your right foot leaving your left foot planted. Dip down about a foot, at first. (Advanced lungers can work towards dipping a few inches off of the floor). Do not let your left knee go beyond your left toes and keep your chest proud. Switch sides. One lunge per side equals one repetition. Keep your knees safe at all times (if your knees or back hurt you are going too low).
    Set Three: 6-Minutes (18 Total)

    **(15 reps) - Tricep Push-Ups: Chest, shoulders, triceps, core
    Do these the same as the Regular Push-Ups, except place your hands closer together, either right next to each other or about 6-inches apart. This will force your triceps to do most of the work.

    **(15 reps) - Oblique Crunches: Obliques
    Do these in the same position as the Regular Crunches, except when you raise your upper torso bring your right shoulder towards your left knee. Switch sides and bring your left shoulder to your right knee. Do not come off the ground to more than a 45-degree angle and stay relaxed in your neck. One crunch on each side counts as one repetition.

    **(20 reps) - 1-Legged Bridges (10 per leg): Hamstrings, glutes, core
    Do these the same as the 2-Legged Bridges above, except only use one leg at a time – the other leg stays extended out straight. Do 10 using one leg and then switch it up. These are tough, but they actually get easier.

    **(15 reps) - Modified Squats: Quads, glutes, hamstrings
    Stand up with your legs slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Rotate your toes slightly outward. Place your hands on your hips and slowly (and carefully) sit back, bringing your weight onto your heels like you are going to sit on a chair. If you are new to squats, keep your knees at more than a 90-degree angle. Concentrate on sitting back and do not let your knees go beyond your toes. Remember to keep that proud chest!
    Set Four: 6-Minutes (24 Total)

    **(15 reps) - Regular Push-Ups: Chest, shoulders, biceps, core
    Do these the same as the first set of Regular Push-Ups.

    **(15 reps) - Jackknives: Upper and lower abs
    Lie flat on your back with your arms extended overhead and your legs extended and slightly bent at the knees. Raise your shoulders and upper body off the ground (keeping your lower back nice and flat) while at the same time lifting your legs. Bring both your upper body and your legs up to about 45 degrees while always keeping your lower back flat and safe. Hold for 3 seconds at the top and release.

    **(20 reps) - 1-Legged Lunges: Quads, glutes, hamstrings
    These lunges combine the Modified Lunges with the Reverse Modified Lunges. First, you plant your left foot. Then, lunge forward and backward with your right foot (this makes one repetition). Be sure that your knee does not go beyond your toes and that you keep a proud chest. Do 10 on one side and then switch legs.

    **(15 reps) - Calf Raises: Calves
    Standing in place, raise your heels off the ground and hold for 3 seconds. Release slowly and with control. You can lean on a wall or hold onto something if it makes you feel more comfortable.
  • opalmel
    opalmel Posts: 147 Member
    Thanks to everyone that has posted strength training routines. These are really helpful. I am looking forward to trying these to see if I have better results. I'm one of those that gets easily bored by just walking the treadmill every day and have no weight loss to show for it. I'll let you all know how it goes.
    The veggies are going to be tough for me. I've never been good at eating them and it will be a struggle to get one serving per day but I'm going to give it a try.
  • Leanz
    Leanz Posts: 2,025 Member
    Oh dear SW 157.4
    CW 157.4 so no change!

    I have tightened up on food, but not yet back at the gym so having the strength training challenge will get me back to my programme.

    This week I did meet the water and exercise goals.

    Jess, thanks for the strength training and vege challenges, love my veges so will be good!
    Have a good week everyone
  • Tissues
    Tissues Posts: 361 Member
    Thanks to everyone that has posted strength training routines. These are really helpful. I am looking forward to trying these to see if I have better results. I'm one of those that gets easily bored by just walking the treadmill every day and have no weight loss to show for it. I'll let you all know how it goes.
    The veggies are going to be tough for me. I've never been good at eating them and it will be a struggle to get one serving per day but I'm going to give it a try.

    It took me a long time to learn to love vegetables. To me its like sushi.. its an acquired taste. the first time I ate sushi I very literally spit it out.. and I know a lot of people are like that with veggies. Now I just love the taste of earth. Spinach and mushrooms come out on top of my veggie loving train, followed by asparagus and tomatoes.
  • singer201
    singer201 Posts: 560 Member
    H4H SW 156.2
    9/13 154.6
    H4H GW 150

    1.6 loss this week, back into a healthy BMI and on my shopping trip to Goodwill yesterday, I bought size 10's and mediums, and was able to get a pair of size 8 pants on and zipped. I have never worn a size 8 or 10, since the last time I was this weight was over 20 years ago (the sizes have changed--I wore a 14 at 140 lbs.)

    Doing fine with water as I try to get at least 8 glasses a day. I was able to get exercise outdoors nearly every day, working on my yard. I started the Primal Blueprint 30-Day Challenge ( yesterday, so the strength training goal is part of that, too.
  • Huskeryogi
    Huskeryogi Posts: 578 Member
    Thanks to everyone that has posted strength training routines. These are really helpful. I am looking forward to trying these to see if I have better results. I'm one of those that gets easily bored by just walking the treadmill every day and have no weight loss to show for it. I'll let you all know how it goes.
    The veggies are going to be tough for me. I've never been good at eating them and it will be a struggle to get one serving per day but I'm going to give it a try.

    I'm the same way about veggies. I will have to modify the goal to get 1 a day because it's still a reach for me, but at 2-3/daily I would be REALLY unhappy.
  • swillis21
    swillis21 Posts: 251 Member
    Checkin in ~
    SW 145.8
    CW 145.0

    I drank a min of 9 glasses of water ea day, and did my cardio 5 days this past week!
    I am not one to do resistance training much, so this is a good focus for me! I want to work on doing more crunches and will use our dumbells - I will do my best to work some sets in at least 3 times this week! And I love veggies! So, I will try to bring my focus around to making sure I eat them :)
  • ceejay000
    ceejay000 Posts: 402 Member

    And finally, my routine :)

    It is the same for Mon-Wed-Fri and I will change it up in 1-2 months.

    Back: Dumbbell bent over row- 8 reps 3 sets
    Chest: Dumbbell bench press- 8 reps 3 sets
    Quads (Thighs): Dumbbell squats- 8 reps 3 sets
    Hamstrings (Upper back leg): Dumbbell straight leg deadlifts- 8 reps 3 sets
    Abs: Bicycle crunches: 8 reps 3 sets
    Shoulders: Dumbbell lateral raises 8 reps 3 sets

    The following is optional:
    Mon: Add 6 reps 2 sets of dumbbell tricep extensions to the above.
    Wed: Add 6 reps 2 sets of standing calf raises with dumbbells to the above.
    Fri: Add 6 reps 2 sets of dumbbell bicep curls to the above.

    This is very similar to the routine a trainer at my gym set up for me. I do it at the gym, so I do incorporate a few machines, but it's mostly dumbbell and body weight stuff. I'm really impressed that you came up with this on your own! I have two different total-body routines (to keep things interesting) and my goal is to alternate them every three days (so, one day on, two days off). I haven't quite gotten there yet, but I'm working on it.

    Next time I'm at the gym I'll make a copy of my routines and share them with you all.
  • alacarte
    alacarte Posts: 122 Member
    Checking in

    SW 148
    CW 149 up a pound

    Had my sorority meeting last night and ate what was provided. Chips, Tuna-fish sandwiches, etc. So I'm sure it's just sodium. Still going strong with the plant based diet, (for the most part) it felt strange to eat the tuna, and chips, but I'm ok with this happening from time to time.

    Good luck everyone!!
  • bktries
    Checking in
    SW 179.5
    CW 180.5
    GW 170 by 11/22

    Exercised 5 days 30 min Plus. Did strengthening exercises on 2 days.d

    Did not get 10 glasses of water everyday. Made it to 8 or 9 glasses most days.

    I am encouraged that I am getting more exercise and that it is becoming more a part of my life. I want to increase the length of time that I exercise while my schedule allows. I know that the holidays are coming when I will be busier. I want to create a strategy so that even if I cannot exercise long periods of time, I can fit some short programs into my schedule.

    Best of luck to everyone!
  • bktries
    Checking in
    SW 179.5
    CW 180.5
    GW 170 by 11/22

    Did not get 10 glasses of water everyday. Made it to 8 or 9 glasses most days.

    I am up one lb. I think the wt that I lost before was water. Along with my increasing my exercise, I am trying to cut down on sugar and salt intake and up fruits and vegetables. That may help with the wt loss.