Healthy for the Holidays Challenge - 9/06 - 11/22



  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    I made it through my first week and it was my husband's lots of eating out. I am really happy to be back in my schedule for the gym and on track with food.

    SW 204.5
    CW 203.2

    GW for 11/22: 194
  • vwbear
    vwbear Posts: 87 Member
    9/5/11 :183

    No loss foe me this week, but at least no gain. I've been really stressed this past week, and only exercised 4 days instead of my usual 5-6 days, so I'm good with maintaining. I be able to do well with the vegie challenge this week. I strength train on the days I don't have Zumba class (Tu, Thurs, Fri, Sun) I try not to do the same workout 2 consecutive days (at least not more than once a week-I was told I shouldn't do the same exercises 2 days in a row so that I rest the muscles in between) Any way,, I want to make certain I get back in the swing of things with my exercise this week. As for water, I find I still have to push some days to get the 8 glasses in, so I keep on pushing :drinker: Hope everyone has an awsome week!
  • pritichandran
    pritichandran Posts: 23 Member

    (I'm so glad to have gone below 163.0 - I've been stuck there for the WHOLE summer!)

    exercise 6/7 (all 45 mins or more)
    water 7/7

    I did a 45 min strength workout for shoulder/arms today before even knowing what this week's challenge is! So excited!
  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    I didn't eat a lot of veggies until I really became active here at MFP...mainly A LOT of processed food and that's I love spinach, never even bought the stuff before, I love tomatoes, and carrots, never even had brussel sprouts till I joined here either, I found a way to make them really yummy! Cut em up, throw them in a ziploc bag and toss with some olive oil, garlic, and little bit of salt, and maybe a tad bit of balsamic and shake all that up, and bake them in the oven until they turn a little brownish...yum! And I can thank Olivia for that :) I do love mushrooms too...
  • LeslieRoyale
    LeslieRoyale Posts: 331 Member
    I'm always late with weighing in, if at all, so one of my personal challenges is to post my weight, on weigh in day, no matter here goes...

    SW: 9/6 195
    CW: 9/13 192 :smile:

    Like Stacy, it's weight I've lost before, but least I'm losing it again!
    I have to keep my momentum going for a whole week...I start off super strong, then as the week wears on me, I lose steam.
    So my personal goal this week is to chug, chug, chug (water of course, lol) right through this week and steamroll the hell out of the weekend!! :bigsmile:

    Thanks for this week's challenges, Jess! I made red quinoa tonight, and I added celery and carrots to it, to make a quinoa pilaf...great way to get the veggies in!

    Fabulous week, everyone! And wishing you all a Chug-A-Roo week along with me!! :bigsmile:
  • ceejay000
    ceejay000 Posts: 402 Member
    I got my two servings of vegetables in today. This is something I'd really like to improve. I know I should be eating vegetables, but I'm just not creative enough with how to prepare them...

    I also wanted to say that a goal of mine for this challenge is to follow the weekly challenges more closely. I don't know if I did any of them last time. :embarassed:
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    9/06 SW: 198
    9/13: 198

    11/22 GW: 185

    Wk #1: No Change
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 753 Member
    I didn't eat a lot of veggies until I really became active here at MFP...mainly A LOT of processed food and that's I love spinach, never even bought the stuff before, I love tomatoes, and carrots, never even had brussel sprouts till I joined here either, I found a way to make them really yummy! Cut em up, throw them in a ziploc bag and toss with some olive oil, garlic, and little bit of salt, and maybe a tad bit of balsamic and shake all that up, and bake them in the oven until they turn a little brownish...yum! And I can thank Olivia for that :) I do love mushrooms too...
    I was reading your post and thinking, "OMG, I totally love that too" then I saw the props. Thanks doll, I have learned a lot about healthy eating and exercise from you too! :smile:
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 753 Member
    today's update:
    no strength training, but will do tmrw for sure! :wink:
    got in my veggies for sure. am snack: grape tomatoes and radishes with hummus; lunch: 2 servings of brussel sprouts; dinner: cauliflower and sweet potato

    Love this challenge, it's like back-to-basics part 2!
  • smknitter
    smknitter Posts: 88 Member
    CW: 190.5- big loss for me YAY! Great job everyone,
  • gracemleone

    And finally, my routine :)

    It is the same for Mon-Wed-Fri and I will change it up in 1-2 months.

    Back: Dumbbell bent over row- 8 reps 3 sets
    Chest: Dumbbell bench press- 8 reps 3 sets
    Quads (Thighs): Dumbbell squats- 8 reps 3 sets
    Hamstrings (Upper back leg): Dumbbell straight leg deadlifts- 8 reps 3 sets
    Abs: Bicycle crunches: 8 reps 3 sets
    Shoulders: Dumbbell lateral raises 8 reps 3 sets

    The following is optional:
    Mon: Add 6 reps 2 sets of dumbbell tricep extensions to the above.
    Wed: Add 6 reps 2 sets of standing calf raises with dumbbells to the above.
    Fri: Add 6 reps 2 sets of dumbbell bicep curls to the above.

    This is very similar to the routine a trainer at my gym set up for me. I do it at the gym, so I do incorporate a few machines, but it's mostly dumbbell and body weight stuff. I'm really impressed that you came up with this on your own! I have two different total-body routines (to keep things interesting) and my goal is to alternate them every three days (so, one day on, two days off). I haven't quite gotten there yet, but I'm working on it.

    Next time I'm at the gym I'll make a copy of my routines and share them with you all.

    Well.. I didn't exactly come up with it by myself, I had a lot of help on the forums, especially from stroutman81 (check out his posts, he has a lot of great info) and crisanderson27.
    They also suggested that I do 5x5, I did 8x3 for my first day, but planing to go with their reccomendation and do 5 reps and 5 sets for most movements as I work with heavier weights.

    What do you do for abs? I only do 1 thing and it feels like it's not enough? But maybe it is, what does your trainer have you doing for abs?
  • ravenclawseekergirl
    Here i am again 252 today.
    Lots of stuff has been going on over here seen my Rheumatologist and she's basically told me there's nothing that they can do for my chronic joint infection. So i'm being referred to the pain clinic which should be fun...Also for those of you who've been here since midsummer madness you'll know that i've been trying to convice myself that i should go back to my GP and ask to be referred to another psychiatrist. I finally made an appointment. Now i'm panicking.
    Some good news is that i have a new NSV i managed to get a uk size 16 top on.
  • agirl11
    agirl11 Posts: 37 Member
    weigh in - 249.4 Not a big loss but still a loss!! :)
  • Sandbug
    Sandbug Posts: 200 Member
    I have been following along reading all the post and this am on my way to work remembered I did not report my weight this week. TOM came early and threw everything off! But that's life. Weighing in at 157.6. I am sure next week will be better.

    Really like this weeks challenges. Plan to make a new recipe tonight packed full of veggies.
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    I expected a bit of a loss this week but like Sandbug Tom had other plans for me lol. At least I'm still at the same weight, 141.8. Hopefully loss for next week:):) Good luck everyone on eating your veggies and doing your strength training!
  • jenniferjgayfield
    Sorry for getting lost, but work has been crazy, seeing 8 patients a day, which is a full day with 45-50 minute sessions, and need time for notes and prepping for next session, anyways, it's been crazy busy, and I am feeling emotionally exhausted, and physically too actually.
    @Stacy I feel as if I started well on the last challenge but towards the end until now, it seems there is about 5 pounds that just seem to want to keep creeping back....sooooooo frustrating!
    @Helen Thanks for the strength training routine, I'll definitely make use of it.
    Also, deciding to check in this week without posting my weigh-in, had a terrible gain with the weekend, and don't even want to see those numbers!
    Thanks Jess for the challenges, looking forward to them.
  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    Leslie, where did you get the red quinoa? I'm having no luck finding it at Krogers...I may hit up Publix today....
  • cdevine10
    cdevine10 Posts: 102 Member
    Lost 1 pound this week. Not really what I wanted but oh well it is a loss. I really want to see 2 pounds a week but am only seeing 1 pound lately. I know slow and steady is the way to keep the pounds off in the long run, so I just keep reminding myself that.

    SW: 179
    CW 178
  • helena98
    Happy Wednesday! It's time to look at our progress!

    Below you will find the chart for Week 1. I only included members who submitted a weigh-in this week. Any late weigh-ins are welcome! I will add late weigh-ins to the group spreadsheet but probably won't include a new image in the topic thread.

    I added some colors this week! If we're monitoring our progress, we need to know how to read the chart. The "% to GW" column will tell you how close you are to reaching your goal weight. We all are aiming for 100%! For this week, you will need a 9.1% or higher to be on track to reaching your 11/22 GW. I highlighted members in green who are on track. I also highlighted members in yellow who are on track to lose 50-97% of the pounds needed to reach their GWs. I'm hoping this will inspire everyone to work harder! Let's see more colors next week! And let me know if this distinction helps or hinders your progress. If it helps, I'll go ahead and add the colors to the group spreadsheet.

    And let's give a special shout-out to :flowerforyou: tammihart :flowerforyou: who lost the most weight last week (4 pounds!!) AND has the highest "% to GW" number. WAY TO WORK IT, TAMMI!


  • msaap
    msaap Posts: 89 Member
    I so love this chart. It has really inspired me to get myself in gear. I am determined to be in the green next week!!!