Rambling Random Hot Moms (Closed)



  • mussmom
    mussmom Posts: 362 Member
    hey-sorry...busy day, but I weighed 178.6 this morning. Staying the same. Can I count warming up my volleyball team as ten minutes of exercise? I didn't log it, but thinking it was better than nothing. Biggest Loser!!!! Woo hoo- I can't wait. I will miss Jillian so much :( Hannah and Olivia were the best, that was my favorite season. Loved them. Have a good day tomorrow all!! Keep at it! Oh, and the six peanut butter cream oreos I ate tonight did me in for sweets this week! I think it was 440 cals.-ouch!!!
  • helena98
    TOTALLY forgot to weigh in yesterday. 194.2 for me. Slight gain. .......[SIGH]...... Seems like it's impossible to lose 2 weeks in a row for me.

    badbrat's the winner this week, with the only weight loss! Let's hope we can all have some good losses this next week!!
  • mamaDaisyJ
    Not sure where Sugar is. She hadn't logged in 3 days Sunday, so I hope everything is ok with her!
    Sorry, I have a hard time keeping names straight with user names...
    Here are the results for the week.

  • helena98
    Weekly Challenge Check-In!

    Minutes exercised = 35 out of 240 (set your own goal)
    Sweets calories = 298 out of 700

    Limiting sweets is HARD!! But that's why we call it a challenge, yes? I'm almost half way to 700, and it's only been 2 days!!!!

    I'm off to tackle homework night with my son. (WORST nightly chore EVER.) And I'd still like to squeeze in a workout today. I usually do it first thing in the morning, but I ran around all day getting my kids registered for daycare next week. Still plenty of time to workout tonight! And I might as well get used to it cuz there's NO WAY I'm getting up early in the morning to workout once I start work. I'm just not an early bird......
  • badbrat2005
    Yay me. I would love to take a bow lol. I think work is really gonna help me out. Lots of lifting and bending. And it seems like less eating. Except tonight we were served a yummy steak dinner as soon as we got here. Didn't eat that steak though. Ill take that to my man but the veggies were yummy.
  • sugarlovebug
    sugarlovebug Posts: 158 Member
    I'm still here, Off the wagon. I took vacation this week, to get away from my work place. I am at my wits end with that place. Its a struggle to get out of bed everyday to go there. I had a break down last week over it. I really need help, but don't know where to go to. I would love to try weight watchers but I can't afford to pay for it. I wished I had someone here at home to do it with me. I have fallen back into my old ways. I feel horrible again, I need help! I have to find a new job before I go postal on my supervisor, she is the root of the problems. I am damned if I do, damned if I don't. I get harped on every. single. day! she treats me like I am 10 not 28, nothing I do is right. I have finally gotten to the point that if they are going to treat me like a child, I may as well act like one. ugh... I am so down in the dumps....
  • helena98
    sugarlovebug! So, so sorry you have to deal with a stressful boss! It's the WORST. I was just watching the Biggest Loser, and Bob said something that made me think of us. He said, "We all need to help these contestants as much as we possibly can. That’s what the Biggest Loser is all about. It’s about people all coming together and helping one another and realizing that you’re not alone." That's what MFP is about too! You're not alone, and we're here for you. We all understand how hard it is to lose weight and how much "life" gets in the way. Just take one day at a time. If all you can do today is get out of bed and get through your work day, that's enough. I'm just so glad to hear from you today! Feel free to send me messages or post replies anytime you need to vent.
  • sugarlovebug
    sugarlovebug Posts: 158 Member
    sorry this is a vent!
    I have come to realize that my supervisor maybe sabatoging my interviews. Even though I have put for possible employers not to call my current work place, I am sure they do. If they talk to my supervisor I know she says crap about me. This women hates me with a passion. I know she is trying to hurt me by saying things that are not true to keep possible employers from hireing me. I have had 3 interviews this year and several last year and I have yet to get a job. I have great references for them to call. I know that the job market is bad, I get that. I know I don't have the best education, but I am working on that.....ugh....I need a new job ASAP!!! I will work at Casey's even!!!
  • helena98

    Hello, Hot Moms!! Check out the weekly stats below.


    Here's a quick summary of the past 9 weeks.


    Hmmm..…we still can’t find that “inner fire” that we had at the beginning or at Week 6. Don’t sweat it! We’ve all had our off-days, our gains, our plateaus, you name it! Now it’s time to re-commit to your weight loss goals. As of tomorrow, there are 100 days left in this challenge. 100 days left until December 31. Let’s make these last 100 days count!

    GROUP 1:

    GROUP 2:

    GROUP 3:

    GROUP 4:

    GROUPS 5 & 6 – Discontinued. Active members of Group 5 moved to Group 7.

    GROUP 7:

    GROUP 8:

    GROUP 9:

    GROUP 10:
  • mussmom
    mussmom Posts: 362 Member
    Sugar...all I can say ia I hope things get better. Is it possible to not even mention her on your applications? Just put in the good referal numbers? I thinks we are all struggling with this school/new jobs/crappy jobs thing. I know lately I have been allowing myself way too many excuses. I have worked out one time since last week. I know I have been active with volleyball, and I am trying to bust it while cleaning, but it is just not the same as working up a good sweat! But, I have worked too hard to go back, so I know it will work itself out. I am anxious to watch the biggest loser, I have it recorded, just have to find the time. I am going to seriously miss Jillian:(
  • helena98
    Sugar...your boss is NOT smart if she's sabotaging your job hunting efforts. If she doesn't like you, doesn't it make more sense to tell potential future employers HOW GREAT you are, so that she will be rid of you for good? Yeah, some people are crazy. Don't stress about what your boss is doing or isn't doing. It's a lot of wasted energy. Use that energy to focus on yourself instead.
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Sugar, I agree with Helen. I wish you all the best with your job hunting...It'll happen, be glad you have the luxury of looking while you are still employed!

    I am having a difficult week. I have bumped up my exercise but my eating is off the wall. I have tried to cut back on sweets but for some reason the more I try to have less, the more I eat. I am trying to figure out what will work the best for me. Any tips on how you avoid the un healthy stuff?
  • sugarlovebug
    sugarlovebug Posts: 158 Member
    Sugar...your boss is NOT smart if she's sabotaging your job hunting efforts. If she doesn't like you, doesn't it make more sense to tell potential future employers HOW GREAT you are, so that she will be rid of you for good? Yeah, some people are crazy. Don't stress about what your boss is doing or isn't doing. It's a lot of wasted energy. Use that energy to focus on yourself instead.

    You would think that she would tell them wonderfull things, to get me out the door. But she is the type that would say hurtfull things to keep me there to hurt me more. I told my husband that, I would rather be fired at this point. He said it would be harder to explain that later on, I would rather explain it then stay there!?!?!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Sugar. Best of luck. Soon you will find the job you want and this will be a distant memory.

    I read today that if you are doing something you know you shouldnt you tell yourself. " you are better than that". Its been working. I also bought some yogurt to use as a dessert substitute so far so good! My hubby leave for Austin in the morning so the next few days should be interesting. Considering my emotional eating problems. He will be back Wednesday so it won't be too long.

    Hope you are having a great weekend!
  • mussmom
    mussmom Posts: 362 Member
    Okay girls-I am feelin it. My lowest is 177.8. I was 178.0 this morning. I had a great workout, drank lots of water, just have to drink lots tomorrow and eat well. I want to see 25 lbs. lost on my ticker in such a bad way!!!! Hope you all are having a great weekend, let's do it this week! Helen, saw that you worked out today-nice job!!!
  • sugarlovebug
    sugarlovebug Posts: 158 Member
    175.5lbs today! I have no idea how I managed that. I was completely bad and didn't work out at all.
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    189 for me. Hooray for a loss. Maybe exercise actually does make a difference?

    Sugar sometimes a binge is just what the body needs to let go of some weight. It prevents the starvation mode ;)
  • sugarlovebug
    sugarlovebug Posts: 158 Member
    I have posted a before and current picture in my profile, if your interested. I don't have photobucket, or whatever its called. I so wish you could just copy and paste straight from FB
  • badbrat2005
    I weighed in today at 195.6. I will blame the soda I have been drinking at work. Time to cut that out again lol.
  • mussmom
    mussmom Posts: 362 Member
    Grrr!!!! Sorry, I am the team failure this week. I thought I was going to make it too! I did drink lots of water, but it was a rest day for exercise. So strange how you fluctuate daily. :( 180.1 today. sigh.

    @Courtney-love your pic! You look so good!