Rambling Random Hot Moms (Closed)



  • mamaDaisyJ
    forget that last post... i could delete, but its full of my excuses for my bad weigh in this monday...
    If ya'll don't mind, I might even just skip that one.
    yea, so i did research, and weight gain is the most common side effect of the prednisone because it causes you to hold onto even more water and sodium and stuff. so, not gonna stress, keep doing what I'm doing, and its gonna be ok...
    maybe i should weigh though cause it might not just fall off in a week when im done with it.... BLAH
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Daisy. Weigh in. Prednisone messes with your body a ton. But that's how it works to decrease what inflammation you have. Just remember your weight is exactly where it should be based on what has happened to you this week. It does not determine whether you are good or bad. It is a measurement nothing more!

    Helen I am sorry about your uncle. Have a safe trip and I wish you and your family peace.

    I have kinda been lurking I keep getting interrupted when I start to post. Thursday I was crazy busy and then Friday I came down with a stomach flu that apparently had to hit the whole family this week. I didn't do anything yesterday. But if you count the hour of setting up and taking down tables I did on thursday then I am still on my game although lacking in the water dept. I will make up for that though. Today I am cleaning like crazy. I am going to set a timer and count it as exercise. I think I finally saturated myself on sweets. They don't taste good anymore so the bday party I am heading to is not appetizing currently. Have a great weekend!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    More from jonathon roche:

    Jonathan here: Weekends make up 1/3 of your week so
    please stay active and practice “everything in moderation”
    on the nutrition side of the equation. 

    The 3rd Hit your Pre-Pregnancy Weight Boot Camp starts
    Monday and the limited remaining spots are about to
    sell out:


    No Excuses Quote of the Day!

    "It is our attitude at the beginning of a difficult task
    which, more than anything else, will affect it’s
    successful outcome." - William James

    If not now, when?

    New Years Day is 15 weeks from tomorrow – so we are
    now 37 weeks into 2011.

    Take a minute or two to consider what your New Years’
    Resolutions were for 2011 and if you have accomplished

    Now I have a challenge for you:

    I want you to take a few minutes right now (not later
    today, not tomorrow – right now) to consider what you
    have been thinking about starting to do (lose 50
    pounds, walk your first 5K, run your first marathon,
    etc.) and commit to Starting Right Now!

    We all have things we talk about doing but most of us
    keep putting them off and never make them happen. 

    We let the days become months become years become
    unmet fitness and weight loss goals.

    But the key question is:

    If not now, when? 

    Honestly, think about it for a minute.

    We don't live forever and we are not getting any younger. 

    I am not saying this to drag you down, but to cut to the
    chase and make you realize that every day we let pass
    that we are not chasing down our dreams and goals is
    another day lost. 

    And once a day passes you can't get it back.

    If not now, when?

    Hope you don't mind me sharing. I find it motivating.
  • mamaDaisyJ
    Thanks Deb. You sure know what to say :smile:

    I'm feeling better about after some reading... well about it not being my fault anyway :P

    Your Roche guy is right this week! It's easy to plan stuff, its the getting up and starting it that's hard.
    Time moves on and we just ride in the stream~

    Time to get moving with the kiddos ~ Trampoline here we come!
  • badbrat2005
    @Helen-your uncle sounds like he lived in Pocatello or Burley? Small world. I live by Twin Falls. Good luck on the Utes job. Hope you get it:)
    @Daisy-love the payment idea. Hope it keeps you on track.
    @Badbrat-I often wonder what your name really is:) Nice on the job!
    @Deb-:( I too have rediscovered sweets in the form of Coke. I am off it again tomorrow. I was/am too fit to go back to fat.

    For me, being busy CAN NOT be my excuse. It just can't. I have got to get my **** together. It has been a HORRIBLE eating and NO exercise week. I know better. I have eaten crap, and feel tired and yucky. Duh. I haven't been logging my calories, and I am not sure what to do about that, just because I can't log in at work and just don't have the 10-20 minutes to catch up at night or the morning. Next week is homecoming, so will be crazy. But NO EXCUSES! I have to do it. I will exercise tomorrow before the boys' games. Have a great week all.

    My name is Jessie. I thought I put it in the introduction part when we first started this, but I can't remember. But my name is Jessie. I am one of the nicest most angelic people you will ever meet. LOL. Who am I trying to fool?
  • mussmom
    mussmom Posts: 362 Member
    why hello jessie- I am sure you are an angel:) And, I think you did state your name, but I am sure I spaced it somewhere along the line.

    Hey girls! I actually completed my food diary today! Woot woot! Make lunch and packed a cooler for after football games-yea me! One day at a time.
  • mamaDaisyJ
    plank a day ~ 24 ~ switched to elbows and toes, a bit more difficult, which is what I'm after :)
    water ~ 6/7

    I tried to do my walk and was interrupted by my husband yelling "MAMA" up and down our road.... only to walk over to a friends, so I ended up doing about 15 minutes total but it was all interrupted. So, I got moving, but I don't think I earned anything from it. My daughter might do a 15 minute dance workout with me....

    And now I'm just ready for bed, I think I met calories... Haven't logged my evening yet, so we shall see.
  • helena98
    Everyone's doing so great! I wish "life" didn't get in the way this week, but when doesn't it???

    Basically, I fell off the wagon on Friday and Saturday, mostly due to my uncle's funeral this weekend. (In Pocatello!) But I also got great news on Friday. I got the job offer at the U! And I'm taking it!! I'll go in tomorrow to officially accept the offer and sign some papers, so I probably won't start for another week. And I'm kinda terrified about starting. Every time I had a break from work, the first week back was SO hard! Just pure physical exhaustion! But it shouldn't last long. I also hope that working full-time will keep me from grazing in my kitchen all day, so the pounds should just melt off, right? And I don't even want to think about how I'm going to squeeze workouts into my new schedule. One thing at a time...

    So...here are my challenge numbers.

    Exercise = 4/6
    Water = 4/6

    Anyone have ideas for next week's challenge? I'm happy to post new challenges unless someone else wants to jump in. Just say so!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Congrats Helen!! I am very excited for you! I know everything will work out as far as your schedule. Just give it time and don't stress over it too much. ;). As far as the schedule goes. I am fine with keeping the same one again this week. I was just getting the hang of it. Lets go for 7/7!! Of water anyways. I always take Sunday off of exercise!

    Totally forgot my pushups yesterday. I'm going to have to make it up!

    Have a great Sunday and don't forget your water!!
  • badbrat2005
    Hey ladies. Congrats on the job Helen. I start my new job tonight and am nervous as all get out. I have a quick question that I hope I get a reply to before I head to work in about 2 hours. Should I log from midnight to midnight or should I log from when I get up to when I go to sleep? Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks ladies.
  • mussmom
    mussmom Posts: 362 Member
    @Jessie-I would log in during awake hours. But isn't it all kinda the same? You don't eat or drink while sleeping.
    @Helen-woo hoo! Welcome to the craziness that is a full time job! That is so cool:) You will do great. If you have been reading my posts, then you know the food and exercise thing is a challenge. Depending on what time you have to leave for work, the morning is sometimes the best to get up and workout. Especially because the kids are sleeping and can't bother you:) Getting everyone ready is the next challenge. I am fortunate that my husband is home in the morning while I have practice in the a.m., so I don't have to worry about the kids getting ready and getting to school. Which reminds me, gotta go get lunch and my snacks ready.
    My challenge this week is to get water, get in three hard workouts in the morning on game days, eat decent and log my food intake. Did I mention it is homecoming? Haha...I can do it:)
  • badbrat2005
    Thank you. So when I wake up tomorrow, I will weighin and start tracking my food again from then til Tuesday morning when I go to bed and I will track it all under Mondays date.
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Jessie, you will have to figure out what works best for you. I always logged midnight to midnight as I didn't get good sleep during the day, and didn't usually work back to back. I tend to get hungry at 6 am too so that didn't help when I finished up my calories at 3...

    Tomorrow is the beginning of a new week. Lets bring it and exercise first thing! We can show a loss! (I will probably be the same in the morning, I hope so-I don't want to gain, but after all my stress this week that is entirely possible!)
  • badbrat2005
    I personally think midnight to midnight will be easier. Well test it out and see.
  • mamaDaisyJ

    I really have nothing else to say today. Sorry Team
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Daisy you ok? Don't apologize. You are our fearless leader! We all have days that we are down. I saw a picture of myself with makeup on recently and thought I had put lipstick on a pig. I try not to let it bother me but that's what I thought. Remember your weight is exactly where it should be today. Your choices effect it but your weight is not a determination of who you are. It is a tool we are using to measure progress no more than that!

    190 today! My weight is the same again. :( I did an interval workout this morning and am going to be avoiding desserts this week. I am excited by this bootcamp. I am going to really make this work!! Next week I will see a loss!!

    Quote for today.
    "Fatigue is the price of leadership. Mediocrity is the result of never getting tired." – Oswald Chambers

    I'm tired already that's good right? :)
  • helena98

    It's a new week, so it's time for new challenges. First, a little inspiration. Here are the winners from last season's Biggest Loser, sisters Olivia (1st place) and Hannah (2nd place). These ladies are AMAZING! I haven't watched BL in a couple years and decided to watch the episodes online. I just fell in love with these sisters!


    THESE are the results you get with discipline and hard work. They started out MUCH HEAVIER than we are right now. And if they can look like this, why not us? Let's tap into our hidden potentials!

    *************************WEEK CHALLENGES**************************

    EXERCISE -- Make a plan, and stick to it! We have busy moms, some starting new jobs, some getting over sicknesses, and it's easy to fall off track. Let's stay focused! Only have 10 minutes? USE THEM! Any calorie burns will make a difference with your energy levels and keep you motivated to watch your calories. Create your individual goal for how many minutes you want to workout this week, and DO IT!

    FOOD -- Limit your sweets/treats to only 700 calories this week. I just read an article that said, "Embrace your sugar cravings!" People who reported eating candy and chocolate tended to weigh less and have smaller waists than those who didn't eat it. Moderation is the KEY. They recommend a 100-calorie serving daily. Either have a small treat a day, or save up for a big dessert on the weekend. Either way, 700 calories is the limit!


    I'm aiming for 240 minutes of exercise this week. It's my last week to burn it up before starting work next week!

    And don't forget to watch The Biggest Loser! The new season starts tomorrow, and you can watch the episodes for free online at nbc.com in case you miss it.
  • badbrat2005
    I weighed in at 194.8 pounds today. Think that is a loss from last week. First night at the new job went well. Got some achy muscles and a nice blister on my heal from my boots. Gonna steal my moms steel toe sneakers when I go see her and see if they're more comfortable.
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Can't wait til I have before and after pics! Hopefully I will look that good! :wink:

    Did a pushup test today, 34 from the knees of course, but that is pretty awesome, the hundred pushup challenge is improving me! I am going to pickup where I left off tomorrow. How are you doing with it?

    I already allowed myself a treat when I wasn't going to. My willpower isn't so good. It was sitting there staring at me and I had to eat it.

    Did my measurements also. A little depressing, but the good thing is I can improve them. When was the last time you all measured yourselves? It can be eye opening. My bust, waist and hips are all within an inch of each other. I am determined that I am going to get an hourglass figure!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    By the way, I am looking forward to BL! Although I am worried it won't be the same without Jillian. I'll be watching tomorrow!