Rambling Random Hot Moms (Closed)

And here we are with the new thread, as promised. We only had 4 check in this week :noway: Hopefully, that will be better next week!



  • mussmom
    mussmom Posts: 362 Member
    I'm counting five-haha-don't forget yourself:) But yes, sadly we are losing some members. Wonder how the rest of the groups are doing with that? Summer is ending and it is getting crazy! Have a good day my random HOT moms (oh yes we are!).
  • alp0918
    alp0918 Posts: 8
    I'm still here! Was out of town helping my grandparents move last week. They live out in the middle of nowhere, couldn't even get cell service out there. Ugh!

    So I'm really not down as much as I would like to be, this morning when I weighed I was at 188.8, still a loss, just not as quickly as I'd liked or hoped.
  • sugarlovebug
    sugarlovebug Posts: 158 Member
    Hi Ladies!! just a happy thing for me and TMI for you. lol!! I tried on a nightie I got at my bridal shower over 4 years ago, that didn't fit in the first place. Well it fits and its too big in the chest region. lol! :blushing: :bigsmile: :laugh: Maybe I will actually wear it for the hubs. lol! I did tell the hubs that when I lost all my weight I want to lose that I will let him pick out all new underwear and bras for me. he is always complaining about my granny panties and non matching bras. lol!
  • mussmom
    mussmom Posts: 362 Member
    Hi Ladies!! just a happy thing for me and TMI for you. lol!! I tried on a nightie I got at my bridal shower over 4 years ago, that didn't fit in the first place. Well it fits and its too big in the chest region. lol! :blushing: :bigsmile: :laugh: Maybe I will actually wear it for the hubs. lol! I did tell the hubs that when I lost all my weight I want to lose that I will let him pick out all new underwear and bras for me. he is always complaining about my granny panties and non matching bras. lol!

    Not TMI-that is an excellent NSV!!! Also gets the man on board with you (then eventually them:) eating better! Happy day! Way to go.
  • mussmom
    mussmom Posts: 362 Member
    I'm still here! Was out of town helping my grandparents move last week. They live out in the middle of nowhere, couldn't even get cell service out there. Ugh!

    So I'm really not down as much as I would like to be, this morning when I weighed I was at 188.8, still a loss, just not as quickly as I'd liked or hoped.

    welcome back!!!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Aloha all you rambling random hot moms! Hopefully you are doing well. I have become extremely short on motivation lately. I need to find it again. I have even slacked off on my book (the beck diet solution) Time to pick it up and read again! For now I am going to get some water...how have you done on that today?
  • helena98
    helena98 Posts: 327

    We’ve “whittled” down our numbers, ladies! We started out with 74 members on July 18. Now, 4 weeks later, we are down to 60. A couple of group captains dropped inactive members (those who haven’t checked in for 2 or more weeks). One member is also celebrating a pregnancy and is no longer being tracked.

    Check out our weekly update below:

    No group gains this week, and that’s a large improvement from last week! Yay, Hot Moms!!

    This chart is SO condensed that it’s difficult to see the personal progress members are making. After 4 weeks, I thought it would be helpful to provide some performance feedback. Let’s use these numbers to better understand where we are and to help us get to where we want to be.

    First, let’s recognize the 16 moms who are on track to reach their 12/31/11 goal weights. (Chart organized by group #.)

    Special Shout-Out to :flowerforyou: swimmom2 :flowerforyou: for reaching 50% already! You’re half-way there!!

    There are also 19 moms who are 50-97% towards their 12/31/11 goal weights. Here they are below:

    That leaves us with 25 moms who are 0-49% towards their 12/31/11 goal weights. No reason to list them – they know who they are. :tongue: This includes me, Hot Moms.

    To give you my numbers, my SW was 199.0, and I have lost a grand total of 1.8 lbs since July 18. If I continue down this path, I will lose a total of 10.4 lbs by December 31, which is only 28% of the weight I need to lose to reach my GW. Considering this feedback, I have 2 options: (1) Change my 12/31/11 GW to 188.6 so I can be on track to reach my GW, or (2) Kick it up a notch, eat clean, exercise hard, and start losing more than a pound a week so that I can get to my original 12/31/11 GW. For me, I choose option 2. These past 4 weeks were hard, due to family outings and sickness, so I’m hopeful my numbers will improve. I recognize that there are just under 20 weeks left in the year. I only need to lose 1.6 lbs a week to obtain my GW, so I believe it’s still possible; therefore, my GW stays the same (for now).

    Now take a moment to review your numbers. Are you on track? If not, do you want to adjust your 12/31/11 GW? If yes, don’t sweat it! It’s all about using this feedback to help you get where you want to be. Remember, there is no such thing as failure – only feedback; only results.

    Let's go, Hot Moms!!
    Posted on the following groups:
    --“Who want to be a hot mom?!” Group 1 (closed group)
    -- Who Wants to Be a Hot Mom – Group 2 – CLOSED THREAD
    -- Random Rambling Hot Moms (Closed)
    Group 3
    -- Who wants to be a HOT MAMA group 4 (closed group)
    -- Who wants to be a HOT MOM group 5
    -- “Who Wants to Be a Hot Mom” Group 7
    -- Who wants to be a hot mom?!: GROUP 8 CLOSED THREAD.
    -- Who wants to be a hot mom-Group 9 (closed group)
    -- Hot Mom (Closed group)-Mommies in Control
    Group 10
  • mussmom
    mussmom Posts: 362 Member
    You, Helen-are simply amazing!! Thank you so much for taking the time to provide the charts to all the groups-wow. Reading it this morning just provided a little inspiration in the "stay with it" department for me:) I have been reluctant this morning to plan my new lifting routine to do during or directly after I am on the elliptical or stationary bike. I have been stressing about planning for school to start-I revamped my teaching plan and it includes lab activities 2x a week-so I have to plan 6 labs per week for my sciences classes. (Add to that, I teach middle schoolers-haha!)

    So, we are all stressing the importance of planning our eating and exercise on top of our family and work responsibilities-wow, maybe we should have named our group Super Duper We Do It All and Take Care of Ourselves Moms :) Whew-too much of a mouthful. Anyway--thanks for the inspiration!!! I am trying to not look at the scale as much Daisy:) I am drinking TONS of water. I haven't been over calories, but not eating as well as I was, so trying to focus on that. Going to try and get the Man on board with helping me pack the boys' lunches to save $ and get them eating healthier than school lunch. I practice my 7th grade volleyball girls at 6:30 a.m., so he gets the boys to school. We both work in the same building (our school is K-12), so it is nice to catch a glimpse of them some days:) My poor kids will have to have their mom for three years and dad for two in h.s. Builds character, right? Here I am rambling on and on again when what I should be doing is planning some lab activities!

    Make it a great day all!!! Our group rocks!
  • sugarlovebug
    sugarlovebug Posts: 158 Member
    Great job Koeniginhla on the charts!! You're the best!

    I am chopping off my hair this weekend. as part of my birthday and what I have accomplishied so far on my weight loss. I'm not getting it colored after all, my stylist doesn't have time too that day. oh well maybe in a few weeks...

    I don't think I will be down to 175lb by Wednesday(24th) like I wanted to be. but I will be close. 3lbs is a lot to lose in one week, since my average is down now. I should be with in 2lbs of it I think. I may suprise myself, who knows. but I doubt it, since the hubs is taking me out for my birthday Friday. I guess I will cherish 28 because its 2 years closer to 30....
  • mamaDaisyJ
    mamaDaisyJ Posts: 395
    Today was a rest day of sorts, I did a lot of cleaning but skipped the bike ride today. Still have calories for my evening snack while I veg out on Star Trek:TNG < there's that dork again! I also ended up on the scale this morning for whatever reason and I was down a pound from yesterday! Hopefully that will give me a good start on the week.

    I heard from Jalapenos, she is out of town also and should check in next week.
    My daughter is helping me work on my simple math~

    Grats on the NSV Sugar! I might have to get me some lingerie to shrink into. How long is your hair? Mine is about 2 inches below the waist of most my pants. I was thinking about cutting it short when I get close to my goal... and dying it in stripes or something fun ya know lol. Even if you don't hit 175 "on time", you will be closer than you were last month :drinker: I remember 28... it was fun, I was still single back then and traveling and partying and thin.. well fit anyway lol

    @Deb~ sometimes it takes going back to the beginning to find where or why you lost motivation. From what I saw of your Beck post, it seems an ideal place to find it. I have had at least 9 glasses of water a day, I reached 13 one day. Still not up to my 15 :grumble:

    @Helen~ once again, great job on the charts. It's just so revealing and makes it fun and competitive. While I'm not quite where I wanted to be at this point, I am gonna keep my goals intact.

    @Muss~ I would do strength after cardio. I remember reading somewhere that your heartrate would stay elevated through the strength and burn fat cause you are building muscle or something like that. Either way, if it stays elevated you are gonna burn more calories right? Of course, on days you are more pressed for time combining the workouts would help ya out. I find it interesting that as a teacher, you consider a packed lunch healthier than the hot meal the schools provide. In the case of our district, I agree.

    OK! I got it, I really need to post more often or something~
    Deanna Troi is a Cardassian! I have apparently not been paying attention....
  • helena98
    helena98 Posts: 327
    Where has this week gone?! I can't believe it's Thursday already. I finally got out of the house on Tuesday and Wednesday for school shopping. I just went to 2 stores on both days, and the outings wiped me out!! I'm only 37; why is strep kicking my butt so hard? I haven't worked out in 9 days, and I'm tired of giving my body a break. I'm going to do an easy elliptical workout within the hour. Maybe only 30 minutes, and keeping my heart rate below 75%.

    My poor kids have basically been stuck at home since Friday, with only the store outings the past 2 days, and they're so bored and have resorted to teasing and screaming every second they get. So today's afternoon outing will be to go to the local bounce house arena, where they can run around and bounce as long as they want, while I sit and take it easy. This way, the kids get to be active, and I won't be taxing my body too much after this morning's workout.

    And lots of water! I did great on Monday -- 120 ounces! -- but I didn't even get in 60 ounces on Tuesday and Wednesday.

    And back to tracking calories! I fell off that wagon 9 days ago, too. Time to get back on again.

    Thanks for the positive feedback on the charts! It's been fun tracking everyone.
  • mussmom
    mussmom Posts: 362 Member
    @Helen-I hope you feel better soon. The bounce house sounds great-my two boys are also resorting to nit picking at each other. School will be a welcome break. My oldest gets to play tackle football this year-so life is so good around here on that note.

    Did get my new lifts planned, and happy that I have some new muscles sore today (obliques and legs) oh yea. I hope you all are doing great. My water consumption has been good-but I am eating pizza tonight-I know, bad, but I am going to enjoy every bite. AND NOT FEEL GUILTY! :)
  • helena98
    helena98 Posts: 327
    Hahaha!!!! I had pizza for dinner too!!

    I worked out today for the first time in 9 days. YAY! Just an easy elliptical workout -- didn't want to push myself too hard while I'm still on penicillin for strep. And it felt SOOOOO good!

    After dinner, I put in my calories and realized I was about 300 calories over my limit (thanks a lot, pizza!), and I only had 9 glasses of water. I was aiming for 15 today, so I was a bit disappointed. Then I said, "The day ain't over yet!" So I strapped on my heart rate monitor and told myself to clean, clean, clean the house until I hit 300 calories. I didn't even have to do the whole house -- just the kitchen. I scrubbed it from floor to ceiling. It only took 45 minutes, and I burned 373 calories! I even got in 4 more glasses of water. So I ended the day under my calorie limit after all. Man, wish I could be this productive every day, right?
  • sugarlovebug
    sugarlovebug Posts: 158 Member
    Well I weighed in this morning, since this weekend will be a bad weekend. I am at 176.6lbs. I will weight again Monday and on Wedneday as well. Just to see if I made my birthday goal. Not too bad only being .4lbs off of my bday goal. I really thought I would be 2lbs over. Thank you Jillian Micheals!!! One more day until level 2, Since we are going to the city tonight, I doubt I get todays workout in, but I will make it up with all the walking I will be doing.

    have a great weekened everyone!!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    So my scale up and died. Third one in six months!! This is the second replacement the company sent me. I am done with digital for awhile. I just bought a cheap dial one, I dont need it down to a decimal any way as long as it is going down that's what matters right?? Just so frustrating!!

    Mama you are right. I need to go back to the beginning I realized that I am really liking my thoughts that I don't care and don't want to give them up. If I don't care then I have tons of excuses. Keeping the house and losing weight just don't matter if I don't care. I have been saying oh well too often to the wrong things. I am going to make a board like the one in this video and put it where I will see it daily. http://eatcleandiet.com/the_kitchen_table/story/post.aspx?id=17017 Then I will remember. What other things do you do to maintain your motivation?
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Oh and helen you are amazing. Thanks for tracking everything. It's fun to see what's happening!
  • mussmom
    mussmom Posts: 362 Member
    Tried to take the new pup for a short walk tonight and ended up jogging back after 1/4 mile (if that)-holy shiz whiz-the mosquitoes were attacking me!!! The first time I looked down I yelped out loud-there were like 15 on my calf. Needless to say, that ended the walk. Sorry pup. Should have lifted and elliptical today, but spent the day with my boys and absolutely killed the eating when I had a mini bacon burger at Five Guys Burger and Fries. *Sigh*
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    So was the mini burger something different than what you would have normally ordered? I probably normally would have the combo, fries and drink and large burger. Congratulations on making the small changes. They make all the difference!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Thought I would share this from jonathon Roche. Just what I needed today.

    No Excuses Quote of the Day!

    “It is a funny thing about life; if you refuse to accept
    anything but the best, you very often get it.”
    – W. Somerset Maugham

    Don't sabotage your results by taking weekends off!

    The weekend represents over 1/3 (36%) of your week.

    So if you work hard during the week to nail your
    workouts and watch your nutrition and then slack off
    all weekend, you end up not getting very far. 

    It is like taking 3 steps forward during the week and
    then taking 2 or 3 steps back each weekend and the
    result is no or minimum results.
    Don’t give yourself the “It’s the weekend!” excuse to blow off your workouts and to eat badly. 

    I am not telling you to be too serious and not enjoy yourself.  But I am telling you to stay “in the game” on the weekends. 

    You are doing too much quality work during the week to let it slip away each weekend. 
    Today is a new day so make this weekend the first weekend that does not set you back.  No Excuses!

    Today’s Fitness Mission: The Family Fun Workout!

    Plan something active and fun with your kids, spouse or a friend - go for a walk, bike ride, hike, clean the garage, play tag, etc.
  • mussmom
    mussmom Posts: 362 Member
    I like! It is so true about how we can kill all of our hard work in one weekend. I finally had a really good day. Ate great, exercised and enjoyed an excellent deep tissue massage to reward myself for stickin with the weight training. Hope you all are having a great weekend!